The one thing that continues to be missing in these discussions is the FACT that no vaccines of any kind are necessary. None of them are safe or effective unless you butcher the definitions of safe and effective. The focus should be on health and early treatment. Natural immunity is all we need unless it's a bioweapon. Then some sort of countermeasure may be needed. Never, should any medical intervention be mandatory or even coerced. The key to informed consent is "informed". If the public was panicked based on lies, then consent was coerced, not informed.

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There is also enough clues that hint that the waxxines were what caused most of the Spanish flu fatalities in the turn of the 20th century.

Herd immunity had essentially came up with a solution to the source problem (radar radiation) and then the waxxines hit + wild strains. Similar to a cytotoxic storm reaction.

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some do work.

Rabies vaccine works. 100% death rate without it.

Tetanos works too.

I am all for truth, in all directions, so I agree the mRNA jab is a disaster and the biggest con, genocide inflicted on humanity, but you can not discard everything. Look at all evidence

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Often (recently) when I read your posts I am reminded of the final scene in the movie Schindler’s list where the descendants of those who were saved put a stone on Schindlers’ grave , and the pile of stones was quite massive. It was the save the world Weinstein podcast that stopped us in our tracks and we sent that podcast to our children and friends. Regardless of the who should have done what when, rabbit hole, that 1 podcast saved us our 4 adult children, 9 grandchildren and 2 of our (adult) friends -17 people that we know for sure and their future descendants, we support your efforts financially as we can and owe a tremendous debt of gratitude for your bravery. Stand firm and proud for doing all you have done, the FLCCC team , Jill and the other spouses are the kinds of people that we should all strive to be in our chosen professions for their knowledge, integrity and bravery.

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Hi! Do you have the link to the Weinstein podcast you credit for saving loved ones from the jabs? Could you share it, please? It's late in the game...but if we could stop the endless boosters, we could then focus on trying to get the lost back to good health and sanity. Thanks!

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Excellent! A million, no, a billion thumbs up! This information is immediately digestible by policy level folks as well as any concerned citizen! A bazzillion thank yous!

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So...how do we stop this mRNA snowball rolling down hill to hell? This has been evolving for decades and has been aided and abetted by NIH/FDA and CDC in concert with Big Pharma guiding the Congressman in DC to believe in the "science". The great harm that has been done and will be done as Big Pharma rolls out more mRNA FDA approved nano drug injections will just compound what is has transpired and will transpire especielly with those who embraced the injections believing the narrative that they has have positive medical value.

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They can only hide so many dropping dead from these venoms. They are covering up the deaths of athletes and famous folks as,hard as they can but it is turning into an undamable river. Then what?

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Those are merely a light trickle compared to the major function, which I believe to be the sterility. The US conducted coerced and secret sterilization projects decades ago. This is the Gates "depopulation" trick. In fact I think the sudden deaths were merely due to an oversight on their part, due to greedy rushed plans. They panicked and hit the Armageddon switch, but forgot humans need decades to refine these methods of genocide.

The sterilization may be 70-95%. There is no need to "kill off" billions. They will die on the vine in a few years or decades, when pop can no longer replace itself. A quite efficient solution for population control. We sterilize and neuter animals for similar reasons.

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I totally agree with you!

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Follow the money and cut it off at the appropriate point(s) in the chain. Some public lynchings might speed up the corrective action.

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I can’t justify my hesitation to say, but I don’t consider your comment too strong. Full accountability has been bled out of the rule of law. Mass murderers and their facilitators must meet commensurate consequences that restore authentic and effective justice. If our legal system won't do it, vigilantes will, and we can't have that.

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They fear and hate Vladimir because R Federation is actually going to try and execute these enemies of humanity.

This was a weapon deployed against all of the world and humanity, not just one nation here and there. Everyone is involved now, whether they like it or not. There is no "fence sitting" any more.

This has gone far beyond red vs blue tribal politics and national selections. The APocalypse turned out to be the revelation of a species wide extinction event, but not the way Hollywood portrayed it.

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I believe big pharma's critical vulnerability lies in the arguments that bacteria are the right host for mRNA nanoparticles, not human cells. That big pharma is hijacking human cells to do a bacteria's job because they refuse to pay the cost of filtering out the end product from the bacteria vat. Dr. Malone, is this a valid argument?

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Probably true based on the assumption that pharma, was in fact intending to build a vaccine. But maybe theyhad

something else in mind.

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Interesting comment on the "science"

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Yes, this would have been perhaps the slower, surer kill solution. But by 2012 and 2020, it was too late to take the "slower approach". If they could lockdown the world until 2025 or 2030, then it would have been easy to do this slow kill method using luciferase and bacteria produced toxins.

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The first thing I worked on was a parallel economy. But in the meantime, old cures like Ivermectin and HCQ were released or revealed. Still even older methods are light, sound, frequencies, and crystal healing.

There is no need for Pharma once people can maintain and improve their health with cheaper, more effective solutions. It is like asking what the solution for leeches is. Just find a better method. We still use leeches, of course, when needed, but it is a much rarer situation that calls for it. Same for Big Pharma. They are only so big because the masses are indoctrinated into thinking "medicine" belongs to them and the scientism lab coats.

It does not.

Medicine is food, as old hippocrates whatever said.

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Some fed entity -- maybe FDA -- is now encouraging mRNA "vaccines" for domestic livestock so we can all eat it in our beef and pork, asap.

And I’m unsure of the basis of the poultry "vaccine" currently being promoted to save us all from bird flu, but none of my hens will get it.

Just as no pet or livestock of mine will ever get another veterinary "vaccine."

I recently learned that all canine and feline rabies injections are the SAME dosage, no matter if your pet weighs two pounds or 150 pounds.

Kinda like those covid injections, same amount of active ingredients (a.k.a. toxins) whether you weigh 80 pounds or 400 pounds.

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For some reason, the pet foods have a lot more additives and natural minerals than what is given to humans via the FDA regulation: Quality and quantity wise. Medicine is our food and our food is what gives the body the resources to heal.

So why is human food restricted from using the same stuff given to animals? The FDA loves us and wants what is best for us?

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"In the entire Non Clinical Report their appears to be..."

THERE appears to be. (The word "their" is a possessive pronoun.)

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While some may take issue with your critique for various reasons, the English language is worthy of fidelity to a high standard of excellence. While this error was innocent and simply an oversight, (who doesn't misspell a word occasionally) the language is continually under a withering assault by forces of darkness with ill and devious intent. I am offended by some of the words that have been co-opted by the left to further their Godless and authoritarian schemes.

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I agree entirely with your sentiments.

Accurate communication is important and never more so than in an article that is being read worldwide. Mistakes lower the perceived credibility of the content and/or author. As an author myself, I know that it's really difficult to check your own work; indeed, I usually run a spell checker through to check my text and even that will miss some obvious typos.

Consequently, if time permits, I try to help fellow authors to perfect their work. (I don't bother unless the content is worth perfecting.) Obviously, I prefer to offer corrections privately but that's often not possible or requires "jumping through hoops" to locate a usable email address or to fill out an email form.

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Take it from someone who had a probable bioweapon cross the blood-brain barrier years ago, sometimes we drop entire words from sentences, forget all the punctuation and spelling rules we once knew…intimately. It is frustrating and humbling.

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I am sad that you have problems. I, too, have problems that might have been triggered by a tetanus shot but I can't prove it. It was a long time ago. But the fact that I have auto-immune problems means that I was already very wary of anything that might trigger another anaphylactic shock. In addition, I was "lucky" in having had the classic "covid" (flu?) symptoms in January 2020 and it didn't kill me. I was also "lucky" that I understood natural immunity. So when the push for the c19 vax began, I started to research it. I found that there seemed to be alternative and effective treatments with repurposed drugs. That meant that the experimental shot had no legal basis for use and I became very worried by the continual push to take it. Then MY government informed us that anyone who didn't accept the shot would have deductions from their pension! To anyone with a brain cell, this should have rung alarm bells. I dug my heels in, lay low and continued my research. I discovered more effective treatments and I discovered studies that proved the ineffectiveness of masks and antisocial distancing. OK, I've written enough. Suffice to say that the more I researched, the luckier I became.

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I don’t believe in ‘luck’. I believe in God and I believe in the wisdom He gives us. Glad you used that wisdom. Peace.

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That's why "luck" was in quotation marks. However, my view of God is different from some. May I recommend "The Conscious Universe" by Dean Radin? He gives some remarkable insights into the true nature of what we call God.

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For those interested in seeing how this simulation universe runs and what god source is.

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Thank you, but Jesus is everything to me.

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Btw, your moniker… ‘53rd Chapter’, does it point to Isaiah 53? Just curious.

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Fixed thanks.... their you go

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The graph of spread of mRNA through the body is very telling.

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When is Peter Marks going to have his tush dragged before a House investigative committee? Seems he has a lot to answer for.

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That is a long line needing to be drug there. Birx has slipped below the radar and needs to be reacquired.

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I have wondered whatever happened to the scarf lady, as I refer to her.

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Scheming for hundreds of years brought us the UN, WHO and the WEF and its 1990 program (Agenda 21/30) of a slow take-over. It has had pockets of success but not nearly what is required to implement by 2030. Now its reach is visibly affecting human necessities; monetary, energy, food, transportation, safety, water, etc. The population’s health relies on pharma and for the U.S. it relies on China. How this happened is clear now. It has captured the levers of control, the governments of western nations and perhaps others.

The plandemic certainly had its large pockets of success in mind control, injuries and deaths, loss of all liberties, and control of information,. Dr. Malone and others around the world must continue to prove to the greater public that the pandemic was planned and why, not just that the jabs harmed our health and we were lied to. More channels of influence must be opened up to work around the 4th leg.

For the rest of us, we must work without stopping to effectively engaging at the local and state level to bring control back to the people. While our election system is broken, our constant input in that regard is required. Build relationships with your legislators. Show them you are serious. Let them know you watch who donations to them. Let them know when another state passes a law you want in your state. Don’t just pester your Congress members to reject or pass something or someone, but let them know when their efforts are on track with exposing and correcting the corruption that permeates government. Get to know your neighbors. Build that community.

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My elected officials are part of the problem… they could not care less what I think, I have the reply letters to prove it. I have learned this sad lesson over the nearly 40 years of active civic participation. I am surrounded by people that LOVE the narrative. It stinks. However, I still believe that if people will humble themselves, repent and pray the Lord may yet relent from the total destruction of our ‘prideful and corrupt’ nation.

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It hasn’t helped that the Left has purposefully taken the words of Jesus and twisted them inside out and upside down. We have the delusion of diversity and inclusion and the invert of justice and equality. These satanic perversions are worth fighting against before we all are forced to accept this madness that even Bergoglio is proclaiming in the name of Jesus. This newer religion finds humans divine and repentance unnecessary

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Satan is a counterfeiter…we are dealing with a new ‘Tower of Babel’. We need to be in His word so much that counterfeit is obvious. We all need to repent of things we say, think or do… we shouldn’t wait for God to humble us.

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Have you watched the Chosen on angelvids, free stream? They are a great way to look at the Jesus bible stories.

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I have seen most of the Chosen series, I think it is a good way to introduce people to Jesus. Although I prefer to stick to scripture, it is His word.

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God's word came through prophets, seers, apostles, etc. Jeshua never used a scripture that was authorized by a central authority such as the Vatican or King James. Writing words down is how Satan was able to change the teachings over time. How much did the doctors and bureaucrats write down for Covid 2020 and the waxxines? A lot, but none of it mattered in the end to stop evil before it was too late.

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This may be a redundant question, because there always seems to be one source of evil behind all of these doctors and scientists decisions,$$$$$. Well here goes, what is the motive for Peter Marks to ignore testing, studies, types of tests etc.. Is he ignorant? Does he have no moral compass? Or is he completely corrupted by money, and the health of the world be dammed. I suspect it’s choice #3.

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IMO its likely money and the Peter Principle. But he's at a lower level of the command so to speak. As for the lower/midlevel participants - one worrisome aspect is whether they also bought in to the merits of the purpose. To me, it seems possible they did.

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Peter principle perhaps? Incompetence has become a halllmark of this administration so we can assume he has simply failed upwards to his present position.

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I bow to you and to Jill

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And yes it is frightening, but at this point very little info around this is not

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These insane maniacs will kill us all.

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Correction, all but 500,000 according to Bill Gates and the WEF. They will need servants.

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Does B Gates, that piece of govno think he will be around to have these what he calls servants be at his beckon call? The lake of fire awaits him and his ilk.

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I prefer to have justice done to Bill Gates in our lifetime rather than the afterlife.

It would save more innocent lives. Old testament justice is preferred for Bill Gates.

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"Who in their right mind would have agreed to an injection spreading inflammatory Lipid Nano Particles with Synthetic messenger RNA into virtual every essential cell type in their body?". Does this mean that Dr Malone is not in his right mind? But your article features Dr Malone, who got two of these vaccine injections, I don't get it....

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Dr Malone was asked this early in the interview.

Put simply he asked the small circle of people in this field if they had overcome the issues that led him to abandon the technology and was assured they had; the Pfizer non Clinical report data first leaked from a Japan Pfizer document and now corroborated by a document obtained under Freedom of Information from the Australian TGA was a report Dr Malone was privy to only after he took the LNP Synthetic Messenger RNA genetic vaccine

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What I find frightening and astonishing is Robert Redfield’s testimony directly tying Fauci, Collins, DOD, Baric, Daszak to the creation of Covid with the EU playing a large role and China as the lesser player. And NOBODY focusing on what should be THE truth bomb. Combined with the idiots quizzing DNI Avril Haines re: the Afghan failure… with the utmost respect, ignoring her role in the pandemic, Event 201 and scripting the narrative.

Instead, all the focus is on starting a war with Mexico. A group of morons drove to Matamoros, the most brutal cartel hub in Mexico . For a discount tummy tuck. Yes, it was a tragic episode, but this is being labeled as the Cartels “ finally” striking Americans???

Am I nuts?

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