Has the TGA Boxed Australia into a Covid-19 Pandemic?
1) Block Treatments Using HCQ , 2) Unleash mRNA with a known systemic LNP Biodistribution pattern and Covid-19 outcomes, 3) Block Treatments Using Ivermectin
Data Sources:
Deaths with Covid-19 -Australia https://covidlive.com.au/report/daily-deaths/aus
Deaths with Covid-19 -Victoria https://covidlive.com.au/report/daily-deaths/vic
Covid-19 Cases - https://covidlive.com.au/report/daily-cases/vic
HCQ Ban for Use Against Covid-19 - TGA HCQ Ban Website Link
IVERMECTIN Ban for Use Against Covid-19 - TGA IVERMECTIN Ban Website Link
Victorian “Vaccine Doses” including, in the main, Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA Genetic Instruction Clinical Trial Phase Vaccine - https://covidlive.com.au/report/daily-vaccinations/aus
COVID Live data is collected from media releases and verified against state and federal health departments.
*** Important thing to note on the Graph above is the Post Vaccine Roll Out Explosion of Covid-19 - Under Documents extracted through court actions in the US from Pfizer it was discovered the third most common reported side effect was Covid-19 itself!
See: Amazon Book - What’s in the Pfizer Documents - suggest “read sample”
Imagine a goal to inject millions of uninfected and Healthy Australians with a “vaccine” that is KNOWN to have a side effect of contracting and therefore potentially spreading Covid-19 ; is it any wonder that there was an explosion of Covid-19 AFTER the release of Millions of Doses of this “vaccine” ?
See excerpt below from “sample read”:
Why were Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin banned by the TGA from use in Australia for use in peer reviewed Multi-Drug Protocols for the prevention and Treatment of Covid-19 ; especially since both medications had been safely and responsibly prescribed by Australian Doctors (on and off label) for DECADES ?
To Understand the Vital Role that HCQ and Ivermectin had to play (But for the obstruction of Medications by the TGA) in potentially saving around 80% of the median age 86 Years Old Victims of Australian Covid-19 ; see the long published peer reviewed early treatment Covid-19 treatment protocols that were made available to the TGA (Specifically John Skerritt) prior to the TGA banning Ivermectin and during the still current TGA ban on Hydroxychloroquine.
The actual version of the guide in the hands of John Skerrit of the TGA in December of 2020 can be found here
To understand the safety of Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin the files below were generated from the TGA’s own Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN) - medicines.
The period Covered in these searches was over 50 Years (1/1/1971 through 8/5/2023) !
Hydroxychloroquine - 632 Reported Adverse Events
Ivermectin - 32 - Reported Events
Early Treatment Protocols that did not involve patented pharmaceuticals represented both a safe alternative to clinical trial phase alternatives and a threat to the potential profits of the Covid-19 “vaccines” patent holders and manufacturers.
The TGA obtains most of its funding through the pharmaceutical companies.
Why were Novel Technology , warp speed developed, Lipid Nano Particle, Synthetic messenger RNA Genetic Instruction (mRNA) “vaccines” , still in their clinical trial phase, unleashed on the Australian Population (for young and old) as the ONLY true potential “magic Covid-19 bullet”; Especially when the TGA had in its, hands prior to unleashing the product, a document from Pfizer that clearly stated this novel technology would NOT remain in the injection site but rather likely spread to every vital cell type in the body ?
The Australian TGA had in its possession a Pfizer Non-Clinical Report that had studies confirming a system wide Biodistribution; this was only made known to Australians through yet another FOI request:
Foi 2389 06 Original Tga Received Pfizer Nonclinical Evaluation Repor
2.52MB ∙ PDF file
To help understand the Technological Fire that is being played with here in these Novel Technology patented and very profitable products with Genetic Instructions the following short video explains the NATURAL process of protein production of nearly every cell type in the Human Body.
Key Points here to note:
-Gene expression is the process by which the instructions in our DNA are converted into a functional product, such as a protein
-DNA is something we inherit and has stood the test of time through our species history. One of the KEY REASONS you DON’T allow for medications that can change your DNA is that there is no way of knowing how modified “Gene expression” (even of just one cell type) will impact upon the thousands of delicate and co-dependent bodily functions in our body.
-The “mRNA” vaccines are better described as Lipid Nano Particle, Synthetic messenger RNA Genetic Instruction (mRNA) “vaccines” as this allows for a more robust informed consent process.
-Pfizer Documents (Only obtained from the TGA with a Freedom of Information Request) show that the Lipid Nano Particle were NOT going to deliver their Genetic Instructions to just one cell type; they showed the Genetic Instructions would be delivered to virtually every vital cell type in the body.
It is worth carefully looking again at this known (to the TGA) “Bio-Distribution”
This is where inflammatory LNP particles were found by Pfizer to be ACCUMULATING after injection into test RATS.
Brain: related Substack click this link
Spinal cord
Prostate (males)
Adipose tissue
Salivary glands
Testes (males)
Whole blood
Uterus (females)
Blood : plasma ratio
Heart: related Substack click this link
Pancreas : related Substack click this link
Bone (femur)
Pituitary gland
Lymph node (mandibular)
Large intestine
Lymph node (mesenteric)
Small intestine
Bone marrow (femur)
Ovaries (females) related substack click this link
Adrenal glands related substack click this link
-SYNTHETIC messenger RNA was the “payload” of this cluster bomb like distribution. The SYNTHETIC nature is key to a proper UNDERSTANING and ability to provide true informed consent.
a) It is a Synthesized mRNA NOT produced by human DNA and hence its purity and consistency can not come close to that of our DNA; imagine genetic instructions that are fragmented going into nearly every one of your cell types!
b) Natural RNA produced through Natural Gene Expression has a natural off switch that (in mammals) never lasts more than 2 days and usually a lot less. If more of a protein needs to be produced then more Natural RNA will be produced through Natural Gene Expression; think of it as having an accelerator and natural break
The SYNTHETIC mRNA has a patented technology to extend the life of the messenger RNA to an as yet unknown duration; with papers showing it can stay in the body for WEEKS (nucleoside-modified).
This following Substack covers the SYTHETIC Genetic Dangers of this “product”.
To understand the safety of the “mRNA” vaccines and compare the safety records of the earlier discussed (and blocked by the TGA) Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin The following file below was again generated from the TGA’s own Database of Adverse Event Notifications (DAEN) - medicines.
The period Covered in this search was under three years (through to 8/5/2023) !
"mRNA" vaccines - 88,877 Reported Adverse Events
Here it is in excel format in case you want to scan through the conditions that might match yours or a loved one who was coerced, pressured or lead to believe they were taking a completely safe and effective “vaccine”
20230522 Pfizer And Moderna List Of Reports From 88877 Australians 1 Jan 2020 To 8 May 2023
4.25MB ∙ XLSX file
Update July 14 2023:
Are There Crimes or Criminal Negligence involved
See: July 4th , 2023 Letter of Demands to
TGA, OGTR, Pfizer & Moderna
Plus the cover letter of the urgent application to the Federal Court
Urgent Federal Court hearing dates are being sought.
In Australia it is a serious criminal offence to 'deal' with GMOs without a GMO license first being granted by the OGTR (the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator).
See Demand Letters:
In Closing we repeat the Title:
Has the TGA Boxed Australia into a Covid-19 Pandemic?
Share Link: http://tribeqr.com/v/tgabox
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Seems familiar... https://metatron.substack.com/p/how-to-create-a-deadly-pandemic-in
As always, thorough and comprehensive research, thank you. Shared on Fakebook (let's see how long before they 'slap' me this time).