he's destroying medicine by saving patients... not good for the industry

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A guns is pointing at you, point blank, and you have two choices

1) Disarm the guy holding the gun


2) Complain that the gun is not the right color

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My hair is on fire.

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Thank you John, The More eyes on this the better

It is a David and Goliath fight for what is right

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Please change the picture. It's a ridiculous misrepresentation. An Indian in South Africa is not considered Black. And in South Africa, the Medical Regulators against Shankara would absolutely not comprise a homogenous bunch of hand wringing whites.

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over and over again...unless you tow the standard government protocol lines, you are vilified. It is not only in the medical field - I would say it is in all fields in South Africa, including Human Rights Bodes, the SIU, the LPC, SAHPRA and the education department....not least of all our corrupted political system where our 'opposition parties' are complicit in the charade. We had all of this talk of TRyBuN^Ls.....which vanished in a cloud of geoengeneering..... It is beyond me that SAHPRA for one is even allowed to exist...they have long since classified over the counter suppliments needing a doctor certificate....

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The disinformation continues...and it's appalling and disgusting that there is such dishonesty AND cognitive dissonance among academics & others...THERE IS NO SO-CALLED "COVID"!

Aug 1, 2022

CDC & FDA admitted in 2020 that covid-19 doesn't exist...



Dr. Mark Bailey, MD & Dr. John Bevan-Smith, Ph.D.

The COVID-19 Fraud and War on Humanity

Imaginary Disease and Pandemic Invented by WHO is a Virological Fraud



CDC/FDA smoking gun of smoking guns:

Mar. 9, 2022

by Jon Rappoport



They confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus; they “contrived” a model by pretending to find what they wanted to find;...This is the con and the crime that drove millions of lives, and economies, into ruin.


Why Nobody "Had, Caught or Got" COVID-19


OCT 16, 2022



Irrefutable Scientific Proof:

Covid-19 Does NOT Exist!

Published February 20, 2021

By Karma Singh



Dr. Denis Rancourt, Ph.D.:

Data Proves COVID-19 Is Actually An Illusion


OCT 3, 2022



17 May 2023

Dr. Mike Yeadon, Ph.D.:

“No One Died of or Even With COVID, Because It’s a Fictitious Disease.”


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1st: Covid does not exist;

2nd: If one is jabbed, then they have become both a receiver and transmitter of 5G wireless, microwave radiation and frequency. If one has a cell phone with them, this is part of why they are having various symptoms.

3rd: You are very arrogant-sounding, but, that's actually a good thing, because, as that saying goes, pride proceeds the fall...

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I will post this on my blog.

Those of us who treated patients properly have been taken out since 2021.

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So-called "covid" does not exist.

June 19, 2022

Retired American medical doctor & neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock:

Why take a killer "vaccine" for a virus that doesn't even exist?

Unless you were stupid.

Archived link: https://web.archive.org/web/20220811201112/https://brandnewtube.com/watch/why-take-a-killer-vaccine-for-a-virus-that-don-039-t-even-exist-unless-you-were-stupid_VhbUjne3O84dPDK.html

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All These Bastards will one day hide in a Rat's Hole

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Please note the unmatchable Dr Chetty is now on regularly with Dr Philip Macmillan of Vejon Health. This is class stuff, scientific AND compassionate doctoring

Dr Jo East Anglia

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There is NO so-called "covid virus'; nor "SARS virus"; nor any other virus...



FOIs re imaginary "SARS-COV-2":


FOIs re dozens of other imaginary "viruses":


FOIs re "virus" controls:



Mar 6, 2024

Dr. Tom Cowan


From our webinar with Dr. Mark Bailey last week on isolation and scientific thinking: https://bitchute.com/video/D6O8i9cpwZPp/

If you or someone you know believe that viruses have been isolated and have a rebuttal or scientific study to show us, please submit a short paper or a short video to conversationswithdrcowan@gmail.com and we will review & address these in a future webinar.

Please note that the requirements for submission can be found in this video.





Mar 4, 2024

Italian scientist Dr. Stefano Scoglio, Ph.d. on the pseudoscience of virology, etc.

- Dec 2023 interview (he's speaking English)




Mar 1, 2024



CDC admits: no scientific evidence of cowpox or Alaskapox "virus"... or contagion of symptoms



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