John Skerritt - What a Career
The head of the TGA retires April 18th 2023. This open letter ask John to reflect on the impacts and "con-incidences" on Australians from his TGA's regulatory decisions during Covid-19.
Dear John,
Your resignation1 from your position of Deputy Secretary Health Products Regulation Group for the TGA looks to take effect tomorrow (April 18th)
Aside: Will you also be resigning from the Asia Development Bank High-Level Advisory Group for COVID-19 Vaccines2 and are you or were you receiving any form of remuneration from this self-appointed “global influencer” for world-wide politics including health(in which appears you have been recruited to assist) and the CO2 Fiasco3 (agenda’s that the bank stands to profit from in financing the “world saving measures”)?
So what state of health does Australia find itself in as you leave your tenure as head of the TGA ?
Here we must emphasize that co-incidence does not prove causation; right John ?
a) Australian’s in the high risk group for Covid19 (a very small and easily identified risk stratified group of the population; predominantly in the eldest age groups) continue to contract Covid19, end up in hospital and/or die – in higher numbers than before TGA Covid19 regulatory decisions were made.
b) The TGA maintains its regulatory obstruction of BOTH Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) from use in the treatment and prevention of Covid19 in any form, including peer reviewed multi-drug protocols4 known (to you) and used world-wide.
UPDATE: May 3rd, 2023 (15 Days after John Skerritt’s departure from the TGA, the TGA decided Ivermectin was suddenly safe again after keeping it out of the fight against Covid-19 for 585 Days (10 September 2021)
Here is the announcement for the removal of prescribing restrictions on Ivermectin
HOWEVER…Even when the TGA removed the restrictions they STILL included the following wording that both confuses and menaces Doctor will the ridiculous inference that using Ivermectin for Covid-19 in a Multi-drug protocol for the prevention and treatment would be considered as acting irresponsibly and therefore subject to disciplinary measures:
The menacing wording wording (Full decision here):
"However, the TGA does not endorse off-label prescribing of ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.
A large number of clinical studies have demonstrated ivermectin does not improve outcomes in patients with COVID-19. The National Clinical Evidence Taskforce (NCET) and many similar bodies around the world, including the World Health Organization, strongly advises against the use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.
Ivermectin for oral use is a Prescription Only (Schedule 4) medicine in the Poisons Standard. It is only approved by the TGA for the treatment of river blindness (onchocerciasis), threadworm of the intestines (intestinal strongyloidiasis), and scabies.”
c) Prior to Covid19, HCQ and Ivermectin had been safely prescribed medications available to Australian Doctors for both on and off prescriptions purposes.
In this pre-Covid19 era, both HCQ and Ivermectin were medication available via a fully informed consent process between the Doctor and their patient.
d) There is now the highest excess death data in Australia since world war two – across all age groups – A virtual plane load of lives (over 300 excess deaths ) is currently falling from the skies around you every week John.
e) Some of the excess death like in the UK5 appear to be highly preventative deaths “involving Covid19” ,but for the obstruction (regulatory and public awareness wise) of peer reviewed early treatment and preventative multi-drug protocols4 used world-wide
f) The remaining approximately 70%5 of unexplained excess deaths appear to have co-incidentally occurred ONLY post the roll out of Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic messenger RNA genetics based TGA provisionally approved Covid19 “vaccines” that have proven to be neither safe nor effective.
g) Maternal Death Rates are Up Sharply in the US6
h) Compared to Flu Vaccines the Covid19 Vaccines have a 27-fold higher risk of miscarriage according to CDC VAERS Data and Co-incidentally Australia and much of the Covid19 Vaccinated world’s birth rates appear to plummet in lock step with the roll out of Covid197 “vaccines”.
i) The Australian people, on mass and in the absence of any focus on which group might need to adopt any form of vaccination in Covid19 (a very small and easily identified risk stratified group of the population; predominantly in the eldest age groups), have been coerced, mandated and convinced by Government, business and your own TGA’s efforts into submitting their bodies to an injection of a product that was known to the TGA to have an uncontrolled biodistribution8.
j) There was a Covid19 Vaccine roll out that was, in part, facilitated by the TGA’s and AHPRA regulatory measures9 that prevented Doctors from providing what they researched to be a fully informed consent process. Including the now infamous paragraph in an AHPRA “COVID-19 vaccination position statement” ;March 9th 2021
“Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best available
scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign (including via
social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and
subject to investigation and possible regulatory action.” 9
John, as you get to choose what you do with your career; I remind you of a truly good man who served for decades as one of Melbourne’s finest family Doctors, an honest advocate for his patients; known as Dr Mark Hobart10. His career, his many former patient’s care, his family and his own personal wellbeing have all been affected in what appears to be the unjust results of your TGA’s regulatory decisions and actions during Covid19.
Unfortunately, Mark is not alone in yet another devastated aspect of Covid19 regulatory Authority outcomes.
k) The TGA in providing Provisional Approval to Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic messenger RNA genetics based Covid19 “vaccines” ,which have turned out to be neither safe nor effective, had no studies from the manufacturers demonstrating any level of safety for the myriad of potential harmful outcomes that could result from the accumulation of highly inflammatory Lipid Nano Particles into ANY areas of body where the Biodistribution of this substance could reasonably be expected to accumulate.
l) The TGA in providing Provisional Approval to Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic messenger RNA genetics based Covid19 “vaccines” ,which have turned out to be neither safe nor effective, had no studies from the manufacturers demonstrating any level of safety for the myriad of potential harmful outcomes that could result from the altering of the cell’s normal genetic instructions and activities by Synthetic Messenger RNA carried by LNPs into ANY areas of body where the Biodistribution of this substance could reasonably be expected to accumulate.
m) The TGA in providing Provisional Approval to Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic messenger RNA genetics based Covid19 “vaccines” ,which have turned out to be neither safe nor effective, had no studies from the manufacturers demonstrating any level of safety for the myriad of potential harmful outcomes that could result from the production of the known Toxic Covid19 Spike protein , being Synthetic Messenger RNA instruction carried by LNPs into ANY areas of body where the Biodistribution of this substance could reasonably be expected to accumulate.
n) The TGA in providing Provisional Approval to Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic messenger RNA genetics based Covid19 “vaccines” ,which have turned out to be neither safe nor effective, had no studies from the manufacturers demonstrating any level of safety for the myriad of potential harmful outcomes that could result from the presence of a Synthetic Messenger RNA instruction with an altered and unknown longevity11, given the known areas of the body where the Biodistribution of this substance could reasonably be expected to accumulate. Natural human mRNA; an instruction emanating from the cell’s DNA (not an injection) provides instructions on the production of crucial proteins within the Cytoplasm of any given cell type. Those instruction have regulation in their duration and quantity to match the delicate balance of production requirements and those instructions never last more than a few days and there is a programmed degradation12; if more production is required more mRNA emanates from the Cell’s DNA (not an injection).
o) And the final coincidence to mention at the end of your tenure as head of the TGA that has released the Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic messenger RNA genetics based Covid19 “vaccines” while concurrently blocking decades safe and effective medications in the use of multi-drug protocols to combat Covid19 is that of your own DAENS data base13 that reflects the “reported” death and adverse effects of the Covid19 “vaccines” in a never before seen breadth of reported outcomes and a never before seen quantity of reported outcomes.
But John, these are not “outcomes” and they do not represent the actual number of instances as most likely go unreported; they are people past and present and they are all around as you leave your office.
As you walk the streets and you look at people around you including your own family I wonder if you spare a thought for what is going on inside their bodies or what happened to the bodies of their loved ones and associates that had succumbed to Covid19 and or the Covid19 vaccines due to the regulatory Covid19 decisions you presided over ?
If one was asked about the career of John Skerrit, I suspect the most flattering description one could give would be “What a Career”
John, do you think you can get your “successor” to speak with any or all of the following people; I can put your “successor” into direct contact ?:
Brian Tyson
George Fareed
Shankara Chetty
Peter McCullough
Pierre Kory
Ian Brighthope
Tess Lawrie
Sabine Hazan
Geert Vanden Bossche
Robert Malone
I am confident that if your “successor” found the time , time that you could not find in over 3 years, they may have a different net career outcome description on the lips of so many.
Steps to above DAEN link :
1) Tick box
2)Select Date range 1-Feb-2021 though to present
3)Search term “Covid-19”
4) Select all box and then see the staggering report and note there is no allowed print out or download of this report.
Post Letter Graphic you may want to share:
Sources to above graphic:
Phrase: "Covid-19 was the third most frequently reported adverse event"
Read the sample: Scroll to EFFICACY - TWO Bullet Point 2
The Resignation:
The Case Numbers (Australian Government Data):
The Vaccine Doses (Australian Government Data):
Data Validation (Page with the links to the Australian Government Data):
75 years early ; Pfizer Documents in Review
What’s in the Pfizer Documents? | Naomi Wolf:
John (Skerritt) if you are reading this take a hard look at the reality of your decisions; it is not a rare statistic of a Mother and it was entirely predictable to the TGA with the Knowledge you had prior to ever releasing this Lipid Nano particle SYNTHETIC messenger RNA technology onto the Australian people and this poor Mother’s family:
There is likely to be a number of Tracing Paper Graphs of Medical Data exposing the Pattern of “Vaccine” Roll-Out to the Medical Events that Closely Match all-be-it offset on a time line the Roll-Out Pattern
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The evil of the TGA will not end till it is no longer funded by big Pharma.
Hopefully they will get someone in that does the job right and begins the proper Clinical Trials as they used to so as to protect people.