The Forked Tongues of the Medical Industrial Complex
The Forked Tongues of Vaccine Speak and its AUTHORIZATION; Selling Bird Flu Vaccines (An attempt at a Sequel to the Covid-19 Campaign)
In a recent tweet by Dr. Peter McCullough, attention is drawn to an astounding difference in all-cause mortality data after only 12 months between the PLACEBO group and the AUDENZ Bird Flu vaccinated group.
Note the Study to Evaluate Safety was designed and completed by CSL Seqirus (the benefactor / manufacturer!!!)
This group and ALL vaccine manufacturers in the US have Indemnity so there are no financial consequences for misinformation, omissions or “mistakes” in these studies.
The Usual Players appear to be behind the AUDENZ Bird Flu including BARDA , The US Government and its Grants, the FDA and the handsome recipients of guaranteed indemnity free “Vaccine” sales (in this case CSL Seqirus) to develop a “pre-pandemic influenza vaccine”
Here’s some other absurd concepts that play on the idea of preparing for something that isn't currently necessary:
Early Bird Anti-Aging Cream: Start fighting wrinkles before they even think about appearing.
Future-Proof Umbrellas: Shield yourself from rain that might fall in the distant future.
Preemptive Pet Hair Vacuums: Keep your home clean from pet hair that your pet hasn't shed yet.
Proactive Noise-Canceling Earplugs: Block out noises that could potentially annoy you at some point.
Pre-Smudge Screen Protectors: Protect your screens from smudges that might occur in the future.
The AUDENZ Deadly Marker:
Dr. McCullough found the deadly marker of the AUDENZ “Vaccine” from the FDA Package insert of the FDA Authorized AUDENZ Bird Flu vaccine.
Serious Adverse Events (SAEs)
In Study 3, fatal and non-fatal SAEs reported in the 12 months following vaccinations among adults 18 through 64 years of age occurred in 2.9% of subjects who received AUDENZ and 3.3% of subjects who received placebo. SAE rates among adults 65 years of age and older were 10.5% in subjects administered AUDENZ and 15.3% in subjects who received placebo. Fatal SAEs included 11 (0.5%) AUDENZ recipients and 1 (0.1%) placebo recipients. No SAEs were assessed as being related to AUDENZ.”
Study 3 was first Submitted in July of 2016
Most “awake” individuals understand how useless the “current” Covid-19 vaccines proved to be in less than 1 year as the virus mutated (accelerated by the absurd attempts to vaccinate during a pandemic) to different strains.
So what’s the point of relying on testing a vaccine based on the use of Virus particles that are from 2016 ?
See: NCT02839330
But it goes further back than this the insert refers to the proposed studies going back to 2013 !!
See: NCT01776541
This Vaccine was given FDA Approval in the face of a near 4 fold increase in all cause mortality in the VACCINE group compared to the the PLACEBO group
This FDA approval, once AGAIN, even puts infants in the firing line allowing AUDENZ use on babies as young as 6 months old with the “Package Insert” stating
AUDENZ has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of male fertility in animals
Sound familiar ?
Children with such a long life ahead of themselves being injected with yet ANOTHER product that has ZERO medium or Long term safety data
No SAEs were assessed as being related
Do you trust this coming from the study paid for and run by CSL Seqirus ?
Study 3 reporting the SAE’s was conducted by the very people getting the US Government grant of $30 Million to develop the “pre pandemic vaccine”.
Given Study 3 is trial phase data the authors can’t know what SAE’s to expect.
The onus on the experimental medication provider is to PROVE the SAE’s are not caused by the EXPERIMENTAL medication; this involves more than a one line declaration like “No SAEs were assessed as being related”; it would require nothing less than open and Transparent Autopsies and unrelated third party examinations.
Conflict of interest statement
Authors E.V., E.v.T., W.J., A.T., D.S. and M.H. are employees of the Seqirus group of companies.
With subjective assessments of what is considered a SAE or a “related” SAE the counts may be less than definitive, however, DEATH IS DEFINITIVE and much harder to hide.
Are People Wising up to the Medical Forked Tongues and their Legacy Media Advertisers/Mouthpieces ?
The Playbook
We are now well aware of the Playbook and it is led by a legacy media avalanche of reports from a hyper acceleration in testing for something that was probably always there and would probably resolve itself with Natural balance, herd immunity, common sense.
Usual Players
BBC , ABC , NyTimes ,
There is the familiar fear talk from the Legacy Media (Government Funded Media being some of the worst offenders).
GLOBALIST influences “egging-on” and no doubt financing Presentations like those of the ABC to broadcast the next Pandemic that will necessitate Emergency Powers, Emergency Spending and “Globalist Solutions”.
Like a well prepared brochure for the next Spending Spree, we need not look further than this beautifully “Manipulated” and crafted ABC Report
Time to Syphon and Transfer the Wealth Again
The Syphoning of Tax Payer Money has already began
Moderna Pockets US$176 million- A Terrifying part of this is that it is for the development of more LNP Synthetic mRNA Genetic Instruction Injections
Poultry Farmers cash in US$+500 million on Tax Payer funded ADVERTISEMENT for pending Bird Flu “Pandemic”. Great Headlines, perfect fear campaign, food shortages and increased cost of living for the useless (to GLOBALISTS) eaters.
See: NY Times Article (Actually this article shows the disgusting combination of Government and Corporate Greed working together (again) in a heartless and wicked manner; where cruelty and suffering is set up for reward and the rewards are funded by Tax payers convince by the Legacy and compromised media to mindlessly support “the counter measures”.
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This whole scheme is becoming positively evil. Nice analysis of how the game works. Time for EVERYONE to refuse. [Only one quibble, proactive noise-canceling earplugs as you called them, do work. I used them on stage in bands back in the 80s.]
Injectable IVERMECTIN!
Gates-Funded injectable IVM was promoted on Dec 22 2020. Right after Dr. Pierre Kory pushed IVM as a "prophylactic"(aka vaccine) on Dec 8, 2020