Is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation a tool to Hijack Medical Research
Covid19 has been the most disruptive world influence since World War 2. It's death Toll may yet climb to and surpass World War 2. Yet the Death Toll does not appear to be from Covid19
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Why would there be research studies “Designed to fail” , especially in the US and the UK for decades safely prescribed and safely used products like Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin and EVEN Povidone Iodine?
There is now overwhelming Clinical evidence that there ARE unpatented preventative and early treatment protocols that could have and do reduce the Hospitalization and Death from Covid19 to levels far below what would ever be declared a Health Emergency; far below what would allow Emergency Powers to override basic human rights and freedoms ; far below what would allow emergency authorization of some of the most untested and potentially devastating novel technology mRNA “Vaccines”
The following link is to a folder with files that anyone can download to help them expand on this investigation and Exposé:
In the folder :
File 1.0
An Excel File sorting the BMGF "Grants" and totalling some (but not all) of the Major "Influenced Institutions"
Such Institutions appear to be spawning Authors to participate/contribute Medical Journal articles/studies/papers that show the failure of unpatented Early Treatments for Covid19.
Co-incidentally, such Institutions appear to be spawning Authors to participate/contribute Medical Journal articles/studies/papers that show the
Passing of neither safe nor effective Covid19 Vaccines and Patented Medications.
This assertion is made in light of subsequent real world data.
For example
You will also see the Institutions have also spawned "Advisory Committee" members in "Health" Regulators around the globe including CDC, ACIP, FDA,NIH, TGA ; you name a regulator and you'll find the “spores”
A Sneak Preview of the file:
So you can easily cut and paste:
World Health Organization (WHO) $4,378,409,480.00
University of Washington and Its Foundation $1,724,974,794.00
Johns Hopkins University $1,000,711,384.00
Harvard $546,227,070.00
Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) $507,728,384.00
Duke University $327,737,456.00
University of Oxford $320,631,457.00
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) $310,276,288.00
Imperial College London $306,949,145.00
University of California San Francisco $283,887,119.00
University of Maryland $277,452,337.00
Cornell University parent University of Weill Cornell Medicine $252,673,940.00
Stanford University $200,271,787.00
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill $157,599,278.00
Massachusetts General Hospital $153,059,375.00
Yale University $84,304,349.00
University of Virginia $77,972,045.00
Monash University $63,578,451.00
University of Pittsburgh $62,084,198
Boston University $56,064,351.00
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute $55,704,383.00
University of Michigan $50,875,671.00
University of Colorado $36,651,234
University of Minnesota $30,106,045.00
University of Florida $22,411,438
Vanderbilt University $21,772,416.00
McMasters $21,002,813.00
University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc. $18,802,989.00
Brown University $13,625,211.00
Shanghai Jiao Tong University $9,622,919.00
File 2:
The Open Gates Form : ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
ICJME stands for International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
This is an across the board Medical Journal's Standard Disclosure for Conflicts of Interests when Authors are making submissions to Medical Journals
in it you will see under
"Relevant financial activities outside the submitted work"
"......charitable foundations... need not be disclosed"
I wonder who influenced this form being adopted with this clause ?
File 3:
A PDF file of the Share holding for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
This in itself is an arduous document to sift through. The next file goes through this exercise to reveal how the BMGF benefits from research that would show that Covid19 vaccines do work and that unpatented early treatment multidrug components can not work.
File 4:
An Excel File that sorts the share holdings of BMGF by value
And there is over USD 14.8 billion in share holding in Companies that have made a "killing" in earnings from Covid19 Vaccine related activities ; links to these conflicts provided in the Excel File
If some-one where to get a hold of the share held personally by Bill Gates and his Family that may reveal even more
A Closer Look at “Designed to Fail” Submissions
Going back to “Designed to Fail” Trials of non Patented Covid19 Early Treatment Components of life saving protocols; this in my mind was the key and most wicked/devastating move.
These submissions facilitate the ongoing state of emergency and public fear, resulting directly in untreated dead patients, likely in the millions at the time of writing this article, and it created a clear pathway for massive sales revenue for what approach to Covid19 was left; Covid19 neither safe nor effective vaccines and other emerging superficially tested medications:
Again: This assertion is made in light of subsequent real world data.
For example
Four easy to spot traits of wicked intention studies
Recent Example : Ivermectin Hit-Piece
a) Look at the Authors and look for the Author Affiliations with BMGF
b) Look at the Method
There you will invariably see one or more obvious design flaws
i) Not done in the early stages (eg after Viral replication has taken place)
ii) Wrong and/or known dangerous dosages
iii) In the absence of known critical partner Drugs - in the case of HCQ and Ivermectin without Zinc
iv) Done on a population group (like a very young group without co-morbidities) where you can expect a good outcome regardless of what was tested hence "no statistical difference" result
c) look at the cherry picking of Data or early termination of Studies where conclusions do not match the data
Harder to pick manipulation includes erroneous statistical measurements and graphs etc; but a) and b) should identify the vast majority.
File 5:
A revealing linked in Profiles collection
A recent item in the potential rising death toll of Covid19 is the 15-0 “advice” from the ACIP committee to the CDC
See any Gates Influence here ?..
Example Studies on Ivermectin that ticks all the boxes of “Set Up to Fail”
Think how particularly wicked the motives would be for a study that is set up to fail that would discourage or prevent that constituent’s use in life saving preventative and or early treatment protocols in the fight against Covid19
Update: Feb 2025:
USA Withdraws from the WHO
See: How this will affect the Funding of the WHO;
But more could be done …………….
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