it was the Councillor that made the claim "These vaccines are approved for use in Australia through the stringent processes of the Federal Government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration advised independently by the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation"

It appears to be a scripted response hence the post to provide the Councillor with the unsettling news that they may be liable to legal actions where their defense may not be covered by their employer and Australia tax payers money. Further if private individuals seek to have criminal negligence charges directed to Councilors, the State is even less likely to fund their defense.


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There will be those (Councilors) that have a Moral Backbone and want to act on the information they are presented by Port Hedland - looking to insure the safety of their constituents and indeed their own family and friends.

There will be others that will only be motivated by Self Preservation and hence understanding they expose themselves up (Potentially) to significant legal consequences may be their motivation to exercise their Duty of Care

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Ask ChatGPT: Please tell me exactly what are the "stringent processes of the Federal Government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration advised independently by the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation".

Because from what I have read, all our TGA did was read through Pfizer's documents.

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Thank you for sharing this! I’m starting to gather a little group of people together who are interested in joining a collective, grassroots effort to put the pressure on our local councils to take action upon the Port Hedland council letters and materials they'll be receiving. At the very least the objective is to put together a simple but powerful letter template, discuss/share best strategy and support each other to get our councils to act upon the information/answer to us. This is very helpful, much appreciated.

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Oh my goodness this should be listened to by every council!

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