What Have I Done ?
Technology Shines a Torch on the Uncontrolled Biodistribution of mRNA. New Peer reviewed study confirms an uncontrolled Biodistribution of mRNA & its body wide production of the pathogenic proteins.
Author Note: All underlined text - is a link to supporting information. It is definitely worth clicking on a few of these links.
See the new Paper (Published January 14th 2025:
Nanocarrier imaging at single-cell resolution across entire mouse bodies with deep learning
The paper shows that it does not matter what delivery mechanism you use for mRNA; genetic instructions will distribute throughout the body.
The peer reviewed paper goes on to say that this uncontrolled mRNA biodistribution leads to the production of the Covid-19 Spike Protein; See the library of peer reviewed papers that all point to the Spike Protein causing disease; ie being pathogenic ;think for a moment what it means to have this being produced throughout your body and its organs.
Update Feb 20th 2025 - What have they done to the unborn ?
Here’s a video showing the natural production of proteins from mRNA instructions that come from the DNA contained in the nucleus of the cell, meant to produce that protein. We know this is an extremely finely balanced process that works with the resources of the relevant cell and in accordance with what that cell is expected to produce in order to fit into the body’s extremely complicated network of finely tuned interconnected functions.
We (the Public & Doctors) were all (mis)“informed” that the mRNA injections would remain local to the intramuscularly (I.M.) injected site.
The TGA headed by John Skerritt knew better prior to releasing this technology.
The TGA, Headed by John Skerrit, had a paper from Pfizer themselves clearly showing an uncontrolled Biodistribution and the TGA chose not to inform us of this significantly hazardous property of the mRNA technology.
The Paper In A Nutshell:
The paper is about a method of shinning a light on the Biodistribution, throughout the body, down to a cellular level, for pharmaceutical nanocarriers. In the case of Covid-19 mRNA “vaccines” they use Lipid Nano Particle (nanocarriers) to deliver trillions of synthetic Genetic Instruction
The method of shinning a light on the Biodistribution is called Single Cell Precision Nanocarrier Identification (SCP-Nano)
The hope is to use such a tool to safely understand and predict if there is a safe way to deliver medications with nanocarriers to the intended target.
In this paper they confirmed no matter what method of delivery they used with Lipid Nano Particles; the Genetic mRNA instructions contained in the nanocarriers went all over the body in varying amounts. Of Course Pfizer and the TGA knew this before a single dose was given to Australians.
Below is Data from Table 3c, confirming what a loose cannon mRNA delivered by Lipid Nano Particles represents.
Note I.M.** is the “application route” that millions of Australians were subjected to when they were injected IntraMuscularly (I.M.)
A mRNA Lung Disaster Waiting To Happen with Nasal “Vaccines”
It is very clear that there has been a staggering increase in heart damage and disease after the roll out of mRNA Vaccines with I.M. (Jab) delivery.
The Substack link below covers the almost perfect temporal match of Vaccine Doses to heart related hospitalizations that took place in state of Victoria at the hands of then Premier Dan Andrews and his Genetic mRNA Vaccines Mandates for all ages where Dan Andrews ignored the relatively negligible risk faced by most healthy people in Victoria from Covid-19 .
Imagine if places like Monash University continue on their Gates funded way to continue the develop mRNA vaccines and they are also considering Nasal Vaccines…
Many believe it is time to put Monash University, the Victorian State Government and ANY other mRNA collaborators on notice; the mRNA platform is as dangerous, if not more dangerous, than old nuclear technology. You wouldn’t want an old nuclear plant built in your neighborhood for fear of radiation leaks, so who the hell would want mRNA technology delivered into their bodies knowing the Genetic leak risks.
See: https://www.monash.edu/news/articles/monash-university-and-moderna-form-partnership-to-advance-homegrown-mrna-medicines
Not only has mRNA failed in an incredibly reckless way with known uncontrolled biodistribution of impure genetic instructions encased in inflammatory Lipid Nano Particles delivering mRNA to produce a Pathogenic Protein for an unknown and dangerously long length of time, but the people including investors are waking up.
If you have a child about to enter University it could be a good idea to warn them against participating in reckless human experiments involving mRNA and look to more net positive options where they can participate on the right side of History for human advances and healthcare.
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Hi Geoff, I'd be interested to the discussion - do you have a direct link
As this paper shows through the nose is most likely path into saturating the lungs with LNP mRNA Genetic instructions - the perfect delivery for respiratory symptom pathogens
Can not rule it out; Likely depends upon how recently the man was "vaccinated" and how many times. The Lipid Nano Particles go everywhere it seams.
The Nanoparticles themselves are inflammatory and also carry Genetic Instructions.
And then there are the spike proteins already produced; they have been found to be pathogenic.
There are serious concerns about blood banks having the blood from vaccinated individuals whereas the recipient might be a "pure blood" free of synthetic Genetic Instructions. You have to watch what hospital you go to if this is a concern and confirm they will allow you to choose where any donor blood comes from.
Shedding is the term given for mRNA Vaccinated possible affecting unvaccinated around them
Not so sure about it - hope it does not happen but cant rule it out
Exchanging bodily fluids is a likely way of passing some of the Genetic and Lipid Nano Particle problems of this reckless technology