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Samantha Edwards Report - Unmasking the WEF Smart City (Cages) Agenda

The Elite Calling the Shots on where and how you will live - Democracy is the disguise of the World Economic Forum

This video was uploaded as another outlet for the video found on Rumble

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In the Substack link below the author “extracted” through a freedom of Information type request the NZ Government correspondence from Klaus Schwabb; grooming his graduate Young Global Leader and then New Zealand Prime Minister Jecinda Ardern
Look for the picture; a horse could not be happier having been saved from Covid-19 with Ivermectin.

Plebeian Resistance
Ardern, WEF, Klaus Schwab - an Official Information response
This morning NZST I finally received a response to an Official Information Act request to Jacinda Ardern. Basically it was a request to Ardern for her to provide correspondence and any record of payments from or to Klaus Schwab or his organization the World Economic Forum…
Read more

The hapless New Zealanders think they voted for a government that would represent and implement policies based on what they gave that government a mandate to do and ,instead, they voted for a Government that would do the biddings of the World Economic Forum; a group of elitists that could not reside further from New Zealand and could not care less about New Zealand. This group of elitists appear to have a grander scheme of securing an iron fist of control including:
what you eat
where you live
what healthcare you are allowed to have or are forced to have
what is allowable News and Information (Trusted News Initiative)
what you are allowed to say

This group of Elitist could not care less about about remote Victorian’s in Australia; with its WEF Groomed/Collaborator Leader - Daniel Andrews.
Victoria Watch out - Coming to a City near you…
Victoria already has 15 minute cities moving forward….

Is it just easier to say it’s a conspiracy and not even look?
Wyndham - Here you hear the usual phrases like “Stakeholders” - and Co2 Hoax information
And Melbourne People you are being watched as if you were in China

Ask yourself how much privacy is left in your life living in Dan Andrew’s Melbourne

The stakeholders of the smart cities are they the same as the vaccine stakeholders.

Read more about the WEF on their own website
and a more contextual and revealing look at the WEF here:

When people are governed by unelected and distant elitists (which is nothing new in history) freedoms perish and catastrophes abound ; Covid19 is a very clear example.
Covid19 was described by the WEF as an opportunity for a Great reset;
The WEF controlled the Media and the Internet through the “Trusted news Initiative”
With this Control, the following miss-information was spread
a) Covid19 was dangerous to all age groups and required equally strict measures and vaccinations on all age groups
b) There were no early treatments, none at all
c) That the highly inflammatory Lipid Nano Particle SYNTHETIC messenger RNA genetic series of “vaccines” were both safe and effective

Regulatory Capture
Through the regulatory capture in bodies across the globe, Covid19 was used to take vast amounts of money from the people (tax money) and spend it on services (including Media and Tech Giants) and goods provided by partners to the WEF
Look some of them up :

Surveillance and Digitizing
And the most sinister part of it all was the slow eroding of freedoms through emergency powers and silent amendments to Country laws and regulations allowing for unprecedented levels of surveillance, censorship and digitizing of information.
Unchallenged and left to fester, the control grows daily and smart cities will be the path to where everyone (except the elitist club of the WEF) will own nothing and be happy. If any one thinks that Vaccine Passports were just to insure you were jabbed regularly spare a thought to how such a “passport” might be used should you travel outside your smart city zone……

Or copy and paste this link:

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