Hi Jason,

Both Mainstream Media and AI do spit out information without explaining their sources; they are primary tools for those controlling the information we see and are used to constantly convey "messaging". With AI you can drill down further into what they spit out and when you get to circular answers where there is no key source or the source is obviously biased (As per your usual checks) its a good sign it is preprogrammed messaging and narrative.

Your method where you can check the source , authors (conflicts of interest and obvious bias) and funding is much more likely to yield reliable results or results that you can put into context.

Like QR codes there is reticence for many to use the newer technology because of the issue of Trust and seeing the way that these technologies have and can be used to control us; for example QR codes with Digital IDs.

I would encourage people to embrace QR codes as a way to get past internet blindfolds put in place by the likes of Google, Youtube, Facebook, Linked in etc..

Here's a great site to use so you can point people to information that the internet blindfold out of the awakening public eye


With this you can use some good old fashion mail outs and print outs that point to content locations that the internet trolls can not easily stop.



I include a share QR code with most of the posts

A good thought to keep in mind:

When contemplating more than one solution it is never a case of either/or it is most often a case of a symbiotic mix; something reflected in the approach to the treatment of Covid-19 itself and particularly when looking at the McCullough Protocol (which in truth is a combination of solutions from many heroic doctors including Vladimir Zelenko, Pierre Kory, Shankara Chetty, Jackie Stone Sabine Hazan and many others).

With the ChatGPT "conversation" posted I think we extracted an accurate "flavor" of the incredible Genetic complexity that is being "fumbled with" and the insane and obvious scope of risks that is taken when messing with our Genetic complexity using synthetically produced, manipulated and introduced mRNA with a body wide distribution.

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As much as those controlling AI would like to think they can stop their technology from sharing what they don't want shared, to completely block and control the information that can be extracted from users would require that they remove so much information and capability as to render the platform close to useless.

Knowing how to use AI is an artform (Still working on it) and it is very easy to go down a path of seemingly water tight arguments for the safety and efficacy of these Crazy Dangerous Genetic mRNA platforms ; I say Crazy Dangerous if they are not reserved for specific individuals with very special needs rather than an intended planet wide roll out (On Humans , Animals, Insects or Vegetation).

A lot more information on the complexity being poked at with reckless abandon can be found on this much earlier post


As you rightly point out - knowing that there is a strongly biased presentation of information that is majority controlled can give insight into approaches on how to extract the information we need;

For example the stronger a message is pushed in mainstream the more likely we know there is a coverup going on - here's a great example:

WikiPedia - read what it tries to say about Barbara O'Neill (Someone I just came across )

Here is the WikiPedia Link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_O'Neill

Conclusion she has a lot to offer the world in Medical Knowledge that the Medical Cabal don't want you to know

And here is a link to a playlist of her lectures that WikiPedia failed to include


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Thank you! Excellent dissertation on the complexity of the human body on the micro level. This alone should give great pause to those who believe they can inject RNA and reprogram cellular function and CONTROL THE OUTCOME! Our NIH and it's branches are a sleep at the switch and the criminality of what is transpiring needs to be stopped NOW! Our medical professionals should be resigning in mass to stop the carnage that has been done and will be done if we continue down this road. I will cross post this to my readers.

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Thank you for your understanding and dissemination of the message; the incredible complexity and the vast risks of mRNA, if conveyed to those wondering what is going on around them with their own health that of their family and that of their friends, should make them think very carefully about going along with any more simple statements like "safe and effective".

I don't expect anyone to read the full conversation ,though those suffering with a sneaking suspicion they or a loved one are suffering from what they took (Pfizer or Moderna) will look a lot harder at the discussion as they look for answers their mainstream doctors will not ever venture.

Another Post to point to is


This post covers the incredible risk of mRNA and points out the mechanisms in its supporting information as to how such technology was declared "safe and effective"

A recent video I reviewed will also help people wake up to the utter manipulation that exists within the Medical Cabal - this one focusing on the hundreds of Billions of Dollars Oncology Industrial Complex


Thank You

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Our viewpoints are in alignment. What is ignored in the oncology community is the role of the immune system and how to boost it and in the process eliminate the trace toxins that negatively impact it. Here is a great article on the issue.https://doortofreedom.org/when-guano-was-gold/

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NIH was not asleep at the switch; they caused the problem and covered it up.

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I have to thank NOBODY (in particular) for this amazing conversation and the listings the chat provides of cell and mRNA functions. It is quite a resource for us non-science, non-medical people to understand. Thanks to Dr. Malone for cross posting this article.

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mRNA is a technology we all need to be very weary of as is evidenced by the complexity of human Genetics and the infantile approach to the use of Synthetic Genetics on our bodies by very greedy corporations. There are plans to expand the use of mRNA and the world needs to be aware of this. The same companies that advocate mRNA advocate a lot of vaccines and make a lot of money from them. There is certainly talk of combination mRNA vaccines that include Flu Vaccines. Without going too far into it, the use of many vaccines and the level of due safety diligence taken in testing them or having them approved is now in question. Many people are no refusing the FLU vaccine regardless of if it is mRNA and I don't blame them.

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Very smart way of getting round Chat GPT's inherent GIGO tendencies!

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I expect it is mostly manipulated and filtered Garbage-In-Garbage-Out in the case of Chat GPT.

For the AI platform to have any credibility it also needs to demonstrate it can pull up vast amounts of detail for answers.

So keeping the metaphors alive with Chat GPT "let's not throw the Baby out with the Bathwater" and extract what usefulness there is ;making sure we only use the clean water.

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THIS QUOTE SEEMS TO EXPOSE THE BIAS...."Safety Protocols: mRNA-based therapies and vaccines are rigorously tested for safety and efficacy in clinical trials. Continuous monitoring ensures that any unexpected adverse effects are detected and managed." THIS IS WHAT THE CREATORS TRIED TO IMBED IN CHATGPT BUT OF COURSE THE QUESTIONS RENDERED THE BIAS INEFFECTIVE AND ESSENTIALLY EXPOSED IT.

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Caught that too.

After detailing the many potentials for bodywide carnage, that phrase stood out like the proverbial sore thumb.

"Rigorously tested for safety and efficacy" MEANS *Rigorous Testing*, not a facsimile of it.

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By 2021, CDC statistics showed covid-hospitalisations and mortality were overwhelmingly a matter of old age and multiple comorbidities. By the end of 2020, the EUA RCTs showed no proof of meaningful (longer-term) benefits. Thus, regardless of the then unknown (and know) risks of the "mRNA vaccines", for the majority of people, those vaccines could simply not have a positive benefits-risks balance. As simple as that. When obvious large-scale military-type psyops was used against most of the global population and basic rights (like informed consent and free speech) were violated, it was clear this was not for altruistic reasons.

It was a no-brainer to reject taking part in the jabbing carousel. And that was only the tip of the iceberg. Gradually the narrative become more like slapstick.

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Well said ,we are among a group of the Converted and to many it was very clear from VERY EARLY that risk stratification was the only sensible way to approach this unknown boogieman; perhaps none better than Dr Vladimir Zelenko, who very early on proposed the use of his triple therapy ,which was in itself effective (note he did not invent this therapy he recognized its importance and he refined it for his patients and he promoted it) he pointed out the obvious you need to risk stratify who you treat which was basically the Elderly with co-morbidities - he was happy to let most of the patients with Covid-19 that come to him adopt a sensible antivirals approach and a wait and see.


The audience for this post:

This post is meant to be shared outside the group of the already awake; with their friends and their family that are not ready to hear about the motives but looking to understand what they were injected with because most of them will either consciously or subconsciously be recognizing the mRNA "vaccines" are definitely not effective and they may not be safe...

This should bring them to the conclusion that they need to be much more weary of

a) mRNA "vaccines"

b)Their Doctor's Advice (The ones that encouraged them or did not warn them of the dangers of mRNA "vaccines")

c) The Media who they trusted to warn them about every danger under the sun

d) The Health Authorities

e) The Majority of Politicians - perhaps this recognition will have them look for ANY politicians that actually stood up and warned people (like they would have expected to be warned) such as Senator Ron Johnson or Senator Malcolm Roberts, or MP Craig Kelly or Andrew Bridgen etc...sorry I could mention many more deserving recognition

f) Pharmaceutical Companies and Pharmaceutical Products and the way their Products achieved approval

g) Hospitals and Doctors who are not asking those who have developed unexpected illness about the possible connection of their mRNA vaccination status and their unexpected condition

h) Google, Youtube, Wikipedia, Linked-In, Facebook and even ChatGPT and other information gatekeepers (censors) that kept these dangers hidden from them, perhaps encouraging them to seek alternate channels of information such as Substack, Twitter(X), Bit chute, Rumble and a thankfully growing group of platforms.

Hopefully they will then go down the rabbit hole into posts that point out the motives for the deception they have experienced such as:


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Wow! Impressive! A great example of the way everything works…what you put in determines what comes out the other end 😉👍

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Thank you for your comments.

The post is to share with people waking up to the fact that what they were injected with was not what they thought it was and not what they were told it was.

It is to lead them to the sensible conclusion that Genetics are not to be messed with flippantly and Genetic interventions are not to be accepted with one line assurances of "safe and effective" by politicians and health "experts" that would not be able to recall even 5% of the complex dangers that a 5 minute ChatGPT exercise can reveal with the right questions.

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THIS QUOTE SEEMS TO EXPOSE THE BIAS...."Safety Protocols: mRNA-based therapies and vaccines are rigorously tested for safety and efficacy in clinical trials. Continuous monitoring ensures that any unexpected adverse effects are detected and managed." THIS IS WHAT THE CREATORS TRIED TO IMBED IN CHATGPT BUT OF COURSE THE QUESTIONS RENDERED THE BIAS INEFFECTIVE AND ESSENTIALLY EXPOSED IT.

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An amazing article I cannot read all of but know it’s true. We are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Natural immunity always worked until this last debacle tried to scrub the 2 words. It still works!

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Interesting quote, and the name of a book by an author my partner just met: https://www.amazon.com/Fearfully-Wonderfully-Made-Astonishing-Science-ebook/dp/B0B9KVHFBW

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An interesting method of "fooling" ChatGPT out of its pre programmed strongly pro vaccine programming!

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Perfect - Thank you

It is meant for the unawake

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Thanks Sabrina,

The smokescreen of cover-ups has been through all manner of "trusted" information conduits including ChatGPT. That is because the Globalist "culprits" who like to call themselves stakeholders have a very strong grip and control/ownership of these information conduits.

The conduits are all set up to provide the smokescreen answers pointing the person back onto the "right track"

There are some core "forms" that help us stay focused and see through the muddy waters and smoke screens put in front of us by these globalists

The Forms of this post

1) The body is an incredibly complex system relying on incredibly complex and varied Genetic interactions that involve the expression of time tested combinations of natural and beautifully controlled protein production through gene expression from our cell's nucleus.

Chat GPT can not hide this

2) mRNA "vaccines" are Synthetic Genetic instructions

Chat GPT can not hide this

3) There are risks associated with getting the various cells in our body to produce a protein that is known to cause Vasculitis and immune response disorders

Chat GPT can not hide this

All Chat GPT can do is try to say "Don't worry" the "vaccines" are saving lives and have been tested; it hopes the user is not aware of the above Forms ; otherwise these reassurances will be seen for what they are ; Globalist agenda/narrative.

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Thanks for your feedback and thanks for catching the Graphics typo.. fixed now

I am hoping people like you and the people you send it to will also forward on what should have been an essential part of informed consent for ANY mRNA "vaccines" past and future. It is a Post for the average person to understand just how amazing and complex our Genetic make up and Genetic balance is and then to realize just how reckless and ruthless it is to inject Synthetic Genetic instructions (Wrenches) into every corner of the body on an individual scale let alone across the scale of the human species.

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Thank you for taking the time to give the feedback

With so many people now wondering what it was they were injected with; when they trusted their Doctors, health officials, media and health regulators, this post is meant to share with those people what they were not told but should have been told.

While fewer than 1% can assimilate all the answers given in the post (myself included) it is abundantly clear that the risks of this Genetic mRNA measures were unspeakable - something most people would not have taken unless it REALLY was a certain do or die situation.

If you could share this post with at least one of your friends that took a MRNA product and ask them what they think; it would be exactly what the post was about.

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Thank you for this insightful article! One thing I noticed during the roll out of the vaccines and afterwards, is that not only were many physicians' observations ignored, but also individual patients complaints were in many instances treated as though they were superfluous fictions; thereby nullifying the all important physician-patient relationship, which has been one of the cornerstones of medicine. Hippocrates would roll over in his grave...

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