
To all 537 Australian Councils

Saying: "Those who stand by and do nothing in the face of injustice and imminent harm are complicit in that harm". What will the Courts say about Councillors & their "Duty of Care". We Ask ChatGPT.

Are Councilors Who Fail To Exercise Their Duty Of Care Potentially Personally Liable
102KB ∙ PDF file

What if your Councillor says:

I note your concerns about the use of mRNA vaccines. These vaccines are approved for use in Australia through the stringent processes of the Federal Government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration advised independently by the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation.

Our City Council does not provide vaccination services. I will not be representing your concerns to Council as they are better addressed to State and Federal governments.

Kind regards,

You might answer:
Thank you for your response.
To help Clarify your position:
The email I wrote to you informs you of a pending official communication (Council to Council) from the Port Hedland Council. This communication addresses a serious failing of the Therapeutic Goods Administration and its independent advisors, including the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation. This failing is likely impacting the safety and well-being of your constituents and, if left unaddressed, will cause more harm than necessary, unless your council takes action to halt the ongoing issues.

For some councillors, there will be a moral obligation to instinctively act quickly in response to this communication. Others may view this communication as something they can ignore or pass off to other levels of government, "more relevant" health authorities, or their advisory committees.
You can have a brief conversation with ChatGPT or a more in-depth discussion with your lawyer to better understand your "duty of care" and the personal liability you could face for not presenting these "concerns" to the Council.

I hope your response comes from a genuine belief that the matter could be better handled by State and Federal governments. However, as the closest point of contact, support, and protection for the constituents in your electorate, your constituents rely on you to fulfill your Duty of Care. Council members have a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of their constituents, and ignoring a serious issue may be viewed as a breach of this duty.

In your position, if ever you were called to “step up to the plate” and make a net positive contribution to the community (and be remembered for how you protected your community) it would be now.
The Communication you will receive conveys that all other levels of Government, Regulatory Authorities and their Advisory committees have failed your constituents in protecting them from harms of wayward mRNA technology.

I wonder if you know, deep down, that something is wrong based on what you’ve been hearing from your friends, family, and constituents like me.

If you genuinely are unaware of any harms and the significantly greater potential harms (which is possible), I urge you to conduct personal investigations that go beyond :

What you are told by the media
What you are told by regulators
What you are told by advisory bodies
What you are told by party lines
What you are told by pharmaceutical companies

Before you are asked to sign off on the “Mis-information bill”, which would allow information like this to be dismissed as misinformation and to quickly become “Missing Information”, you can start here:


And feel free to download a copy of the chat in this post above.

Nov 19 - 2024 Update

The Australian “Mis-information bill is set to go to the Senate
Here is an excel file making it easy to sort through and contact the Senators that can either block the bill or show their true colors as Free Speech Cowards

20241118 Australian Senators With Simple Sorting Headers Office Email Phone Address Postal Address
21KB ∙ XLSX file

Here is a link covering the Historic Port Hedland Council Motion and Action:


Update 21-Oct-2024
It gets very hard to defend the indefensible:
Here is the TGA’s October 18th response leading with a choice MISINFORMATION phrase (A Buzzword ushering in the pending MAD Bill):

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is aware of misinformation in recent media and online reports that claim the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are contaminated with excessive levels of DNA. This is not the case.

The response to this TGA claim of “MISINFORMATION” puts the TGA into a very difficult position and appears to show the TGA to be intentionally misleading and spreading MISINFOMRATION to the public with a reply that has been torn to shreds with science.
Reading between the lines it looks like the TGA may be subject to some pending legal prosecutions.

Dystopian Down Under
Addressing allegations that DNA contamination in the mRNA shots is ‘misinformation’
Following increased public interest in the issue of excessive synthetic DNA contamination in the modified RNA (mod-RNA) Covid vaccines, Australia’s drug regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) issued a statement alleging that the scientific evidence of the contamination is invalid, and that online reporting of the issue is “misinformation…
Read more

Update 05-November-2024
Overwhelming Data, Case Studies & Doctor Testimonials linking LNP Spread mRNA Genetic “Vaccines” to exploding cancer rates and “Turbo Cancers”

Ignored Science Newsletter
The cancer enhancer injections and hyperprogressive disease/Turbo Cancer
Dr. James Royle is a practicing general and colorectal surgeon and he is warning about the high likelihood of causal relationship between the contaminated convid genetic technology injections and rapidly progressing cancers as evidenced by the gold standard Bradford Hill epidemiological criteria…
Read more

Update 11-November-2024
The Australian Medical Professional Association (AMPS) has written to all local councils across Australia highlighting their legal responsibilities under the Local Government Acts to protect resident’s health and safety.
You can download a copy of this letter which has had QR codes added. As the letter refers to supporting information via links , the QR codes enable printed copies to be read and the supporting information accessed with a mobile phone (so this document can be fully digested without the need of a computer). In this way printed copies can be handed in person to Councilors and or others you may want to review the information and, so long as you know the recipient has a mobile phone, you know they have access to all information presented on the letter. https://tribeqr.com/v/ampscouncilletterwithqrcodes

Amps Port Hedland Dna Contamination Letter Final With Qr Codes For Print
459KB ∙ PDF file

With 527 councils made aware of TGA failings in one area regarding the dangers posed by these mRNA products (DNA fragments), the floodgates have opened for investigating the TGA for numerous glaring safety check shortfalls while shepherding in their biggest contributors' products onto the Australian market. I expect that the seemingly misguided actions of the TGA in banning safe and effective early treatment COVID-19 protocols will also come to light in councils across Australia and among their constituents.

The TGA will now likely need to explain why it failed to relate to the Public that the mRNA vaccines had an expected body-wide Biodistribution

See: https://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/foi-2389-06.pdf

The TGA also failed to relate to the Public the Synthetic Nature of the mRNA and its unacceptable longevity of Genetic Instruction Activity in the cell’s it affects; we were told no longer than a day or two (whihc is long for ANY mRNA instruction; we were not told months…
The record high reports of Adverse affects
The appallingly low number of autopsies conducted on the reported deaths to the DAENS
The lack of any Forensic Testing on the 10’s of thousands of serious reported adverse events to the DAENS
The lack of any safety tests looking at the affects of a complex biodistribution of Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic messenger RNA Genetic instruction vaccines:

The following post list 62 COVID MISINFORMATION, DISINFORMATION AND LIES(So Far) including many directly or supported by the TGA
One wonders if ALBO and Labor’s MAD Bill on “misinformation” get’s through if it will be applied to regulatory Authorities or individuals within those regulatory authorities who spread dangerous “misinformation” (You will need to ask the appointed ministry of truth for the definition) .

phillip.altman’s Substack
Lie Number 62
So……when an organisation or government lies to you 61 times in relation to matters of life and death - should you ever believe them again…
Read more


Both civil and criminal prosecutions are likely to occur; now is the time for local Governments, in the form of Councils, to decide whether they will help protect their electorate or join the list of pending Defendants who appear to have failed in their duty of care to protect the people they have been entrusted to represent and serve.

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