
Dan Andrews' Use of The Common Wealth and The Lost Games.

Victoria can no longer afford the Commonwealth games. We deep dive into where all the "Common Wealth" was spent by what many believe is Victoria's most dangerous premier on record.

Source Data:

Excel Sheet : Generating the Visuals on the 4 year Blow out Ramp up of Dan Andrews Common Wealth Spending

Dans Use Of Common Wealth Games
27.9KB ∙ XLSX file

The Actual Reports with Links to the Tables:

Victorian 2018 19 Financial Report Rev01
3.83MB ∙ PDF file
Victorian 2019 20 Financial Report 0
5.13MB ∙ PDF file
Victorian 2020 21 Financial Report
3.23MB ∙ PDF file
Victorian 2021 22 Financial Report
3.47MB ∙ PDF file

The Andrews Spending has gone through the roof in the past 4 and probably 5 years
Through incompetence and perhaps very dangerous health mistakes; Victorians and now the whole of Australia are paying the price.
How does this State “leader” look people straight in the eye and say we are cancelling a world event we committed to because we miscalculated the costs?
See Exactly how this Graph was produced:
But to those “appalled” by the loss of the Commonwealth Games; you’ve go a much bigger loss on the Horizon.
How can an idiot be believed when proposing “Smart Cities”; Here’s how.

In only 4 years the Dan Andrews Government in the 21-22 financial year reported an increase in spending in the following sectors;
$9.82 Billion Dollars (more than 4 years ago) on Health (Surprise - Surprise)

$8.90 Billion Dollars (more than 4 years ago) on Economic Affairs
This one is the dark horse a category moving from an annual Spend of 1.5 Billion to over 10.0 Billion in just 4 Years ; What is this Dan ?

“Economic affairs: includes general economic, commercial and labour affairs, agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, fuel and energy, mining, manufacturing, and construction, communication, other industries, research and development.”

90% of the increase of this Dark Horse is under the relatively vague sub heading of
“General economic, commercial and labour affairs”

$4.23 Billion Dollars (more than 4 years ago) on Public Order and Safety
How much of that was to arm Victorian Police and other Mercenaries to do what the video of this Substack remembers.

A Deeper Dive into how the Dan Andrew’s Victorian Government was Spending under the Headingof:
“COVID-19 response and recovery – actual expenditure by department”
2019-2020 $4,389,800,000
2020-2021 $13,257,220,000
2021-2022 $18,188,400,000
Here are some examples of perplexing expenditures recorded by the Victorian Government under this Heading (2021-2022)…..:

Energy efficiency upgrades for homes ? ($39,900,000)
More solar homes? ($21,800,000)
Accelerating adoption of zero emission vehicles?($18,800,000)
Plan Melbourne Implementation? ($3,300,000) (See: WEF Agenda)
LGBTIQ+ Grants Program? ($1,000,000)
Emerald Tourist Railway? ($11,300,000)
Breakthrough Victoria Fund? ($108,600,000)
Metro Tunnel? ($147,300,000)

Victorian Housing Affordability
sellout Victoria packages”

See: https://propertyupdate.com.au/chinese-investment-in-australian-property-exceeds-1-6-billion-in-just-six-months/ 

Why can’t fully employed Victorians afford a small house in Melbourne ?
It turns out a Major source of State Revenue comes from Home Stamp Duty
A “Foreign purchaser” delivers much higher revenue than an Australian Citizen.
See: https://www.sro.vic.gov.au/foreignpurchaser
See: https://www.e-business.sro.vic.gov.au/calculators/land-transfer-duty

Stamp Duty Example on $1 Million Dollar Home (If such a bargain exists)
An Australian Citizen Pays $55,000 Stamp Duty
A foreign Buyer Pays $135,000 Stamp Duty = 245% that of an Australian Buyer
How does this impacts Prices?:
Example - Tourello Ave, East Hawthorn 3123.
A Billionaire Chinese buyer purchased THREE (3) Properties on the same street at far above market value (as indicated by the agents listing the property) and the same purchased more surrounding property; building mansions, some of which are unoccupied at any given time.
The new prices set the stage for even higher “market values”.
The depleted housing stock for local families pushes demand up - pushing prices up.

There are Real Estate Agents doing all they can to facilitate this kind of Foreign Purchasing. They have divisions that canvas Chinese buyers and also work with local builders to provide what looks to be “sellout Victoria packages”. No doubt these Sell Australia Out Real Estate Agents also help these foreign buyers fill out the necessary paperwork.

And from the 2021-2022 comes the boast:

State taxation revenue increased by $483 million compared with the revised estimate. This was primarily driven by higher than expected land transfer duty, and higher payroll tax due to a stronger than expected labour market in the second half of 2021-22.

In 2021-22 Andrews Took $10,361,000,000.00 ($10.361 Billion) in Land Transfer Duty
As Victorian’s struggling to pay their ever increasing Mortgages and others struggle to pay the Rent (or bunk up with parents while they save up for a little Victorian shoe box apartment), it would appear it is in the Andrew’s government’s interests to encourage the market to keep going up to the highest bidding foreigners.

To the Greens and Teals that prop up this regime take a look at the poultry increase in spending on Environmental protection; Dan’s focus is clearly not on the environment; even if he is creating conditions to effectively close down the state’s base load coal fired power plants with no known viable replacements in the foreseeable future.

Let’s Hope Dan can cancel some of the more disastrous spending planned for neither safe nor effective experimental treatments which he did deliver no matter what the cost to the community - see below:

Or text this link: http://tribeqr.com/v/danswealthspend

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