Any Religious Body, Health Authority , Health Worker, Politician, Pharmacy Executive, Statistician, Judge or any Adult for that matter now has a Duty to Protect their communities from mRNA.
Well...maybe "glad" isn't the perfect word for the data showing what the 'non-compliant' have been saying all along: That the jab was going to kill our families, friends and neighbors.
It is gratifying to see the the data is corroborated by yet more data.
Frankly I think the "powers-that-horrifyingly-are" enjoy rubbing everyone's nose in what they are too uninterested to sniff out on their own.
Too many view life as a monthly payment, an onerous obligation. Young men especially have so much to give, but have so little faith in themselves. They are so much stronger than they have been led to believe.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
In the US, they are pushing TRIPlE INJECTIONS! RNA,FLU and RSV! Will this turbocharge the side effect rates and dramatically increase the death rate of the vaccinated? My sum all fears seems to be becoming true this winter! I pray I am wrong!
I hope RFKenndy, Jr. is reviewing these studies and all studies related to the jab, and then compiles them in an "Idiot's Guide" of sorts. His impeccably researched book about Fauci opened eyes and saved lives and as the immoral push for jabs continues, this sort of book would do the same. In the meantime, Jessica Rose, my sincerest gratitude for your work.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Great article!! I have the utmost respect for you and all your amazing telling of the truth , I share all of your articles on all platforms I have access to you. Thank you for all your amazing work .
By getting one or two of these charts into a public place who knows how quickly the awareness bubble will grow; with each new member comes pressure on the Globalists
Well the low hanging fruit (elderly with multiple comorbidities) were all murdered, err umm, I mean sick and treated very well yet somehow died in 2020. How do you have a friend that will even look? That’s amazing
The fact your friend has to look for ways round these highly worrying figures just shows the figures are real. If the "vaccine" worked they wouldn't have to tie themselves in knots to see that but they have to tie themselves in knots not to see the carmage caused by these jabs in the West.
Look for ways around? Tie themselves in knots? The point made in Captain Black's comment occurred to me IMMEDIATELY. It's an obvious, major confounder. My wife and I saw through the entire scam, lockdowns and jabs, from the get-go. We're purebloods who never complied with any of it. That doesn't change the fact that we need figures comparing COMPARABLE AGE GROUPS. Everybody knows those closer to death (by age) were far more likely to get jabbed. They scared old people (the stupid ones) to death, they're practically all jabbed except for a few outliers like us. But it's common for 18-30 year olds to be purebloods. Let's see numbers broken down by 5-10 year age groups before we get excited. To be clear, I think it was STUPID to get jabbed and can't believe people like McCullough, Malone, Malhotra, Coleman, did it - I'll always wonder about them for that reason. It was friggin obviously a bad idea. Doesn't change that these numbers are not convincing.
I am certainly no defender of these RNA "vaccines" but this is a valid objection. Unless the data is age adjusted it is meaningless. Children hardly ever die and have very low COVID vax rates, while the elderly are almost all vaxxed and die at very high rates. Even the data (which I've seen elsewhere) that shows higher death rates by 10 year age group needs to be further refined, because, for example, a 49 year old may have been more likely to get vaxxed than a 40 year old--and is also more likely to die of any cause. Unfortunately it seems to be almost impossible to do this kind of analysis because governments are keeping the relevant data secret, which certainly doesn't inspire confidence.
Exactly right. What an obvious and major confounder when the age group is adults 18 and over. I agree, even 10-year buckets is too large. I really like Dr. Lawrie, her vaccine article Sunday was outstanding. Why she crossposted this without mentioning this huge flaw that should jump out at anybody with a basic grasp of statistics is puzzling. She seems too smart for that.
Indeed, which is why I say ultimately analysis of statistics is meaningless when the obvious fact is that vaccines contain and have always contained poisons and therefore can never be good for health.
There are data showing vaxed are doing worse for each age groups, I calculated the UK govt data protection against covid deaths for boosters and some groups waned to 0% in 13 weeks, then they pulled the data. This was after they pulled the 2-dosed data when it became bad
I am wondering if Joel has done age groups for this set of data, I'm sure zealots will use the age excuse
The data is ultimately meaningless and manipulated by UK govt as vaccines have always been poisonous and poisoning oneself has never been a good idea. Analysing statistics until the cows come home will not change that obvious point.
Came to ask the same. I know that they were pushing this thing on the “high risk”, so maybe that would explain some of the difference, as your friend suggests. On the other hand, there’s actually supposed to be a “healthy vaccinee effect”, because people (typically) don’t get vaccinated when they’re already knocking on death’s door.
I fully believe the jabs are wreaking havoc, just not sure the promoters of the jabs will be willing to acknowledge this data as a smoking gun. I’d really like to see it broken down into age cohorts.
Promoters of jabs never acknowledge anything that threatens their profits. That's why regulation of vaccine industry is now essential and removal of indemnity from prosecution is beyond due.
Those contract manufacturers grossed the greatest profits of all time on those useless products and the taxpayer is in hock for all the damage the private companies manufactured.
The way it was set up in the USA, it's DOD that needs its top brass hung. Pfizer and Moderna need their licenses to produce and market medical products revoked with no prospect of them being restored. And every investor in mRNA companies needs a 100% haircut.
I think he is right, having crunched this same data for a few hours, I think it is not appropriate/dangerous to do a 18+ aggregate even if the ONS file DOES contain "age standardised" data and this IS the data that was used here. So the "age" factor and its main implications is theoretically accounted for (the "fragile" factor is not, specifically). Even with this data I would do, as I did, one chart for each age group. For example for the 18-39 group, 1st dose after 21 days, it is clearly visible a constant advantage for the "1st dose". This is NOT visible for the second dose and third dose (after 21 days). I did this manually with a spreadsheet, I still have to write a script to run all the cases. The file is quite easy to work on, just plot the raw data (Tab 2). The higher the number of doses the older and more fragile the population is. Yes, again, the data IS "age standardised", still I prefer not to mix different situations, so by instinct I do not trust the "more doses = worse" (maybe it is correct, we'll see). If the effect is real, it should be also visible for each groups or at least a few of them (making the case even stronger IMO).
I'm not saying this work is bad or wrong, I'm just used to work on smaller steps, maybe the author already did all of these and this is a well thought summary of the findings.
That is hubs and I are the only pure bloods in our immediate family...both kids, both in laws, all 4 grands are jabbed with at least 2. A couple have had boosters that I know of. They quit telling me their status. I can not accept the fact that I could lose even one of them before I leave this earth...I pray and worry!
I wish I could be as accepting, because worrying in this instance gets me nowhere fast. (Though I have managed to talk my parents and two friends out of getting any boosters.) Knowing my brother's two-year-old twins probably won't make it to adulthood without experiencing serious, maybe fatal, side effects breaks my heart.
I agree, I never feel proud to be a pureblood. I would sure feel ashamed if I weren't though. Where's the pride in seeing something so friggin' obvious? The amazing thing is so many who seem smart, but obviously aren't, fell for it. You didn't need to know any detail, like all the ferrets died. It was ALL red flags, no reason whatsoever to trust it. It's not like pharma and the medical establishment were looking out for us until 2020, and became monsters out of the blue. They've been hopelessly corrupt for decades, and obviously so. I'm 72, wife 67, we were supposed to line up in the first group, being so at risk and all, and needing the protection so bad. Yeah, right.
If you read the Guardian and watch the BBC for years, you need sources of contradictory information to even trigger your brain to question the propaganda you absorbed....
Yes. I remember reading some research where they took two groups of people and taught one group a correct way to do something and the other group the wrong way. They measured how long it too to train the first group to a particular standard. They then explained to the second group that they were part of an experiment and would now be taught the correct way to do it. They found it took around twice as long to train that second group to the same standard as the first due to them having to overcome all the lies they had originally been told.
You talk about the mRNA vaccines but don't forget the UK used the adenovirus DNA vaccine for the older people or does the data in some way differentiate the type of vaccine used?
Although the delivery method is different both methods induce your own cells to make spike protein. Every cell which does so will be seen by the immune system as non-self or foreign cells and, therefore, the immune cells will attack and kill it. (With Killer T-Cells for example.)
A virus is so small it can give bacteria a disease. See this colourised picture of covid virus next to an immune system dendritic cell at the pro-vax Pasteur Institute in Paris It is a scanning electron microscope image, a real photograph. The blue dots are virus, (also called virus particles or virions) the huge green hairs are the cilia of the dendritic cell. To the immune system, a virus is just dirt to be swept out of the body.
True but as far as I know the adenovirus (viral vector) vaccines don't use LNPs and I think it is the LNPs which enables the spike to go everywhere even crossing the BB barrier. The Astra Zeneca was removed from the market and I often wonder what the real reason was.
I read few month back, that if you got the Astra Zeneca vaccine first, you didnt permanent change the igg4 , so if you got pfizer jab first you change youre igg4. So maybe astra Zeneca saved alot of people if people got admistrated this jab first!
Yes I heard Geert saying in an interview 'individuals who have received a single dose of an mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine or a maximum of two doses of a non-mRNA vaccine, and subsequently experience a symptomatic breakthrough infection, are believed to retain the ability to train the broadly protective capacity of their cell-based innate immune system' I wrote it down to show to my daughter because she took one Pfizer jab, despite me telling her not, but now she is fully red pilled and was worried.
I believe AZ was quietly dropped (in the UK it has never been officially withdrawn ! ) because of the number of heart blood clots or infarctions occurring. Nevertheless it is the nature of a virus that it cannot reproduce itself but only by using the resources inside a living cell. That means viruses were 'made' to cross cell walls. The covid adenovirus vaccines have the code for spike written into them. It only takes about 15-30 minutes for the lymphatic flow to flush the jab into the blood stream. You get injected in the arm. It is swept to the lymph node under the armpit and from there into the vein underneath the collar bone. This descends to the spleen. Vaccinally infected lymphocytes getting filtered in the spleen are sure to induce an attack by the still healthy lymphcytes, an autoimmune attack. Hence your entire immune system now gets compromised - the spleen is the largest lymphatic organ. Cancers take off etc.
So there's a lot of "stuff" being trialed without informed consent... I wonder what the comparison is for adverse events between all of them... there was a Canadian study that got short shrift showing that empty LNPs caused damage... in that case the JnJ would be "better"?
Sacha Latypova produced Material Safety Data Sheets showing LNP is more toxic than petrol or diesel. But I think the autoimmune attack induced by the jabs is much worse. Both bad
Adenoviruses won't have modified RNA - they'll cause normal RNA to be produced, so the long-lasting effects will be less. The short-term adverse reactions may well be significantly higher, however.
That's the way the PTB wanted it. They wanted the modified RNA products to predominate because that way, more injuries and more deaths will occur.
In the post you have access to the source files of the Data
There are two sources
Data source 1
The UK's ONS which provides the All Cause by Vaccination Status Statistics in England for 18+ broken up to age groups of 18-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69,70-79, 80-89 and 90+
Data Source 2 (Super buried "public domain" source and what has enabled the charts)
The UK Health Security Agency Vaccine Uptake Data of England
broken up to age groups that sadly include (5-11, 12-15,16-17) and the relevant age groups to match to the ONS data of 18-19,20-24,25-29,30-34,35-49,40-44, 45-49, 40-49, 50-59, 60-64,65-69,70-74,75-79 and 80+
Two Substacks so far have been produced
This one which looks at all groups 18+ (Where we find your query)
And a following Substack which dives into the youngest ONS group 18-39 to address exactly what you raise "Since the vaccine uptake is higher in older age groups while these groups are also more prone to illness, there may be an unwanted skewing effect due to poor sample matching."
Note: There are some Vaccine Merchant Friendly Statisticians that would like to muddy the waters of this highly dangerous all-cause deaths product outcome; attempting to suggest what we are seeing is not what we are seeing and there is some kind of Paradox (Example Simpson's paradox is a phenomenon in probability and statistics in which a trend appears in several groups of data but disappears or reverses when the groups are combined).
Back on point:
The second Substack focus on 18-39 revealed
a) This close to 40% of the 18+ population contributed under 0.5% to the all-cause mortality
So ANY different trend we "might" see here would have a tiny impact to this highly dangerous all-cause deaths product outcome.
b) The highly dangerous all-cause deaths product outcome was indeed mirrored in this tiny and youngest subset of all-cause death by vaccine status
i) THE SAME disproportional representation of all-cause deaths in the Vaccinated
ii)The Vaccinated representation of all-cause deaths increases with vaccine status doses.
The exposed England data we have charted can allows for the isolation of narrow age groups
40-49, 50-59, 60-69,70-79, 80-89 or 90+
The Hypothesis is Common Sense ; take so many risks in so many unchartered waters with the population wide use of impure genetic instructions of a synthetic nature having an undefined duration of action and having an uncontrolled highly inflammatory Lipid Nano Particle biodistribution profile is going to lead to complications in health outcomes and death as we are now seeing in England Data, on our own doorsteps, in Hospitals, Mortuaries and the newly biggest category of cause of death "unknown"
Its a very good idea to be very careful not to dismiss clear Danger as in doing so you could be encouraging people into thinking something is safe when it is not. And there are so many out there that would prefer to think what they have done is perfectly safe....
The data sources are open and transparent.
The workings are also provided.
The graphs are indeed telling you exactly what you needed for proof
Look at the three dose third graph and understand that the Y axis (Vertical axis) is Percent
The very top graph line is "Percentage of All cause Deaths 18+ with THREE or More Doses Vaccine Status"
Where the data ends that percentage (of the total all-cause deaths in the 18+ Cohort) by this Vaccine Status group is 91.5%
However those with Three or more doses Vaccine Status represents only 65% of the population of the 18+ Cohort
To be clear the cohort consist of 18+ living in England
So Clearly the Deaths representation for this vaccine status group is TERRIBLY OVER REPRESENTED
Now look at the Bottom Lines of the same graph
The very bottom line is "Percentage of all cause Deaths 18+ UNVACCINATED Status"
Where the data ends that percentage (of the total all-cause deaths in the 18+ Cohort) by the UNVACCINATED is 3.3%
However those with UNVACCINATED Status represents 18.5% of the population of the 18+ Cohort
Again, To be clear the cohort consist of 18+ living in England
So Clearly the Deaths representation for this UNVACCINATED group is UNDER REPRESENTED which highlights even further that the Vaccinations are doing significant harm
Note: There are some Vaccine Merchant Friendly Statisticians that would like to muddy the waters of this highly dangerous all-cause deaths product outcome; attempting to suggest what we are seeing is not what we are seeing and there is some kind of Paradox (Example Simpson's paradox is a phenomenon in probability and statistics in which a trend appears in several groups of data but disappears or reverses when the groups are combined).
And a following Substack which dives into the youngest ONS group 18-39 to address exactly this attempt to muddy the waters
a) This close to 40% of the 18+ population contributed under 0.5% to the all-cause mortality
So ANY different trend we "might" see here would have a tiny impact to this highly dangerous all-cause deaths product outcome.
b) The highly dangerous all-cause deaths product outcome was indeed mirrored in this tiny and youngest subset of all-cause death by vaccine status
i) THE SAME disproportional representation of all-cause deaths in the Vaccinated
ii)The Vaccinated representation of all-cause deaths increases with vaccine status doses.
The Hypothesis is Common Sense ; take so many risks in so many unchartered waters with the population wide use of impure genetic instructions of a synthetic nature having an undefined duration of action and having an uncontrolled highly inflammatory Lipid Nano Particle biodistribution profile is going to lead to complications in health outcomes and death as we are now seeing in England Data, on our own doorsteps, in Hospitals, Mortuaries and the newly biggest category of cause of death "unknown"
I've just found your Substack by watching a video uploaded by John Campbell.
Before reading your latest article (which he highlighted in his video) I decided to read articles on the topic in chronological order.
In this article, at the start, you state "The following charts show Vaccine Uptake rates of 18 years and over Adults in the population of “England”...The sample size we are dealing with is the 18 years and over Adult population of England which is a sample size in excess of 50 Million People"
I do not know if it makes a difference to any calculations that you have done (i.e. you have used a 18+ population of over 50 million in your calculations), but the adult (18+) population is not over 50 million.
In 2019, the entire UK (Scotland, England, N Ireland & Wales) population (all ages) was circa 66.8 million. Of that circa 10.5 million is in Scotland, Wales & N Ireland, with the rest (56.3 million) in England. Of the 56.3 million population in England, 12.0 million are under 18 years and only 42.3million (not in excess of 50 million) is 18 year or over.
As I said, I do not know if this makes any difference to any of your calculations but I thought it would be worthwhile letting you know (just in case it does make a difference).
A brilliant though devastating analyses. God only knows how the future will pan out for the unfortunate jabbed people of the world. I find myself overwhelmed by the cruelty of the situation. How do those responsible sleep at night, it’s beyond me. Thank you for your hard work and diligence.
Oh Deary me!... now the cats out the cannot unring the warning bell... so get ready for lots and lots of feeble excuses... we shall never forget ... nor should we.
And PharmCorp will point the finger back at our elected leaders and Departments of Defense and Regulatory Agencies and say, look at them, this was entirely their fault. You did this to yourselves!
And we will look at all the paper trails (and Subtacks) and concur and continue to sedate our ourselves and relinquish our individual liberty. GloboCap for the Win! Hope I can adapt to being Borg as the uniqueness of my conscious awareness is sucked dry by the market. OR: I could sober up. Learn to say No. Not Obey. Be a different kind of human. That sounds like more fun.
The people need to elect leaders who represent them, not big pharma. Then they will, as the first act in office, revoke the licenses of Pfizer and Moderna to ever participate in the pharma/biomedical space again.
A year ago the ONS DATA showed almost a factor of 2 increase in All-Cause-Mortality for the Vax'd compared to the Un-Vaxed:
I'm glad to see that after 1 year the new DATA still show the same thing ...
Well...maybe "glad" isn't the perfect word for the data showing what the 'non-compliant' have been saying all along: That the jab was going to kill our families, friends and neighbors.
It is gratifying to see the the data is corroborated by yet more data.
Frankly I think the "powers-that-horrifyingly-are" enjoy rubbing everyone's nose in what they are too uninterested to sniff out on their own.
Too many view life as a monthly payment, an onerous obligation. Young men especially have so much to give, but have so little faith in themselves. They are so much stronger than they have been led to believe.
Yep. "Glad" was a very poor choice of words.
And yes, we all should be spending out precious time more wisely, me included.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
In the US, they are pushing TRIPlE INJECTIONS! RNA,FLU and RSV! Will this turbocharge the side effect rates and dramatically increase the death rate of the vaccinated? My sum all fears seems to be becoming true this winter! I pray I am wrong!
I am so grateful for your stack. Thank you.
I hope RFKenndy, Jr. is reviewing these studies and all studies related to the jab, and then compiles them in an "Idiot's Guide" of sorts. His impeccably researched book about Fauci opened eyes and saved lives and as the immoral push for jabs continues, this sort of book would do the same. In the meantime, Jessica Rose, my sincerest gratitude for your work.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Great article!! I have the utmost respect for you and all your amazing telling of the truth , I share all of your articles on all platforms I have access to you. Thank you for all your amazing work .
Not an accident
We are caged in an internet bubble which we can expand by inviting people outside of the bubble to scan there way in:
At the bottom of each post are the charts in a PDF format ; meant for printing out and displaying in public places (With permission)
The graphs also have a QR code pointing back to the SUBSTACKs you have read
You can directly download the Graphs from these two links:
By getting one or two of these charts into a public place who knows how quickly the awareness bubble will grow; with each new member comes pressure on the Globalists
I showed this to a friend who has asked (sincerely) if this can be explained by more older people being vaccinated.
I’m not a statistician: could anyone please give me an answer to give him? Thanks!
Well the low hanging fruit (elderly with multiple comorbidities) were all murdered, err umm, I mean sick and treated very well yet somehow died in 2020. How do you have a friend that will even look? That’s amazing
I covered this question in a footnote here - - 90% of 70+ got the first dose, so the numbers of deaths are still higher than that for the vaccinated.
The fact your friend has to look for ways round these highly worrying figures just shows the figures are real. If the "vaccine" worked they wouldn't have to tie themselves in knots to see that but they have to tie themselves in knots not to see the carmage caused by these jabs in the West.
Look for ways around? Tie themselves in knots? The point made in Captain Black's comment occurred to me IMMEDIATELY. It's an obvious, major confounder. My wife and I saw through the entire scam, lockdowns and jabs, from the get-go. We're purebloods who never complied with any of it. That doesn't change the fact that we need figures comparing COMPARABLE AGE GROUPS. Everybody knows those closer to death (by age) were far more likely to get jabbed. They scared old people (the stupid ones) to death, they're practically all jabbed except for a few outliers like us. But it's common for 18-30 year olds to be purebloods. Let's see numbers broken down by 5-10 year age groups before we get excited. To be clear, I think it was STUPID to get jabbed and can't believe people like McCullough, Malone, Malhotra, Coleman, did it - I'll always wonder about them for that reason. It was friggin obviously a bad idea. Doesn't change that these numbers are not convincing.
I am certainly no defender of these RNA "vaccines" but this is a valid objection. Unless the data is age adjusted it is meaningless. Children hardly ever die and have very low COVID vax rates, while the elderly are almost all vaxxed and die at very high rates. Even the data (which I've seen elsewhere) that shows higher death rates by 10 year age group needs to be further refined, because, for example, a 49 year old may have been more likely to get vaxxed than a 40 year old--and is also more likely to die of any cause. Unfortunately it seems to be almost impossible to do this kind of analysis because governments are keeping the relevant data secret, which certainly doesn't inspire confidence.
Exactly right. What an obvious and major confounder when the age group is adults 18 and over. I agree, even 10-year buckets is too large. I really like Dr. Lawrie, her vaccine article Sunday was outstanding. Why she crossposted this without mentioning this huge flaw that should jump out at anybody with a basic grasp of statistics is puzzling. She seems too smart for that.
Indeed, which is why I say ultimately analysis of statistics is meaningless when the obvious fact is that vaccines contain and have always contained poisons and therefore can never be good for health.
There are data showing vaxed are doing worse for each age groups, I calculated the UK govt data protection against covid deaths for boosters and some groups waned to 0% in 13 weeks, then they pulled the data. This was after they pulled the 2-dosed data when it became bad
I am wondering if Joel has done age groups for this set of data, I'm sure zealots will use the age excuse
The data is ultimately meaningless and manipulated by UK govt as vaccines have always been poisonous and poisoning oneself has never been a good idea. Analysing statistics until the cows come home will not change that obvious point.
Came to ask the same. I know that they were pushing this thing on the “high risk”, so maybe that would explain some of the difference, as your friend suggests. On the other hand, there’s actually supposed to be a “healthy vaccinee effect”, because people (typically) don’t get vaccinated when they’re already knocking on death’s door.
I fully believe the jabs are wreaking havoc, just not sure the promoters of the jabs will be willing to acknowledge this data as a smoking gun. I’d really like to see it broken down into age cohorts.
Promoters of jabs never acknowledge anything that threatens their profits. That's why regulation of vaccine industry is now essential and removal of indemnity from prosecution is beyond due.
Those contract manufacturers grossed the greatest profits of all time on those useless products and the taxpayer is in hock for all the damage the private companies manufactured.
The way it was set up in the USA, it's DOD that needs its top brass hung. Pfizer and Moderna need their licenses to produce and market medical products revoked with no prospect of them being restored. And every investor in mRNA companies needs a 100% haircut.
Whatever the statistics show it has never, ever been a good idea to inject poisons into oneself to obtain good health.
I think he is right, having crunched this same data for a few hours, I think it is not appropriate/dangerous to do a 18+ aggregate even if the ONS file DOES contain "age standardised" data and this IS the data that was used here. So the "age" factor and its main implications is theoretically accounted for (the "fragile" factor is not, specifically). Even with this data I would do, as I did, one chart for each age group. For example for the 18-39 group, 1st dose after 21 days, it is clearly visible a constant advantage for the "1st dose". This is NOT visible for the second dose and third dose (after 21 days). I did this manually with a spreadsheet, I still have to write a script to run all the cases. The file is quite easy to work on, just plot the raw data (Tab 2). The higher the number of doses the older and more fragile the population is. Yes, again, the data IS "age standardised", still I prefer not to mix different situations, so by instinct I do not trust the "more doses = worse" (maybe it is correct, we'll see). If the effect is real, it should be also visible for each groups or at least a few of them (making the case even stronger IMO).
I'm not saying this work is bad or wrong, I'm just used to work on smaller steps, maybe the author already did all of these and this is a well thought summary of the findings.
Pureblood and proud 👍
I'm more relieved than proud. And incredibly worried about my loved ones, who are all fully vaxxed. All my worst fears are being realized.
I’m worried too… absolutely everyone I know took them
That is hubs and I are the only pure bloods in our immediate family...both kids, both in laws, all 4 grands are jabbed with at least 2. A couple have had boosters that I know of. They quit telling me their status. I can not accept the fact that I could lose even one of them before I leave this earth...I pray and worry!
same :(
All of my family are vaccinated. I’ve stopped worrying and moved on to acceptance
I wish I could be as accepting, because worrying in this instance gets me nowhere fast. (Though I have managed to talk my parents and two friends out of getting any boosters.) Knowing my brother's two-year-old twins probably won't make it to adulthood without experiencing serious, maybe fatal, side effects breaks my heart.
I agree, I never feel proud to be a pureblood. I would sure feel ashamed if I weren't though. Where's the pride in seeing something so friggin' obvious? The amazing thing is so many who seem smart, but obviously aren't, fell for it. You didn't need to know any detail, like all the ferrets died. It was ALL red flags, no reason whatsoever to trust it. It's not like pharma and the medical establishment were looking out for us until 2020, and became monsters out of the blue. They've been hopelessly corrupt for decades, and obviously so. I'm 72, wife 67, we were supposed to line up in the first group, being so at risk and all, and needing the protection so bad. Yeah, right.
Uh-oh (for Big Pharma and their bought & paid for lackeys in government).
Millions are about to get red-pilled.
This could get ugly.
Unfortunately, not. Some can't wait to get their new booster. NOTHING will change their mind.
Most people have not woken up...and never will.
If you read the Guardian and watch the BBC for years, you need sources of contradictory information to even trigger your brain to question the propaganda you absorbed....
Yes. I remember reading some research where they took two groups of people and taught one group a correct way to do something and the other group the wrong way. They measured how long it too to train the first group to a particular standard. They then explained to the second group that they were part of an experiment and would now be taught the correct way to do it. They found it took around twice as long to train that second group to the same standard as the first due to them having to overcome all the lies they had originally been told.
Interesting - not surprised.
You talk about the mRNA vaccines but don't forget the UK used the adenovirus DNA vaccine for the older people or does the data in some way differentiate the type of vaccine used?
Although the delivery method is different both methods induce your own cells to make spike protein. Every cell which does so will be seen by the immune system as non-self or foreign cells and, therefore, the immune cells will attack and kill it. (With Killer T-Cells for example.)
Is the J&J shot not a mRNA shot? Is it considered an adenovirus vaccine?
The J&J is an adenovirus (viral vector) vaccine.
A virus is so small it can give bacteria a disease. See this colourised picture of covid virus next to an immune system dendritic cell at the pro-vax Pasteur Institute in Paris It is a scanning electron microscope image, a real photograph. The blue dots are virus, (also called virus particles or virions) the huge green hairs are the cilia of the dendritic cell. To the immune system, a virus is just dirt to be swept out of the body.
True but as far as I know the adenovirus (viral vector) vaccines don't use LNPs and I think it is the LNPs which enables the spike to go everywhere even crossing the BB barrier. The Astra Zeneca was removed from the market and I often wonder what the real reason was.
I read few month back, that if you got the Astra Zeneca vaccine first, you didnt permanent change the igg4 , so if you got pfizer jab first you change youre igg4. So maybe astra Zeneca saved alot of people if people got admistrated this jab first!
Yes I heard Geert saying in an interview 'individuals who have received a single dose of an mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine or a maximum of two doses of a non-mRNA vaccine, and subsequently experience a symptomatic breakthrough infection, are believed to retain the ability to train the broadly protective capacity of their cell-based innate immune system' I wrote it down to show to my daughter because she took one Pfizer jab, despite me telling her not, but now she is fully red pilled and was worried.
I believe AZ was quietly dropped (in the UK it has never been officially withdrawn ! ) because of the number of heart blood clots or infarctions occurring. Nevertheless it is the nature of a virus that it cannot reproduce itself but only by using the resources inside a living cell. That means viruses were 'made' to cross cell walls. The covid adenovirus vaccines have the code for spike written into them. It only takes about 15-30 minutes for the lymphatic flow to flush the jab into the blood stream. You get injected in the arm. It is swept to the lymph node under the armpit and from there into the vein underneath the collar bone. This descends to the spleen. Vaccinally infected lymphocytes getting filtered in the spleen are sure to induce an attack by the still healthy lymphcytes, an autoimmune attack. Hence your entire immune system now gets compromised - the spleen is the largest lymphatic organ. Cancers take off etc.
Does it also use LNPs?
There is no LNP it uses a genetically altered virus instead of the LNP in order to cross the cell wall. See here for example from the "pro-vax" side
So there's a lot of "stuff" being trialed without informed consent... I wonder what the comparison is for adverse events between all of them... there was a Canadian study that got short shrift showing that empty LNPs caused damage... in that case the JnJ would be "better"?
Sacha Latypova produced Material Safety Data Sheets showing LNP is more toxic than petrol or diesel. But I think the autoimmune attack induced by the jabs is much worse. Both bad
You're right (and many younger people also had the AZ vaccine), although the AZ adenovirus vaccine was stopped and therefore all boosters were mRNA.
Probably was stopped because it wasn't harming people enough.
Wouldn't be nice if someone cared enough to gather data to differentiate between the vaccines?
But no! They will inject the majority of the population with a variety of experimental substances, and then gather no specific data.
They've collected it, they just aren't releasing it. How can they perfect their next weapons if they don't collect the data on the first ones??
The only difference between vaccines is which is more poisonous. A witch's brew whatever one you look at.
Adenoviruses won't have modified RNA - they'll cause normal RNA to be produced, so the long-lasting effects will be less. The short-term adverse reactions may well be significantly higher, however.
That's the way the PTB wanted it. They wanted the modified RNA products to predominate because that way, more injuries and more deaths will occur.
Thank you for replying.
Are you saying the adenovirus vaccines do not use modified RNA, but the mRNA vaccines do?
Can you expound on the adenovirus vaccine safety?
Several in my family took the J&J.
Thank you for your genuine inquiry.
In the post you have access to the source files of the Data
There are two sources
Data source 1
The UK's ONS which provides the All Cause by Vaccination Status Statistics in England for 18+ broken up to age groups of 18-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69,70-79, 80-89 and 90+
Data Source 2 (Super buried "public domain" source and what has enabled the charts)
The UK Health Security Agency Vaccine Uptake Data of England
broken up to age groups that sadly include (5-11, 12-15,16-17) and the relevant age groups to match to the ONS data of 18-19,20-24,25-29,30-34,35-49,40-44, 45-49, 40-49, 50-59, 60-64,65-69,70-74,75-79 and 80+
Two Substacks so far have been produced
This one which looks at all groups 18+ (Where we find your query)
And a following Substack which dives into the youngest ONS group 18-39 to address exactly what you raise "Since the vaccine uptake is higher in older age groups while these groups are also more prone to illness, there may be an unwanted skewing effect due to poor sample matching."
Note: There are some Vaccine Merchant Friendly Statisticians that would like to muddy the waters of this highly dangerous all-cause deaths product outcome; attempting to suggest what we are seeing is not what we are seeing and there is some kind of Paradox (Example Simpson's paradox is a phenomenon in probability and statistics in which a trend appears in several groups of data but disappears or reverses when the groups are combined).
Back on point:
The second Substack focus on 18-39 revealed
a) This close to 40% of the 18+ population contributed under 0.5% to the all-cause mortality
So ANY different trend we "might" see here would have a tiny impact to this highly dangerous all-cause deaths product outcome.
b) The highly dangerous all-cause deaths product outcome was indeed mirrored in this tiny and youngest subset of all-cause death by vaccine status
i) THE SAME disproportional representation of all-cause deaths in the Vaccinated
ii)The Vaccinated representation of all-cause deaths increases with vaccine status doses.
The exposed England data we have charted can allows for the isolation of narrow age groups
40-49, 50-59, 60-69,70-79, 80-89 or 90+
The Hypothesis is Common Sense ; take so many risks in so many unchartered waters with the population wide use of impure genetic instructions of a synthetic nature having an undefined duration of action and having an uncontrolled highly inflammatory Lipid Nano Particle biodistribution profile is going to lead to complications in health outcomes and death as we are now seeing in England Data, on our own doorsteps, in Hospitals, Mortuaries and the newly biggest category of cause of death "unknown"
Its a very good idea to be very careful not to dismiss clear Danger as in doing so you could be encouraging people into thinking something is safe when it is not. And there are so many out there that would prefer to think what they have done is perfectly safe....
The data sources are open and transparent.
The workings are also provided.
The graphs are indeed telling you exactly what you needed for proof
Look at the three dose third graph and understand that the Y axis (Vertical axis) is Percent
The very top graph line is "Percentage of All cause Deaths 18+ with THREE or More Doses Vaccine Status"
Where the data ends that percentage (of the total all-cause deaths in the 18+ Cohort) by this Vaccine Status group is 91.5%
However those with Three or more doses Vaccine Status represents only 65% of the population of the 18+ Cohort
To be clear the cohort consist of 18+ living in England
So Clearly the Deaths representation for this vaccine status group is TERRIBLY OVER REPRESENTED
Now look at the Bottom Lines of the same graph
The very bottom line is "Percentage of all cause Deaths 18+ UNVACCINATED Status"
Where the data ends that percentage (of the total all-cause deaths in the 18+ Cohort) by the UNVACCINATED is 3.3%
However those with UNVACCINATED Status represents 18.5% of the population of the 18+ Cohort
Again, To be clear the cohort consist of 18+ living in England
So Clearly the Deaths representation for this UNVACCINATED group is UNDER REPRESENTED which highlights even further that the Vaccinations are doing significant harm
Note: There are some Vaccine Merchant Friendly Statisticians that would like to muddy the waters of this highly dangerous all-cause deaths product outcome; attempting to suggest what we are seeing is not what we are seeing and there is some kind of Paradox (Example Simpson's paradox is a phenomenon in probability and statistics in which a trend appears in several groups of data but disappears or reverses when the groups are combined).
And a following Substack which dives into the youngest ONS group 18-39 to address exactly this attempt to muddy the waters
The second Substack focus on 18-39 revealed
a) This close to 40% of the 18+ population contributed under 0.5% to the all-cause mortality
So ANY different trend we "might" see here would have a tiny impact to this highly dangerous all-cause deaths product outcome.
b) The highly dangerous all-cause deaths product outcome was indeed mirrored in this tiny and youngest subset of all-cause death by vaccine status
i) THE SAME disproportional representation of all-cause deaths in the Vaccinated
ii)The Vaccinated representation of all-cause deaths increases with vaccine status doses.
The Hypothesis is Common Sense ; take so many risks in so many unchartered waters with the population wide use of impure genetic instructions of a synthetic nature having an undefined duration of action and having an uncontrolled highly inflammatory Lipid Nano Particle biodistribution profile is going to lead to complications in health outcomes and death as we are now seeing in England Data, on our own doorsteps, in Hospitals, Mortuaries and the newly biggest category of cause of death "unknown"
I've just found your Substack by watching a video uploaded by John Campbell.
Before reading your latest article (which he highlighted in his video) I decided to read articles on the topic in chronological order.
In this article, at the start, you state "The following charts show Vaccine Uptake rates of 18 years and over Adults in the population of “England”...The sample size we are dealing with is the 18 years and over Adult population of England which is a sample size in excess of 50 Million People"
I do not know if it makes a difference to any calculations that you have done (i.e. you have used a 18+ population of over 50 million in your calculations), but the adult (18+) population is not over 50 million.
In 2019, the entire UK (Scotland, England, N Ireland & Wales) population (all ages) was circa 66.8 million. Of that circa 10.5 million is in Scotland, Wales & N Ireland, with the rest (56.3 million) in England. Of the 56.3 million population in England, 12.0 million are under 18 years and only 42.3million (not in excess of 50 million) is 18 year or over.
As I said, I do not know if this makes any difference to any of your calculations but I thought it would be worthwhile letting you know (just in case it does make a difference).
A brilliant though devastating analyses. God only knows how the future will pan out for the unfortunate jabbed people of the world. I find myself overwhelmed by the cruelty of the situation. How do those responsible sleep at night, it’s beyond me. Thank you for your hard work and diligence.
Oh Deary me!... now the cats out the cannot unring the warning bell... so get ready for lots and lots of feeble excuses... we shall never forget ... nor should we.
And PharmCorp will point the finger back at our elected leaders and Departments of Defense and Regulatory Agencies and say, look at them, this was entirely their fault. You did this to yourselves!
And we will look at all the paper trails (and Subtacks) and concur and continue to sedate our ourselves and relinquish our individual liberty. GloboCap for the Win! Hope I can adapt to being Borg as the uniqueness of my conscious awareness is sucked dry by the market. OR: I could sober up. Learn to say No. Not Obey. Be a different kind of human. That sounds like more fun.
It’s all the emails... they passed in large number tween CDC and FDA... ass covering their way out of the mess they created.
They don't even need to cover it. Looks how much damaging data has already been released - yawn.....
The people need to elect leaders who represent them, not big pharma. Then they will, as the first act in office, revoke the licenses of Pfizer and Moderna to ever participate in the pharma/biomedical space again.
To help you along and hopefully your immediate family
Please review
and the Substack