This whole scheme is becoming positively evil. Nice analysis of how the game works. Time for EVERYONE to refuse. [Only one quibble, proactive noise-canceling earplugs as you called them, do work. I used them on stage in bands back in the 80s.]

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haha yes I agree, I think we should establish a human rights charter that allows people to purchase, at their discretion, proactive noise-canceling earplugs before our government signs a secret deal with someone like Sony ; a deal to make warp speed experimental ear buds mandatory and subject to a government purchase (on our behalf and with our taxes) for ten sets of one size fits all earbuds for each person. The earbuds will come with no guarantee to stop the transmission of sound though they may work for the first few minutes of operation.

While Sony will make every effort to make the experimental technology safe and effective they will have indemnity granted on our behalf and results of any safety trials done by Sony will be available through FOI request of the relevant or irrelevant regulatory authority that is guided by advisory taskforces that have never worn earbuds but can produce mathematical models and recommendations in accordance with the various desires of those funding their academic research.

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Agreed. They may work for the first few minutes of operation... And then they just get louder but they will gaslight us with tales that this actually means they are working and reducing the noise LOL

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Clay Target Sport participants use proactive noise-canceling ear muffs.

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Injectable IVERMECTIN!

Gates-Funded injectable IVM was promoted on Dec 22 2020. Right after Dr. Pierre Kory pushed IVM as a "prophylactic"(aka vaccine) on Dec 8, 2020


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Looks like you have discovered involvement of Gates with an "Ivermectin" related product; albeit in pitiful doses of 75 µg/kg over the period of a month (2.5 µg/kg per day in a 30 day month).

Sounds like one of the 4 pillars of clinical trials designed to fail - Using Ridiculously low dose -

For you and your readers the most widely used Covid-19 protocol which is of course not a "one horse" wonder drug (Excuse the pun) INCLUDES Ivermectin at 600 µg/kg per day for 5 to 30 days

Here's a link to the treatment guide:


So let's dig a little further into your Gates Injectable Ivermectin Discovery :

Comparing its dosage to the Covid Patient Treatment Guide , it looks like it (the Gates product) would take 3.3 years to catch up to the Ivermectin component only dose in the Covid treatment guide

over the course of 5 days

That's not forgetting that this Gates Ivermectin injectable ALSO ignores That a HUGE part of Ivermectin (and Hydroxychloroquine) being able to do their Job in the fight against RNA viruses is to act as a Zinc Ionophore where it is actually the Zinc getting into the cells that stops the virus replication; Don't think I could see any mention of Zinc in the Discovered Gates Ivermectin product

You can see other efforts to show Ivermectin something not to be touched here :




So with so much harm potentially coming out of deriding Ivermectin (That's a playbook for the FDA, CDC and the Legacy media) it would pay to be much more careful in telling people not to use or even try to use one of the world's safest award winning drugs on the planet.

Especially if it is based on a few hours of internet research.

You have , however, been able to expose what looks like another Gates attempt to tarnish the reputation of Ivermectin and its amazing ability to be incorporated into a myriad of different protocols in looking for ways to help humanity and peoples health and well being.

You will like this twitter post relating Ivermectin in the treatment of Cancer with doses that are in the 1000's of µg/kg PER DAY being tolerated and associated with curing cancers


Of course there's another reason for more medical industrial complex hit-jobs on Ivermectin

Oncology is too lucrative to be taken over by anything isn't it

Good case in point: https://youtu.be/Ro8C75XykLo

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Oh, sorry...this was not me advocating for this injectable..... I was trying to share the insanity around it all..... :)

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My apologies also , I read your link and it looked like a general ridicule of Ivermectin; the exact playbook of the medical Industrial Complex ; which thankfully many, if not most, people know is owned , controlled and promoted by "Globalist stakeholders" like Bill Gates.

Your post - referring to a "Ninja Turtle post " attempts to paint Pierre Kory as an unwitting "Ivermectinist" liar representing or promoting Ivermectin as a "Russian Asset"

It does so by referring to one of the best bodies of collected papers looking into treatments of Covid-19 as a website that is in itself a flawed pseudo meta-analysis website.

So for all the Globalists who want to look away there is this website ; read it and weep


Look at the right hand side and see an Alphabetic list of Dozens of individual agents where collections of studies are assembled for Moral Compass peoples to reference easily and empowers people (Hopefully lawyers among them) to do research into these agents and the supporting evidence for inclusion in treatment protocols.

Ivermectin is one of the stand out agents and its sub page is:


So back to your link and its Russian Asset Ivermectinist theory :

It found a Paper tenuously linked to your Bill Gates Injectable Company "Medincell"

The Tenous link:

Here is the Study the Russian asset promoting link referenced on the magnificent website


Turns out its difficult to hide good outcomes but ne way to do it is to commission a study keep the results and never publish them if you don't like the results

The Russian asset promoting link wants to conclude that the study never existed because reference to its outcomes were never published except for a retracted French News Paper article that can't be found any more

So here's a link to the "Never Done Study"


"Study Completion (Actual) 2022-10-13"

So we know the Study was completed

But why was there no official publication ; even though ivermectin's efficacy was discovered in this trial as "reported" by a non-existent French "Newspaper Article"

Well our Russian Asset Ivermectinist Post twerp (From hereon I will just refer to this person as "the Twerp") did not try to look very far before concluding there are no records for the outcome of the trial but for a French newspaper article that disappeared...

So here it is from the Sponsors of the Study themselves; Bill Gate's Medincell Pals


(I made sure it was put onto webarchive incase like the French article and other websites still around there was further attempts to suppress the outcomes of this trial).

There are other references to the study the twerp failed to find


And no doubt many others... if the Twerp cared not to discredit Ivermectin and in doing so result in more deaths through a person or persons that could have benefits from Ivermectin not using it due to the Twerps painting of Ivermectin as a Russian Assets Initiative.

All the above said, the Twerp has highlighted (by accident) that the outcomes of a very definitive endorsement for Ivermectin as a prophylaxis was indeed done by a Bill Gates Affiliated company Medincell; likely as part of the incredible greed of this man to cash in on Ivermectin and the Incredible evil of this man by then selling a product using tiny doses Ivermectin that would have a negligible impact, promote despair and teach all those Ivermectin Believers that there isnothing that will save you;

Oh look my Ivermectin Injection did not work very well ;Entirely predictable and likely desired from limiting it to 2.5 µg/kg per day when the very study Medincell commission and chose not to publish as a medical paper used doses 80 and 40 times higher:

"Daily ivermectin tablets intake for 28 days ; 200 mcg/kg (µg/kg) on D1 then 100 mcg/kg (µg/kg) daily from D2 to D28."

Thanks to the Twerp we now know the Authors of the Study not submitted for peer review and maybe than can reveal more as to why the outcomes of this study were not published under peer review for the benefit of all mankind; while its results sat in the hands of Medincell and Bill Gates.


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I shared a substack I thought you might be interested in...... just to look at what some others think of IVM...not my words or opinion....never tried it so can't comment....

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It was interesting to follow the rabbit down the hole and discover another fox waiting in it. Globalists rely on people to share their Globalists messaging without delving into the motives or the evil behind the messaging that they are spreading.

The Fox in the rabbit hole was

Gates, through Medincell, commissioned work into Ivermectin showing terrific results and he chose to flash it fleetingly to promote a useless and 40 to 80 times weaker dose injectable form of Ivermectin.

It was "decided" never to present the results to the scientific world for peer review and no wonder as the results would show a clear path for an effective dose of Ivermectin that would take away from the revenue he wants to raise through "vaccinism"

Your spreading an "interesting messaging" which on the face of it Derides a constituent of multidrug protocols that is saving lives and reducing misery in so many areas and taking away the monopoly of Globalist Medical Industrial Complex Stakeholders is EXACTLY what the Globalists would love to proliferate.

I am not saying don't share "interesting" substacks, I am saying share them with some critical thinking and commentry ; especially if you can see the messaging is as absurd as :

Ivermectin is something commissions by Russian Assets and propped up by retracted French Newspaper Items.

or if you can reasonably expect that the messaging will undo the reputation of a life saving or even just potentially life saving medication.

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Is all this a dream/nightmare? Hard to comprehend the diabolical and systematic evil in all these "vax-ines".

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