he's destroying medicine by saving patients... not good for the industry

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It's easy to save patients from the covid ,because it does not exist .The flu and cold is still with us .And being forced to eat contaminated food makes everything much worse ,including the flu called covid .

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fear mongered contagion... fear amplified could be the major killer

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A guns is pointing at you, point blank, and you have two choices

1) Disarm the guy holding the gun


2) Complain that the gun is not the right color

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My hair is on fire.

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"the science" commands you to do nothing to put out the fire in your hair. You are to go home and wait until the fire in your hair sets your house on fire. You are to do nothing to try to put out your house fire . You are to wait until your house is burning out of control. You may then call the fire department who will watch and see if your house burns completely to the ground. If they see that your house fire may not burn your house entirely to the ground they will then inject gasoline and other accelerants into your house and provide oxygen ventilation for the fire to ensure complete destruction of your house. Of course the gasoline will cost $3,000 or more and extra for the additional accelerants and the oxygen ventilation $20,000 or more plus then an additional surcharge on your entire bill of an additional 20% or more.

"the science" is fauci et al. The "gasoline" is remdesivir that killed kidney function. The "accelerants" are midazolam and morphine that killed respiration. The "oxygen ventilation" are the ventilators, a final solution covid "hospital" profit center. These 3 are the 3 evils of the covid times "we will kill you in the hospital" covid "standard of care". It has been reported that if hospitals placed patients on the known killer remdesivir they received a 20%? bonus on the total hospital bill and placing a person needlessly dying from covid and "treatment" on a ventilator a many thousands of dollar fee - yes a few survived with the help of a ventilator.

All this suffering and death to create the Fear Fear Fear by denying Real treatment for covid to facilitate the emergency use authorization for and acceptance of the genetic manipulation "vaccine" countermeasures.

trump failed on the 2 most important fronts he faced.

"Karma" / God's Law governing cause and effect offers opportunity to try and try again to people who have failed . Perhaps the most important "teaching" for many of us.

trump failed on the debt. trump failed on the "pandemic". trump was fully informed about early treatment. trump used covid prophylaxis and the early treatment for covid and walked away unscathed. trump was the Commander in Chief with the power to use Our Military to deliver all that was needed for pandemic stopping early treatment to the National Guards of each state to distribute to the people in each state. trump was attacked in the media about HCQ and ran and hid under his bed and as and because trump was "hiding" 400,000 of the most vulnerable needlessly died a terrible death from the denial of Real early treatment for covid on trump's watch

Trump knows "on the inner" that the only way he can balance this terrible karma, at the scale needed within the time requirements required, is from a position of power such as the presidency or from such a position as the initiation of a great service to many. That is why he is fighting for the presidency.

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This will act ató make everyone to get their annual house insurance 😉

However the annual house insurance is a Troyan horse to get more personal data on you as to sell more fees for more insurance products and make your financial health unsustainable

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Since the commies closed shop in Russia ,it migrated to Canada .Castro junior can't make up his mind who he wants to hate more ,the people or the climate . Just now he raised the carbon tax on gas up to $ 2.06 a liter .That is $8.24 _ a gallon .Carbon is the stuff of life, and that is not allowed to exist .Will there be a tax on breathing the government owned atmosphere ,or will it be rationed ?

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I agree with everything you have said, very catchily described, except about Trump. He saved himself wisely with HCQ, but his whole national plan for the pandemic in 2020 was a disaster. Like you and me think, where was the need for vaccine when people were dying, where were quick protocols of treatment to prevent serious illness, with most familiar symptoms where was the need to wait for a new anti viral, if he had thought of these as a normal, calm person, he would have asked his medical admn to quickly institutionalise HCQ usage and look for additional repurposed drugs ? Did he do that, he also parroted for Pfizer and Moderna, with his operation warp speed pouring millions to those companies ? And Biden administration unfortunately carried forward with the same thinking and priorities. The rest is history, this pandemic in the USA, with no end in sight.

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This is so well written...!!

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Thank You. I Am Trying to learn to write better by writing on substack. For me Its a try and try again process. The edit feature is most helpful.

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Just subscribed.

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It's all that wrongthink that you put in close proximity.

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Thank you John, The More eyes on this the better

It is a David and Goliath fight for what is right

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Please change the picture. It's a ridiculous misrepresentation. An Indian in South Africa is not considered Black. And in South Africa, the Medical Regulators against Shankara would absolutely not comprise a homogenous bunch of hand wringing whites.

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over and over again...unless you tow the standard government protocol lines, you are vilified. It is not only in the medical field - I would say it is in all fields in South Africa, including Human Rights Bodes, the SIU, the LPC, SAHPRA and the education department....not least of all our corrupted political system where our 'opposition parties' are complicit in the charade. We had all of this talk of TRyBuN^Ls.....which vanished in a cloud of geoengeneering..... It is beyond me that SAHPRA for one is even allowed to exist...they have long since classified over the counter suppliments needing a doctor certificate....

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The disinformation continues...and it's appalling and disgusting that there is such dishonesty AND cognitive dissonance among academics & others...THERE IS NO SO-CALLED "COVID"!

Aug 1, 2022

CDC & FDA admitted in 2020 that covid-19 doesn't exist...



Dr. Mark Bailey, MD & Dr. John Bevan-Smith, Ph.D.

The COVID-19 Fraud and War on Humanity

Imaginary Disease and Pandemic Invented by WHO is a Virological Fraud



CDC/FDA smoking gun of smoking guns:

Mar. 9, 2022

by Jon Rappoport



They confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus; they “contrived” a model by pretending to find what they wanted to find;...This is the con and the crime that drove millions of lives, and economies, into ruin.


Why Nobody "Had, Caught or Got" COVID-19


OCT 16, 2022



Irrefutable Scientific Proof:

Covid-19 Does NOT Exist!

Published February 20, 2021

By Karma Singh



Dr. Denis Rancourt, Ph.D.:

Data Proves COVID-19 Is Actually An Illusion


OCT 3, 2022



17 May 2023

Dr. Mike Yeadon, Ph.D.:

“No One Died of or Even With COVID, Because It’s a Fictitious Disease.”


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I do agree a 100% there was nothing deadly flying through the air, (but stopped at just under 6 ft...well later changed it to 4, I believe, yet NO protocols were changed! Everyone still advertised 6 ft because hey they'd already bought those stickers, etc for the floor! 🥴) nothing deadly on counters, desk tops, door handles, and the most RIDICULOUS one...on your food packages! 🙄 However, I still feel there was something. People didn't get imaginary sick. It wasn't a regular flu either. I'll add I don't believe Swine Flu came from pigs anymore than Rona came from bats, but both were different from regular flu. With the swine flu oh Lordt I was sick. Then got bronchitis afterwards which I'd NEVER had nor had since! That was 2009. I didn't get tested for rona and never will, but Nov of '20 I got what I believed was rona flu. I wasn't really sick. I had a runny/stuffed nose and ran a fever which I usually never run one...except with Swine flu. I was EXTREMELY tired! I never nap and don't sleep good at night. Haven't in YEARS! During this I napped every chance I got and slept all night too even after the mild symptoms passed for SIX weeks! I also lost my smell for over 3 months. I've been told I have bionic smelling! I couldn't even smell my perfume! So I assume when people say it doesn't exist they actually mean it was just another flu variant? Again compared to swine flu it was a walk in the park. Being exhausted got old, but I wasn't sick as a dog like with the other. I've actually had the flu 3 times in my entire life and I'm in my 50's. 2 of which were swine and rona flu. But I also 1000% agree you can't test it if you can't isolate it! I just wonder why flu test didn't pick it up...or did hospitals/drs lie? Those are just my questions I never feel get answered. I KNOW there was something. It wasn't imaginary or your standard flu. Runny/stopped nose, body aches, low grade fever, and maybe a cough. My husband has asthma and probably damaged lungs so he coughs his head off for 4-6 weeks with a common cold/sinus infection even after symptoms are gone. NOTHING (no drugs/cough drops) helps it but putting on his cpap mask. 🥴 My other question I even asked a VA nurse who couldn't answer...why are they still using PCR tests when CDC halted them due to too many false positives! Remember at first...oh you could have it, but not have symptoms so triple mask and wear gloves so you're not killing everyone around you! 🙄🤮 At the VA they now call it a Respiratory Panel. I stood there and watched him stick something up my father-in-law's nose. I knew damn well what it was! So I asked...isn't that a pcr test?! Nurse just shook his head yes. I asked...CDC did away with those some time ago so why are you using it?! He just meekly said he didn't know. 😡😡😡 Last question no one ever answers... Hell's Gates and Saggy Eyed Soros announced together they purchased a 41 million dollar pcr testing company. It was less than a week later cdc announced doing away with pcr tests. Then crickets about what happened with the company they bought! Not another article was written on it! Why???


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Standby for a series featuring Professor Edward J Steele.

He and Colleagues present the "obvious" evidence that airborne disease causing agents spread in the air and in plumes (That travel through the upper atmospheric wind streams).

A) It makes a mockery of measures like restrictions of travel, school shut downs, 6 ft distancing and wiping down surfaces

B) It points to something far more fundamental; the "Origins" or Spreading of Life and how this knowledge was used by the Cabal to jump on the Covid-19 opportunity

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1st: Covid does not exist;

2nd: If one is jabbed, then they have become both a receiver and transmitter of 5G wireless, microwave radiation and frequency. If one has a cell phone with them, this is part of why they are having various symptoms.

3rd: You are very arrogant-sounding, but, that's actually a good thing, because, as that saying goes, pride proceeds the fall...

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There may not be any whyrusses ,but covid does exist since I named my dog COVID .

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I will post this on my blog.

Those of us who treated patients properly have been taken out since 2021.

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So-called "covid" does not exist.

June 19, 2022

Retired American medical doctor & neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock:

Why take a killer "vaccine" for a virus that doesn't even exist?

Unless you were stupid.

Archived link: https://web.archive.org/web/20220811201112/https://brandnewtube.com/watch/why-take-a-killer-vaccine-for-a-virus-that-don-039-t-even-exist-unless-you-were-stupid_VhbUjne3O84dPDK.html

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Blaylock wrote a great editorial in SNI (Surgical Neurology International), published 22 April 2022 entitled "COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?". 100% to the point. 7 Pages, 3 pages of references. Tells you EVERYTHING. Should be mandatory reading for everyone - who can read a scientific paper that is. The scare would be over and pitchforks out everywhere. Perhaps. Denying the obvious is widespread unfortunately.

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click on "full text" box.

PDF around somewhere also.

It can't get more official than that

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No link/source?

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apparently deleted from wayback machine, AFAIK under control of you-know-who.

Could you upload this to bitchute and rumble?


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I just clicked the link and it worked for me.

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yup - confirmed. There all of a sudden.

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All These Bastards will one day hide in a Rat's Hole

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Please note the unmatchable Dr Chetty is now on regularly with Dr Philip Macmillan of Vejon Health. This is class stuff, scientific AND compassionate doctoring

Dr Jo East Anglia

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There is NO so-called "covid virus'; nor "SARS virus"; nor any other virus...



FOIs re imaginary "SARS-COV-2":


FOIs re dozens of other imaginary "viruses":


FOIs re "virus" controls:



Mar 6, 2024

Dr. Tom Cowan


From our webinar with Dr. Mark Bailey last week on isolation and scientific thinking: https://bitchute.com/video/D6O8i9cpwZPp/

If you or someone you know believe that viruses have been isolated and have a rebuttal or scientific study to show us, please submit a short paper or a short video to conversationswithdrcowan@gmail.com and we will review & address these in a future webinar.

Please note that the requirements for submission can be found in this video.





Mar 4, 2024

Italian scientist Dr. Stefano Scoglio, Ph.d. on the pseudoscience of virology, etc.

- Dec 2023 interview (he's speaking English)




Mar 1, 2024



CDC admits: no scientific evidence of cowpox or Alaskapox "virus"... or contagion of symptoms



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You'll need to come up with explanations for symptoms most people have seen or felt, the difference in outcomes for people with these symptoms according to treatments; comparing the wicked standard of care to early treatment protocols.

The hundreds if not thousands of trials that can be found here https://c19hcq.org/meta.html

examining the out comes of







Conv. Plasma














Nigella Sativa














The work of amazing early treatment Doctors treating presentations of very similar pathologies of 1000's of patients with stunning results.

Their patient bases across the world experiencing a very distinct set of symptoms with many Doctors like Dr Jackie Stone in Zimbabwe and Dr Shankara Chetty in South Africa treating very rural patients travelling from places so remote they can't possibly be blaming the symptoms on 5G towers or other technology.

It is possible to get so caught up on a line of thinking or a model that you stick to the model/reasoning no matter how overwhelming the evidence to the contrary.

That said its healthy to keep an open mind so the above questions are genuine - how does the "there is no such thing as a virus" argument address the above ?

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I initially thought the "there is no such thing as a virus" posts were from some bot created by some jerk seeking attention and engagement. Wherever this came from I have decided anyone believing and posting "there is no such thing as a virus" is simply best ignored and allowed to figure out the truth for themselves.

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