
Put Simply:

Using the Risk of All Cause Death for an Unvaccinated Person over a 12 month period in a specific age Group (which is easily calculated from the data) and knowing (accurately) the size of that age group we simply multiply that risk of UNVACCINATED death by the size of the age group to get the “EXPECTED” Zero Efficacy Deaths of the entire Group over the 12 months.

We then compare that expected unvaccinated all-cause death figure with the ACTUAL DATA of All-Cause Death

Example below for age group 50-59

Unvaccinated risk is simply Unvaccinated Deaths Divided by Population of Unvaccinated Group within the age group

Here it is 2224/995,075 = 0.224%

The Total Population of 50-59 is 8,269,325

So with Zero Efficacy over the 12 month period we could expect 0.224% x 8,269,325 = 18,482

But what ONS recorded for this 12 Month Period was 24,693

Note the 12 Month Period looked at the Vaccine Uptake was very steady and easy to average out with confidence

To help them take a look at it there is a three page printout in the substack with a QR post pointing back to the article; this is for putting up in public spaces (with Permission)

A direct link to the print out:


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What is your comment about earlier statistics stating the deathrate for the unvaccinated being higher than for the vaccinated? Do you think that they have used a false definition of ”unvaccinated” then?

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Sadly you are likely correct

The (Increased) Death Data we are seeing reflects those that have already succumbed to the diseases and conditions brought on my this utterly reckless mRNA technology.

The longer term consequences (And I worry particularly with fertility and new born developmental issues) are yet to surface,

Please promote the Print out so those who don't care to look into the mostly censored internet, particularly the Elderly can see and investigate through the QR code that links back to this clear evidence. It is no longer enough (though it is good) to report to those who are already awake

The print out can be quickly accessed here


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Powerful. Anyone struggling to understand the danger of these Jabs, shots, "vaccines", bioweapons should take a look at this. Thank-you for putting this together.

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Thanks Grant

looked at this BBC Hit Piece on John Campbell.

Usual Character Assassination Language including trying to tell people where they might physically find John Campbell.

BBC and Expert thinking; If the NIMS Population was wrong (too many people) the number of Unvaccinated calculated was too many hence the death rates for the unvaccinated are wrong (under estimated).

From the UKHSA report the Unvaccinated was calculated as “NIMS Cohort” less “ Number Vaccinated (at least 1 dose)”


If ONS reported 500 deaths Status Unvaccinated

If “NIMS Cohort” is accepted as correct at 10,000,000


UKHSA “Number Vaccinated (at least 1 dose)” is accepted as correct at 8,000,000

We would calculate an Unvaccinated Cohort of 2,000,000 (10,000,000 – 8,000,000)

And an Unvaccinated death rate of 500/2,000,000 = 0.025%


BBC Claim we should use ONS Population which is Lower (say by 10%) following this line

If ONS reported 500 deaths Status Unvaccinated

If “ONS Cohort” is accepted as correct at 9,000,000

We would calculate an Unvaccinated Cohort of 1,000,000 (9,000,000 – 8,000,000)

And an Unvaccinated death rate of 500/1,000,000 = 0.050%

Double the Death rate!

Anyway following this line of argument so we could rechart everything (which turned out to be impossible).

It puts the BBC and its expert and/or the ONS and/or the UKHSA in Very Hot Water

Hot Water for the BBC and Experts to Explain

A) Should we ignore the NIMS Cohort even though it shows an impressive 96.5% uptake of 1st Dose for 80 and over

B) Should we adopt the ONS Cohort even though it shows an impossible more than 100% of vaccine uptake for all age groups 60 and above

C) Should we Ignore ANY ONS reported unvaccinated deaths in the 60+ group with an ONS population base because negative people were vaccinated in these age groups when you Apply an ONS population base to Vaccine Uptake Numbers.

Tables and Calculations covering the BBC Claim will likely follow in another substack post for those interested

In short

1) We determine what is the ONS Population for 2022 from


2) We calculate the NIMS Cohort (as reported) "Over Estimation" as Claimed by the BBC whihc turns out to be 5.61 Million people over England

3) We distribute this BBC Claimed Over Population according to the Age Distribution percentages we see from https://www.populationpyramid.net/united-kingdom/2022/

BBC Age Group Subtractions to make to UKHSA Age NIMS Cohorts

under 5 295264 Not in Report

5 to under 12 476160

12 to under 16 272318

16 to under 18 127718

18 to under 20 127718

20 to under 24 328040

25 to under 30 366067

30 to under 35 381073

35 to under 40 368772

40 to under 45 356301

45 to under 50 337468

50 to under 55 377230

55 to under 60 381225

60 to under 65 339215

65 to under 70 286957

70 to under75 270319

75 to under 80 225881

Over 80 292274

Total Check


From this distribution we get an impossible Vaccination uptake data of all age groups 60 and above of more than 100%

Data from Before BBC Experts Claim Wrong Population Base of NIMS used:

NIMS reports a Population base for over 80’s of 2.981 Million

And UKHSA reports 1 dose uptake of 2.876 Million

Giving a near incredible 1st dose uptake of 96.5%

Data after applying BBC and Experts Claim ONS Population base is the one to use:

BBC and Experts claimed Population base for over 80’s of 2.981Million -0.292 Million = 2.689 Million

And UKHSA reports 1 dose uptake of 2.876 Million

Giving an Amazing BBC population base 1st dose uptake of 107% - Well Done England !!

The same extends for the 70-79 Age group and the 60-69 Age group with the BBC and its Expert(s)’s claim the UKHSA got it wrong using NIMS as a population base and should have used the ONS population base.

Interestingly the BBC did not entertain any of the Hypothesis that came with the Substack data report:


The “Vaccination” is Neither Safe Nor Effective

The Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are more accurately described as Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA Genetic Instruction products that have the following wild cards:

i) A delivery system of highly inflammatory Lipid Nano Particles (LNP)

ii) An Uncontrolled body wide biodistribution of the LNPs

iii) The LNPs carry Genetic Instruction in the form of synthetic messenger RNA

iv) The synthetic nature of the messenger RNA carries the following known risks

a) Synthetic messenger RNA have an uncontrolled extended life of protein producing instructions that is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE longer than nature’s messenger RNA.

Life, as it has evolved for mammals, has a natural off switch for the protein producing messenger RNA it creates that is limited to two days and usually a lot shorter.

b) Synthetic messenger RNA produced with warp speed indemnity has fragmented genetic instructions that come from a human factory environment compared to natural messenger RNA that is produced deep in the Nucleus of our bodies cells with a purity beyond comparison with that of a Pfizer or Moderna laboratory or manufacturing facility.

c) With the uncontrolled biodistribution of Synthetic messenger RNA there is an endless combination of extra protein producing burdens throughout the body and on its various cell types already dedicated to maintaining a delicate system and schedule of producing natural proteins such as hormones and enzymes; critical for the healthy functioning of our body.

v) The genetic instructions of the Synthetic messenger RNA are instructions to produce a known antigen (The Covid-19 Spike Protein) and it is a known cause of vasculitis and autoimmune reactions. Combining this instruction with an uncontrolled biodistribution is a predictable recipe for disaster;

a disaster that will show itself in deaths and hospitalizations when regulatory authorities fail and the Avalanche of Data is compiled.

vi) No long term safety data. Given the combinations of what is uncontrolled, unknown and divorced from the bodies natural balance, to achieve even remotely sufficient safety data would take a millennium to obtain; even with billions of guinea pigs.

In line with the above Hypothesis :


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A Further look into ONS all cause deaths reported in the data we looked into:

Specifically :

Region :England

Age group: 18 and more

Period : 12 Months

Date Range : Jun 2022 through May 2023

All Cause Deaths ONS Reported : 490,475

Checking this against ONS Historic Reporting of All Cause death

Region England and Wales

a) Applying Ratio Adjustment to get Just England deaths

Using their Mid 2019 Data in the table found here:


Ratio 56.3 : 3.2 so England represents 94.62% of England and Wales Figures

b) Subtracting Percentage of Deaths that would be 17 and under

Using their 2021 data


We find we need to subtract 0.63% of deaths to arrive at apples for apples

Region :England

Age group: 18 and more

Period : 12 Months

we get

All Cause 18 & Over England Deaths

Year Calculated Generous Error Low Side

2015 498018 1.50% 490548

2016 493686 1.50% 486281

2017 501401 1.50% 493880

2018 509239 1.50% 501600

2019 499133 1.50% 491646

2020 571610 1.50% 563036

2021 551311 1.50% 543042

Remember the Data from the ONS just released and reported in this post indicated only 490,475 for a 12 month Period

So: Are we getting an apples for apples report of the All-Cause deaths in England over 18 in the period examined ; If we are then there is a wonderful and precipitous fall in all cause deaths that will be reported for 2022 and 2023 by the ONS for England 18 and over ?

If ONS choose to publish the all-cause data any more

It is understood that there are plans to withhold or not record/report deaths by Covid19 "Vaccine" status going forward.

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Detre - Hi Great Comment

You are completely correct that deaths below 18 are likely very low hence will make little difference

Note England and Wales combined populations are about 5% higher than just England so prior deaths data (if including both regions) should be multiplied by 95%

For the 10 years leading up to 2020 in England and Wales Deaths look to be around 515,000 per year

So For just England 489,000 per year which comes pretty close to the exact deaths we see recorded Jun2022 through June2023

I would suggest it is not accurate to say it is unreasonable (Without reason) but rather there is a reason; what is it ?

The analysis uses pure data only - it does not try to explain the reasons for the data - it only has one variable - the Covid-19 Vaccination Status

Populations for the age group 18-39, 40-49,50-59,60-69,70-79 and 80-89

The death rate of the unvaccinated in each age group was applied to the total population of each age group; and the results are what they are.

If you can suggest any errors in the data analysis that would be welcome

For example

a) Is there an Unvaccinated death rate that is incorrect (in any age group) so far as the official data published

b) Has the unvaccinated death rate been applied to an incorrect population base

c) Is there anything in the Hypothesis that is incorrect

With the official sets of Data we are looking at the unique thing we have here is that we are dealing with "Synchronized" Data sets so that we have

Same Time line

Same Age Groups

Same Population Base

Same region

This may be pointing to Official Data Manipulations during the Covid-19 years being reported or it may be pointing to much healthier choices in general from the populations within each age group that choose not to be Covid-19 vaccinated... All Speculation - for now the data is what it is.

And there has been a seemingly reckless population wise risk taken with Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA Genetic Instruction "vaccines" that are known to have a likely uncontrolled biodistribution (That is they spread throughout the body) and are known to have impurities and orders of magnitude longer life than mammalian natural mRNA resulting in the production of a synthetic and disease causing protein (throughout the body).

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I read your analysis on Sunday and seen the summary video from John Campbell yesterday. Since he has a very high reach, I decided to leave a comment here. I'm with you on the crimes done with the vax (and all the measures before) and I believe your analysis makes completely sense. But our side should avoid to be easily targeted based on claims that can be very easily refuted. We should hold up higher standards than the bastards on the other side.

I'm from Germany, and I'm a bit confused by your official data (UK vs England+Wales vs England), so I did not really look into the data myself; and this is maybe just nitpicking. Your own Table 3 suggests a prior-COVID death figure of England+Wales of roughly 530k, hence 503k for England. I would take this as a baseline to compare to. I agree, the vax group with added 0-18 deaths makes it close. When I round up the unvax group to 340,000, this would be equivalent of a reduction of death rate by over 30%. This is what I think it cannot be. When you have two years in which more people die, you can expect a year thereafter with lower death rate. Let us make it very simple. In 2020 and 2021 you have roughly 134k excess deaths (608k+586k-530k-530k = 134k). On average, this was 13% excess deaths for the two years period. A sudden reduction of deaths by 163k (503k-340k) next year is unprecedented and just too much to expect. If really this is what it is and there is no other explanation, there needs to be some confounders that skew the analysis. This is maybe stupid to think, but we unvaxxed could be more health conscious overall. Whatever.

John Campbell regularly shows excess death figures, incl. UK. He shows the official figures, though I do not know whether or not the baseline for the estimates is correct. Anyway, assuming data are correct, there was significant excess deaths in your period of June 2022 through May 2023. Hence, probably even your vax group misses some deaths. I can imagine there is some shenanigans in play with the official data. I think it is really hard for us when the officials do everything they can to hide figures and muddy the waters.

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Thanks Detre,

To present the most bulletproof analysis and leave the ball in the other park (where it should be) to prove safety and efficacy it is important not to be drawn into guessing games as to why we are seeing what we are seeing.

What is clear from the data that we have been presented from the Government sources is that the Unvaccinated Cohorts in every age group have significantly lower rates of death than the vaccinated.

leave it to the Authorities and the public to work out what should be done.

Note the data sets presented in the Substack is only for ENGLAND; does not include wales.

Sadly, I am sure there is both excess deaths that will grow and a significant disparity between the death rates of the unvaxxed versus the vaxxed.

Confounding and skewing factors will be present , though only a fool or a vaccine stakeholder would now suggest that it is a good idea for a population wide Covid-19 vaccination mRNA vaccination program to continue.

Important for us to have razon focus and not be drawn down muddy water paths when the onus is on those presenting medications to demonstrate crystal clear safety and efficacy.

I am avoiding discussing the reduction in deaths possible with a completely unvaxxed population and how that would end up being lower (significantly) than prior covid years because I don't know and its far better to stay in the lane of what I do know; the data and how to compare it with one variable to the collection of that data; Vaccination Status.

I hope the results which are not manufactured in any way (simply reflect the Data) get people outside of the already convinced to ask questions about why they are seeing these results and at the very least look into what was injected into them and all the risk factors that abound.

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Incredible data set! Thank you Nobody! And as John Campbell, expertly skirting the censors opines, it is (more than a little) troubling that the US and Canada stopped making this and C-19 breakthrough data available. Canada stopped reporting these daya in Nov 2021....

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It will be helpful if the pdf Print Out in the Substack was circulated and placed in public spaces (With Permission)

The 3 page print out has a QR code that leads back to the Substack where the reader can view the details and perhaps contemplate the Hypothesis.

Here is a direct link to the print out


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That's a shame , I wonder if the BBC were going to do a hit Job on him?

You can read more about the BBC and their involvement with the Trusted News Initiative (TNI). A big part of that initiative and a MAJOR partner of the TNI is Thomson Reuters.

A link that may explain a lot here (with respect to how life saving information has been censored from reaching the public by the Media including the BBC) is the role of a duplicitous James C. Smith

According to the duplicitous James C. Smith LinkedIn profile, while serving on the boards of Pfizer and Thomson Reuters Foundation, he also sits on the board of the WEF’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative, and is a member of the WEF’s International Business Council.


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Great Question

Can you see any fault with the data ?

If not the Public Health Authorities of the UK have a Lot to answer for I suspect.

Anyway avoiding stating any more than what the data states (If the ONS and the UKHSA data can be believed).

I wonder what people are saying to reassure us there are no concerns with respect to the Hypothesis


The “Vaccination” is Neither Safe Nor Effective

The Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are more accurately described as Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA Genetic Instruction products that have the following wild cards:

i) A delivery system of highly inflammatory Lipid Nano Particles (LNP)

ii) An Uncontrolled body wide biodistribution of the LNPs

iii) The LNPs carry Genetic Instruction in the form of synthetic messenger RNA

iv) The synthetic nature of the messenger RNA carries the following known risks

a) Synthetic messenger RNA have an uncontrolled extended life of protein producing instructions that is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE longer than nature’s messenger RNA.

Life, as it has evolved for mammals, has a natural off switch for the protein producing messenger RNA it creates that is limited to two days and usually a lot shorter.

b) Synthetic messenger RNA produced with warp speed indemnity has fragmented genetic instructions that come from a human factory environment compared to natural messenger RNA that is produced deep in the Nucleus of our bodies cells with a purity beyond comparison with that of a Pfizer or Moderna laboratory or manufacturing facility.

c) With the uncontrolled biodistribution of Synthetic messenger RNA there is an endless combination of extra protein producing burdens throughout the body and on its various cell types already dedicated to maintaining a delicate system and schedule of producing natural proteins such as hormones and enzymes; critical for the healthy functioning of our body.

v) The genetic instructions of the Synthetic messenger RNA are instructions to produce a known antigen (The Covid-19 Spike Protein) and it is a known cause of vasculitis and autoimmune reactions. Combining this instruction with an uncontrolled biodistribution is a predictable recipe for disaster;

a disaster that will show itself in deaths and hospitalizations when regulatory authorities fail and the Avalanche of Data is compiled.

vi) No long term safety data. Given the combinations of what is uncontrolled, unknown and divorced from the bodies natural balance, to achieve even remotely sufficient safety data would take a millennium to obtain; even with billions of guinea pigs.

In line with the above Hypothesis :


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Hi Tam,

Thanks for your comments.

I agree there can be confounding factors (Both ways).

All we had was the raw data of supposedly the same age groups and same population base if the ONS and the UKHSA data is to be believed.

If there was a genuine interest from the UKHSA and ONS in monitoring potential harms of the technology , then I am sure they might have been able to add a few more fields to the data and questions that would make the data more individual such as

a) Do you take vaccines in general

b) Body Mass Index

c) Smoker ?

d) Diabetes ?

and perhaps a few other telling factors that might suggest a healthier or unhealthier proclivity

I suspect the data was only being collected to show how effective the Covid-19 vaccines were and it was unthinkable to them that it could actually be harmful.

Case in point is not counting some-one as vaccinated even though the product had been injected into them but it had not been injected for long enough (or similar conditions where the substance was Already injected by vaccination status was "not vaccinated")

Just like Studies designed to fail - for example studies on Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin; Data collection protocols can also be designed to show or not to show an outcome.




Speculation on confounding factors is endless and easily hijacked so the Data is presented as it is and the conclusions from the data do not make any interpretation; the death rates are the death rates (if the ONS and UKHSA data is to be believed) and the results across the board in all age groups comes out the same with that data.

All files are provided on the post along with a Hypothesis as to why we see this data result and excess deaths around the vaccinated world and record per dose adverse effects reports from health professionals that state the cause is the Covid-19 Vaccines and even record numbers of peer reviewed papers...


While the data looks to be devastating to the narrative it can always be challenged with confounding factors (ecological fallacy), claims of inconsistent population bases , Simpson's paradox and "impossible conclusions" ; far more devastating to the Narrative will be the growing awareness of the Hypothesis included in the Post - Namely:


The “Vaccination” is Neither Safe Nor Effective

The Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are more accurately described as Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA Genetic Instruction products that have the following wild cards:

i) A delivery system of highly inflammatory Lipid Nano Particles (LNP)

ii) An Uncontrolled body wide biodistribution of the LNPs

iii) The LNPs carry Genetic Instruction in the form of synthetic messenger RNA

iv) The synthetic nature of the messenger RNA carries the following known risks

a) Synthetic messenger RNA have an uncontrolled extended life of protein producing instructions that is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE longer than nature’s messenger RNA.

Life, as it has evolved for mammals, has a natural off switch for the protein producing messenger RNA it creates that is limited to two days and usually a lot shorter.

b) Synthetic messenger RNA produced with warp speed indemnity has fragmented genetic instructions that come from a human factory environment compared to natural messenger RNA that is produced deep in the Nucleus of our bodies cells with a purity beyond comparison with that of a Pfizer or Moderna laboratory or manufacturing facility.

c) With the uncontrolled biodistribution of Synthetic messenger RNA there is an endless combination of extra protein producing burdens throughout the body and on its various cell types already dedicated to maintaining a delicate system and schedule of producing natural proteins such as hormones and enzymes; critical for the healthy functioning of our body.

v) The genetic instructions of the Synthetic messenger RNA are instructions to produce a known antigen (The Covid-19 Spike Protein) and it is a known cause of vasculitis and autoimmune reactions. Combining this instruction with an uncontrolled biodistribution is a predictable recipe for disaster;

a disaster that will show itself in deaths and hospitalizations when regulatory authorities fail and the Avalanche of Data is compiled.

vi) No long term safety data. Given the combinations of what is uncontrolled, unknown and divorced from the bodies natural balance, to achieve even remotely sufficient safety data would take a millennium to obtain; even with billions of guinea pigs.

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A HUGE Thank you.

I found the issues and have or am working on the corrections

In this case it produces a larger negative efficacy for the Vaccinations in this age group

The pointer on Pivot tables is wonderful; Ill look further into that tool as it clearly could have svaed many hours of work.

The<3 was changed to 1 because ONS data had 0 values and <3 values meaning it could only be 1 or 2

Its a relatively insignificant part of the analysis except in the low resolution areas such as the lowest Age group where deaths are far smaller in number; though even then it is not a big factor.

Once again one of the best/most helpful comments so far

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Yeah, but it might still reduce the risk of dying FROM COVID because it kills so many people with heart attacks, blood clots, etc.? It's sort of like how oncologists have been seen high-fiving each other over a corpse because the tumor had been killed. Never mind that the person was killed as well, so long as they didn't die of the cancer.

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Agreed. But there IS a weird, chimeric, polymer-based new parasitic lifeform, which has now been INJECTED into MOST people, and they ARE shedding it on the rest of us. I have seen the DARPA patents on this crap and it's EXACTLY what's in the jabs.

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Ok that's fine. But we seriously need to stop using the vernacular of the oppressors. As soon as someone suggests someone dying from "covid", the blinders go up and the hands go over the ears.

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Yes. It is by commandeering the words we use to describe things that they can reshape everything. For instance, a person who prefers lower taxes and more freedom is now a "Nazi" ;-) And a "liberal" is a person who fights to END free speech altogether.

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Mind You - this is just the beginning.

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The only thing I appreciate more than the effectiveness of these vaccines is their safety.

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I'm generally with you on the analysis. But, if we look at the yearly number of death in England, both of your calculated groups (vax: 490,475 and unvax: 334,672) show overall lower mortality figures than the expected yearly mortality in England, over 500,000. (I know, below 18's are not included in the calculation but their death rate is so low that it should not matter.) What do I overlook here? I understand that in a normal case, based on the dry tinder model, we should have lower mortality after large excess deaths in 2020-2021. But the death numbers calculated based on the unvax numbers are unreasonably low.

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you'd think that would be an obvious red flag that something in amiss, right? unless, maybe the author is colorblinded by the need to prove vaccines are deadly.

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Must be color blinded Government departments taking down the data.

The data shows what it shows. All original files and all working files are linked to and available for download so you can see how colorblind the data is.

Meanwhile you may care to speak to the Hypothesis and reassure everyone that there is nothing to be concerned about:

Hypothesis: The "Vaccines" are more accurately described as Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA Genetic Instruction products that have the following wild cards:

i) A delivery system of highly inflammatory Lipid Nano Particles (LNP)

ii) An Uncontrolled body wide biodistribution of the LNPs

iii) The LNPs carry Genetic Instruction in the form of synthetic messenger RNA

iv) The synthetic nature of the messenger RNA carries the following known risks

a) Synthetic messenger RNA have an uncontrolled extended life of protein producing instructions that is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE longer than nature’s messenger RNA.

Life, as it has evolved for mammals, has a natural off switch for the protein producing messenger RNA it creates that is limited to two days and usually a lot shorter.

b) Synthetic messenger RNA produced with warp speed indemnity has fragmented genetic instructions that come from a human factory environment compared to natural messenger RNA that is produced deep in the Nucleus of our bodies cells with a purity beyond comparison with that of a Pfizer or Moderna laboratory or manufacturing facility.

c) With the uncontrolled biodistribution of Synthetic messenger RNA there is an endless combination of extra protein producing burdens throughout the body and on its various cell types already dedicated to maintaining a delicate system and schedule of producing natural proteins such as hormones and enzymes; critical for the healthy functioning of our body.

v) The genetic instructions of the Synthetic messenger RNA are instructions to produce a known antigen (The Covid-19 Spike Protein) and it is a known cause of vasculitis and autoimmune reactions. Combining this instruction with an uncontrolled biodistribution is a predictable recipe for disaster;

a disaster that will show itself in deaths and hospitalizations when regulatory authorities fail and the Avalanche of Data is compiled.

vi) No long term safety data. Given the combinations of what is uncontrolled, unknown and divorced from the bodies natural balance, to achieve even remotely sufficient safety data would take a millennium to obtain; even with billions of guinea pigs.

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"The data shows what it shows. All original files and all working files are linked to and available for download so you can see how colorblind the data is."

explain how the data shows a constant increase in the number of vaccinated people despite thousands of vaccinated people dying every week. in every single week, the reported number of vaccinated people increases. the only conclusion to draw is that this number is not responsive to deaths and simply a ratio based on the initial cohort (which also doesn't change in size over the years). its utility is solely to ascertain vaccination reach, not keep a tally of the population.

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Oh my GOD

I had the exact same idea and have been looking for months now for the Figure 19 in the datasheet accompanying the Flu Report and never found it. This is the actual smoking gun.

Congratulations to you!

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This is the a.oming gun! Great job! It's staggering to think about the utter destruction and loss of life these f**king shots have caused. It has touched every single one of us whether known or unknown. This is deaths but the number of injured is even higher. Disabled millions! Worse than anything ever done to humanity in the world since the dawn of time. How do so many stay quiet? Not see it?

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