How many more Deaths and Hospitalizations will it take before the TGA in Australia lets Doctors try Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine ?
Open Letter / Email to John Skerritt of the TGA - 28th of July 2022
Subject : John Skerritt - Volume 01 - Obstruction of Safe Early Covid19 Treatments ; When will you end them ? - How many more Deaths and Hospitalizations will it take before you let Doctors try Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine ?
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Dear John Skerritt,
As the Covid19 Death toll climbs
As the Adverse Effects Reports from mRNA “Vaccines” climb to levels never seen before for a TGA approved “medication”
As more and more Doctors can no longer live with themselves pretending there is nothing wrong with the public health response
As Mainstream Media begin to cover what is going wrong and who is to blame for it
Nice Example:
I thought I would also remind you of the tidal wave of Data that suggest your actions (the TGA’s) of obstructing safe and effective components of multidrug prophylaxis and early treatment protocol options are resulting in an accumulation of unnecessary deaths and hospitalizations.
It is interesting to note (from a possible malfeasance perspective) that this obstruction of decades safely used Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was timed precisely at the worst possible moment with respect to the spread of Covid19 and timed at the best possible moment to promote an exclusive and massive roll out of mRNA vaccine products by huge pharmaceutical giant companies including Pfizer and Moderna that may have been working closely with the TGA over the decades.
I limit my look to the data from “Health” NSW Services.
Source Data Obtained from :
Epidemiological reports Week 8 through to Week 27
A collection of reports available here :
Assumptions as explained later 74.9% unnecessary Covid19 Deaths and 87.6% unnecessary Covid19 Hospitalizations
From NSW report week 8 it is estimated that there would have been 1,269 less Covid19 Deaths in NSW alone.
From NSW report week 8 it is estimated that there would have been 11,595 less Covid19 Hospitalizations in NSW alone.
If you or anyone reading this email has ANY doubts that the obstruction of these medications have not caused unnecessary Deaths and Hospitalizations; compelling evidence can be found on this summary website
Please note:
Studies are shown for many individual drugs. A moron in medicine would expect the action of a single drug in a uniform randomized clinical trial would reveal the best treatment protocol for a pandemic, whereas the Doctors that these morons should be consulting with realise that these individual drug studies may point to that drug being included in multi-drug protocols tailored to the individual seeking treatment and subject to dynamic feedback and revision by the Doctor to assist their patient (unhampered by moronic health authority and moronic health regulator obstructions).
Dynamic multi-drug protocols HAVE developed from these studies as per the US peer review protocol example you have been made personally aware of for at least 12 months; see
The deaths and hospitalisation data presented below is limited to a period where you, John Skerritt, have been personally aware of early treatment protocols involving Ivermectin and HCQ being used in the US and around the globe in regions where their governing health authorities have not obstructed these essentially safely prescribed medications over many decades and over literally billions of doses.
Both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have orders of magnitude safer per dose track records than the current neither safe nor effective mRNA “vaccines” that you (the TGA) have recently unleashed on Australian infants as young as 6 months; mRNA novel technology with no medium or long term safety data; mRNA technology with daily growing evidence that it:
- impairs human’s innate immune system
- affects reproductive organs (male and Female)
- is resulting in unprecedented higher all-cause mortality
- is leading to unprecedented reductions in countrywide birth rates
- is leading to unprecedented increases in rates of miscarriages
- may now be reverse transcribing into the very DNA of humans.
The above conservative impact of TGA obstructions of the safely prescribed Ivermectin and HCQ on the NSW Death and Hospitalization is taken from:
Risk reduction of Death 74.9%
Risk Reduction of Hospitalization 87.6%
Note, these are likely conservative when you scroll down to the predominantly green table of
“Physician results with early treatment protocols compared to no early treatment”
These physicians are using multi-drug protocols tailored to the individual seeking treatment and their treatment is subject to feedback and revision.
Many of these Physicians have openly made themselves available for consultation with you personally and I can still arrange direct consultations if you wish to do something about the likely results of your (the TGA’s) obstructions of early treatment protocols.
John Skerritt , do you personally have any doubt that, with respect to Covid19, early treatment protocols can do better than what Australia currently has at its disposal with the current TGA Obstructions on Medications and TGA “Vaccines” made available ?
Reminder from:
“Physician results with early treatment protocols compared to no early treatment”
John, also don’t you think it is time you spoke with any or all of the following that I can put you into direct contact with (and there’s many more)?:
Brian Tyson
George Fareed
Shankara Chetty
Peter McCullough
Pierre Kory
Ian Brighthope
Tess Lawrie
Sabine Hazan
Geert Vanden Bossche
Robert Malone
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