“Health’s Angels” Part 2 of 3 Link: http://tribeqr.com/v/healthsangels02
Dr. Jackie Stone has practiced and refined her art of Medicine around the Globe.
With close ties to “Health’s Angels” in Australia, Jackie Joins Australia’s Professor Ian Brighthope. Together they discuss their experiences in dealing with Covid-19 and their freedoms (restricted) to practice the art of Clinical Practice Medicine where the patient is treated according to their individual needs.
Interesting Points raised include:
The Role of Nebulized Silver
Australia’s Dr Thomas Borody proposed the use of Ivermectin and Dr. Stone was able to use this in her Country for Covid-19 treatment protocols with remarkable success; protocols obstructed for use in Australia by the Australian TGA
Dr. Stone’s return to Zimbabwe from Australia to Practice Medicine in part to practice freely with her knowledge base away from the suffocation of her art - to the detriment of her patients - by Australian Health Regulatory Authorities
21:20 onwardDr. Stone continued with the theme of Health Authority led Clinical Practice interference versus Doctors and Countries being able to Practice medicine without external regulatory directions and mandates:
- South Africa Population 60 Million with Covid-19 Deaths 102,595
Viscous Lockdowns
Ivermectin Obstructed
Gene Based Vaccines
(Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA genetic instruction Vaccines; dumbed down to the less alarming description of “mRNA vaccines”)
- Zimbabwe Population 14 Million with Covid-19 Deaths 5,686
Widely available Vaccines
Use of Tradition “killed” vaccine imported from China
1/5 the rate of Covid-19 carnage in South Africa
- Tanzania Population 60 Million with Covid-19 Deaths 846
No Lockdowns, No Vaccinations and perhaps Diet where high in Vitamin C and sun exposure for Vitamin D.
Note the Amish Community that also had no lockdowns or Vaccines showed the same resilience to Covid-19 (90 times less Covid-19 Carnage than heavily vaccinated and regulated Countries).Professor Ian Brighthope points out the obvious (to him and medical science) - pre Covid-19. There were three key elemental nutraceuticals (vitamin)C,(vitamin)D & Zinc used very successfully, back in the AIDS Epidemic era of over 40 years ago in treating opportunist infections; extending AIDS patient lives significantly. During this time the use of high dose intravenous Vitamin C and Vitamin D had remarkable Clinical results.
Dr Stone uses Intravenous Vitamins as an Obvious measure for Hospitalized patients.
In Professor Brighthope’s opinion high risk Covid-19 patients can avoid intensive care all together if they are given high dose intravenous vitamin C on admission to Hospital; This is not done in Australia with Australian Hospitals actually fighting patient requests for this treatment.
But for the obstruction of the available medications and use of vitamins and mineral supplements, Professor Brighthope points out we are dealing with some of the most powerful molecules that nature or God has given us; substances that can alter the expression of our Gene’s to switch on the production of all of our immunoglobulins (Antibodies) that compliment the peptides used to produce our most powerful Mask in our Universe; the Mucosal membranes.
In a Covid-19 Study Professor Brighthope was involved in, conducted in Turkey, if the vitamin D level in patients was above 75 you rarely ended up in Hospital. If patients had serious co-morbidities; and most of them were a result of multiple nutritional deficiencies; metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Diabetes, Cardio Vascular Disease these people developed these degenerative diseases because most of the building blocks from their nutrition was not optimized. Our entire “so called” health care system fails to recognize this.
We are not home yet.
As people begin to wake up to the forces currently controlling their lives and seeking to further control their lives, the grip of fear perpetuated by these forces will become very slippery and a restoration of health, freedoms and truths will follow.
Please freely share to help in the great wake up.or text this link: http://tribeqr.com/v/healthsangels01:
Related Posts:
Part 2: http://tribeqr.com/v/healthsangels02Part 3: http://tribeqr.com/v/healthsangels03
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