Victorian Hospital Cardiac Related Hospital Presentations in Young Children and Adults SKYROCKET under Dan Andrews Mandates
Looking at 5 Years of Victorian Public Hospital Data Obtained Under the Freedom of Information Act. We Get a VERY Good Idea of the Average Number of Cardiac Conditions to Victorian Public Hospitals
Cases -Vic
Doses -Vic
Hospital Data Below from FOI
Please feel free to Download the Data
Excel File with Data and Charts:
Significantly more Data will come out from FOI’s; sadly it will likely reveal many more tragedies. It is Data that our formerly trusted Health Authorities knew about.
It is Data that SHOULD have been used to pull up the runaway train that is a population wide roll out of an as yet uncontrolled and essentially unregulated technology with devastating effects that literally spawn via uncontrolled biodistribution, known to the TGA -headed by John Skerrit- who chose not to regulate the product such that it could not cause population wide harm.
Here is the Notice of the Decision for the FOI request that helped bring to light what one can only assume the Health Authorities would have preferred kept in the dark as they stand by their guns defending what they have done to Australia.
The Five Year Monthly Data Charts Comprise the combined numbers of The Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset (VEMD) and The Victorian Admitted Episodes Dataset (VAED) for “Cardiac conditions and symptoms”
The “Average Presentations Per Month” for a given month in the graphs are calculated from the beginning of the 5 Year Data and dividing by the number of months up to that point in time.
Only after 12 Months does the “Average Presentations Per Month” get plotted; this is to insure we have a clear pre-Covid-19 historical pattern to start with.
For Complete transparency and “Fact Checking” the Excel File can be downloaded with the tabulated Data and Charts NOTE: Data it is constricted to Public Hospital Data only and does not include dead on arrival patients
In 2020–21, there were 697 public hospitals in Australia.
In 2016–17 ( most recent data) there were 657 private hospitals (ABS 2018).
And now the same Data adding a scaled Monthly Jabs Line to show the UNMISTAKABLE Double Spike Correlation
We will call this “Tracing Paper Graph 20-29 Year’s old”
With the above chart, there is an unmistakable and sharp correlation of rise in the “Average Presentations Per Month” for Cardiac Conditions and Symptoms in Victorian Hospitals for 20-29 Years Old’s with the roll out of Vaccines in Victoria (The Yellow Line); This Victorian roll out and uptake was “encouraged” through ,what some would call wicked, mandates under Premier Dan Andrews.
Such an obvious and sudden correlation within such a long data set period points to what has likely been done to the Hearts of young Victorian adults, 20-29 Years Old. These Vaccines were advertised by the Dan Andrews Government simply as safe and effective mRNA “vaccines”; almost no-one in this group would have understood that these medications were in fact Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA Genetic Instruction “Vaccines” that were STILL in their Clinical Trial Phase and that they were predicted to spread into almost every vital cell type of the body with UNKNOWN long term consequences - a fact known to the TGA as headed by John Skerrit.
20-29 Years of Age
The CHART looks at data from January of 2018 (Long before Covid19) through to January 2023.
The first 12 months of Data is used to get an established average monthly “Average Presentations Per Month”
We look at this average from January 2019 to January 2020
In this Twelve (12) months period prior to the VERY FIRST case of Covid-19 in Australia:
The Average Presentations Per Month of Cardiac Conditions and Symptoms rose by 3.3% ; OBVIOUSLY THIS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH COVID-19!
We look at this average from January 2020 to February 2021
In this Thirteen (13) months period from the VERY FIRST case of Covid-19 up until the very beginning of the Dan Andrews Distributed LNP SYNTHETIC mRNA Clinical Trial Phase “vaccines”:
The Average Presentations Per Month of Cardiac Conditions and Symptoms rose by 3.0% ; THIS IS A SIMILAR RISE AS PRIOR TO THE FIRST CASE OF COVID-19; CLEARLY COVID-19 ITSELF DURING THIS PERIOD HAD NO OBSEVABLE IMPACT on the underlying trend of these conditions for this Age Group
We look at this average February 2021 to February 2022
Twelve (12) months after the “Mandated” Genetic “Vaccine” Roll Outs:
The Average Presentations Per Month of Cardiac Conditions and Symptoms rose a whopping 15.3%
A FIVE FOLD RISE of the Background average increase of 3.3-3.0% !!!!!
Every month, from Cardiac related conditions alone, Dan Andrews has seen his “mRNA punt” and his “mandates” likely send an Average extra 200+ Young Victorian Adults aged 20-29 into or out of the Public Hospital System from just Cardiac Conditions. Every waking day that is at least another 7 to 7.5 Young Adults heading into or out of Hospital Just from this Age Group.
Note: With every one of those Extra Admissions comes the STRESS of Family, Friends, Work Colleagues, Businesses & Our Hospitals.
Healthy Individuals In This Age Group Had a Miniscule Chance of Ending Up In Hospital from Covid-19 and These Novel Technology Genetic “Vaccines” Do Not Stop Infections and Do Not Stop Transmission. For Dan Andrews to Sit On His Hands Now and To Go To Sleep Each Night Having Done Nothing to Pause This Mad Gamble Is …… A Dangerous Double Down Dan Gamble
Pfizer presented to the TGA, in January 2021, a Non-Clinical Report with a Study showing that the Lipid Nano Particles and their payload would Bio distribute THROUGHOUT the subject.
See: Screwed up LNP mRNA - an off target cluster bomb delivery system setting up countless Clinical Trials throughout the recipient's body.
See: Isn't it Frightening ? Dr. Robert Malone and Professor Ian Brighthope discuss the mass roll out of Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA
The Australian TGA had in its possession a Pfizer Non-Clinical Report that had studies confirming a system wide Biodistribution; this was only made known to Australians through yet another FOI request:
The TGA had this information in January 21 before it released these Genetic Instructions based “Vaccines” onto Young and Old Australians alike.
The TGA knew these Genetic Instructions were coated in Lipid Nano Particles that WOULD spread far and wide throughout the body; They knew it was not just a single injection into the deltoid muscle it might have equally been a series of 50 or more Clinical Trial Phase injections into various cell types of the body.
These young age groups have their whole reproductive lives to live and they were subjected to and coerced into a product that is predicted to enter into their hearts and their reproductive cells.
Look at the chart above (from the study) and see how high up the Ovaries are on the chart!!
Any self respecting Doctor would plead: “Dan Andrews PLEASE LOOK SERIOUSLY at this Data which will NOT help line the pockets of Mega Pharmaceutical Companies.”
One might think that a Single Young age group of Data like this on ONLY Cardiac related statistics should be enough to immediately pull these products off the market and start an avalanche of inquiries as to how this “release” was allowed to happen.
These Young Healthy Segment Age Groups of the Victorian Population had virtually No Chance of Hospitalization or Death from Covid-19.
And now the same data adding a scaled Monthly Jabs Line to show the UNMISTAKABLE Double Spike Correlation
We will call this “Tracing Paper Graph 10-19 Year’s old”
Knowing the incredible risks associated with Clinical Trial Phase, Genetic Instruction based “vaccines” (“vaccines” that the authorizing health regulator -the TGA headed by John Skerrit - KNEW, or ought to have KNOWN, used an uncontrolled body-wide Biodistribution mechanism of inflammatory Lipid Nano Particles) and then pressuring and encouraging our Children, their Teachers and their Parents to allow this product to be injected into these Children amounts to reckless bodily endangerment of our most precious gifts; our children.
The Dan Andrews Government presided over a relentless promotion through schools, school injection centers, teachers, the media and its Education and Health Department to pressure Children these children into “doing the right thing”.
The graph above with REAL VICTORIAN HOSPITAL DATA that anyone can now see, thanks to a FOI, is as strong an indicator as one could see pointing to the damage that Mandates and pressure on school children under Premier Dan Andrews has likely done to the Hearts of Children and Teenagers, 10-19 Years Old.
10-18 Year Olds (Our Children):
January 2019 to January 2020
In the Twelve (12) months prior to the VERY FIRST case of Covid-19 in Australia:
The Average Presentations Per Month of Cardiac Conditions and Symptoms rose by 0.5% ; OBVIOUSLY THIS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH COVID-19!
January 2020 to February 2021
In the Thirteen (13) months from the VERY FIRST case of Covid-19 up until the beginning of Dan Andrews Distributed LNP SYNTHETIC mRNA Clinical Trial Phase “vaccines”:
The Average Presentations Per Month of Cardiac Conditions and Symptoms again rose by 0.5% ; THIS IS A SIMILAR RISE AS PRIOR TO THE FIRST CASE OF COVID-19; CLEARLY COVID19 ITSELF DURING THIS PERIOD HAD NO OBSEVABLE NEGATIVE IMPACT on these conditions for this Age Group
February 2021 to February 2022
Twelve (12) months after the Mandated Genetic “Vaccine” Roll Outs:
The Average Presentations Per Month of Cardiac Conditions and Symptoms rose a HEARTSTOPPING 17.1%
Remember, for the 2 Years that preceded this Dan Andrews Roll Out the Background Rise was on 0.5%
Every month, from Cardiac related conditions alone, Dan Andrews has seen the “mRNA punt” and his Mandates (Some would call them wicker mandates) likely send an Average monthly extra 80-85+ VICTORIAN CHILDREN and TEENAGERS from 10 Years Old into or out of the Public Hospital System on Cardiac related issues alone.
Every waking day that is likely at least another 2 to 3 of OUR CHILDREN becoming another Andrews Hospital Statistic.
Note :This does not include the data from Victorian Private Hospitals
With Every One of those extra “Statistics” comes the Stress of Family, Friends, Other School Children, Teachers & Our Public Hospitals.
Healthy CHILDREN in this age group had a SUPER MINISCULE chance of ending up in Hospital from Covid-19 and it is well known now that these Novel Technology Genetic “Vaccines” DO NOT STOP Infections and DO NOT STOP Transmission. For Dan Andrews to sit on his hands and then go to sleep another night, having done nothing to pause this seemingly MAD GAMBLE could be described as ……
A Dangerous Double Down Dan Gamble with the health and future of OUR VICTORIAN CHILDREN.
So looking more broadly, what has Dan Andrews likely gambled on with respect to the rest of the CELL TYPES in the Bodies of VICTORIAN CHILDREN and TEENAGERS from only 10 years old? Especially worrying is what has been done to their reproductive systems and the future chances of raising healthy children.
The Australian TGA had in its possession a Pfizer Non-Clinical Report that had studies confirming a system wide Biodistribution.
The TGA had this information in January 21 before it released these Genetic Instructions based “Vaccines” onto Young and Old Australians alike.
The TGA knew these Genetic Instructions were coated in Lipid Nano Particles that would spread far and wide throughout the body; it was not just a single injection into the deltoid muscle it might have equally been a series of 50 or more Clinical Trial Phase injections into various cell types of the body.
See: Screwed up LNP mRNA - an off target cluster bomb delivery system setting up countless Clinical Trials throughout the recipient's body.
See: Isn't it Frightening ? Dr. Robert Malone and Professor Ian Brighthope discuss the mass roll out of Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA
And now the same data adding a scaled Monthly Jabs Line to show the UNMISTAKABLE Double Spike Correlation
We will call this “Tracing Paper Graph 30-39 Year’s old”
Above, we see in part, what mandates (Some call them wicked mandates) under Premier Dan Andrews has likely done to the Hearts of Young Adults, 30-39 Years Old Again, it does NOT include Private Hospitals Admissions.
This Age Group is in the prime of a Career and/or raising young Children of their own.
30-39 Years Olds:
January 2019 to January 2020
In the Twelve (12) months prior to the VERY FIRST case of Covid-19 in Australia:
The Average Presentations Per Month of Cardiac Conditions and Symptoms rose by 3.2%; OBVIOUSLY THIS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH COVID-19!
January 2020 to February 2021
In the Thirteen (13) months from the VERY FIRST case of Covid-19 up until the beginning of Dan Andrews Distributed LNP SYNTHETIC mRNA Clinical Trial Phase “vaccines”:
The Average Presentations Per Month of Cardiac Conditions and Symptoms again rose by 2.1% ; THIS IS A SMALLER RISE THAN THE FIRST CASE OF COVID-19; CLEARLY COVID19 ITSELF DURING THIS PERIOD HAD NO OBSEVABLE NEGATIVE IMPACT on these conditions for this Age Group
February 2021 to February 2022
Twelve (12) months after the Mandated Genetic “Vaccine” Roll Outs:
The Average Presentations Per Month of Cardiac Conditions and Symptoms rose a a HORRIBLE 11.7%
Remember, for the 2 Years that preceded this Dan Andrews Roll Out the Background NEARLY A FOUR FOLD INCREASE IN THE BACKGROUND MONTHLY RISE!!!!!
Every Month, from Cardiac Related Conditions alone ,Dan Andrews has seen the “mRNA Punt” and his Mandates likely send, on a Monthly Average, an Extra 240 Young Adults, 30-39 Years Old into or out of Victorian Public Hospitals Alone , Data does not including Private Hospitals
Every time Dan Andrews wakes that’s at least another 8 Individual Young Adults 30-39 Years old Heading into or out of the Hospital Statistics. With every one of those extra “Statistics” comes the stress on Family, Friends, Work Colleagues, Businesses & Our Public Hospitals.
Healthy Individuals In This Age Group Had a TINY Chance of Ending Up In Hospital from Covid-19.
These Novel Technology Genetic Instruction “Vaccines” Do Not Stop Infections and Do Not Stop Transmission. For Dan Andrews to sit on his hands now and to go to sleep each night having done nothing to pause this seemingly Mad Gamble is …… A Dangerous Double Down Gamble on the core of our working and family raising age group adults.
What has Dan Andrews likely gambled on with respect to the rest of the CELL TYPES of this age group; especially their reproductive systems ?
See: Screwed up LNP mRNA - an off target cluster bomb delivery system setting up countless Clinical Trials throughout the recipient's body.
See: Isn't it Frightening ? Dr. Robert Malone and Professor Ian Brighthope discuss the mass roll out of Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA
See Below a guide, first made available to the TGA , headed by John Skerrit, before the TGA released the Genetic Instructions based vaccines for use on children and adults alike. The TGA decided to ban the Decades safely prescribed off patent medications Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin from use in a part of the multi-drug Covid-19 preventative and early treatment protocols.
The actual version of the guide in the hands of John Skerrit of the TGA in December of 2020 can be found below:
A Big Thanks Goes to Philip (You Know Who You Are) for Taking the Time to Extract This Data that Should have been Headline News For All Australians to make an Informed Consent Decision to ANY Medical Intervention ; Especially Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA Genetic Instruction Based Novel (Human) Technology “Vaccines” which were presented (AND MANDATED BY VICTORIAN PREMIER DAN ANDREWS) to the uniformed public as simply “Safe and Effective mRNA Vaccines”.
Update Feb 2024
Update May 2024
Please Share:
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A note for when you share:
Note: To some you share with it won't matter that the data cannot be refuted or the tracing paper double spike is there, there are those that will simply dismiss it because they can not assimilate what they have done to themselves or their families in misplacing their trust in organizations that they ought to have been able to trust;
It leaves open two gaping wounds in the mind
1) What have I done and is it my fault - why didn't I see it when others did
2) What hierarchy is left for me to trust/believe
Both wounds may find some healing in returning to a faith and its messaging/wisdom.
For any one left who needs more convincing
One more age group: 40-49 Years of Age
The Five Years of Monthly Data from The Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset (VEMD) and The Victorian Admitted Episodes Dataset (VAED) for “Cardiac conditions and symptoms” obtained with a Freedom Of Information request and plotted against the time line of the Dan Andrew's Coerced and Mandated Victorian roll out of Lipid Nano Particle Synthetic Messenger RNA Genetic Instruction “Vaccines” that were STILL in their Clinical Trial Phase and that were predicted to spread into almost every vital cell type of the body with UNKNOWN long term consequences - Something Presented by Pfizer to the TGA when headed by John Skerrit.
Once Again the UNMISTAKABLE Double Spike Correlation
We will call this “Tracing Paper Graph 40-49 Year’s old”
How much more Data will our Health Authorities and Regulatory Authorities watch gather without withdrawing and banning Lipid Nano Particle SYNTHETIC messenger RNA genetic instruction products from any role in Australia’s Health System.
Some more food for thought - not easy for the every day Australian to find and yet seemingly trivialized in its significance by the TGA, formerly headed by John Skerritt.
Under three years worth of “mRNA” Adverse Events Reports:
Here it is in excel format in case you want to scan through the conditions that might match yours or a loved one who was coerced, pressured or lead to believe they were taking a completely safe and effective “vaccine”
And now what the TGA, as headed by John Skerritt, were prepared to stop Australian Doctors from prescribing at the doctors discretion and their patients INFORMED CONSENT in preventative and early treatment multi-drug peer reviewed protocols being used abroad today.
Over 50 Years of "TGA Banned” Ivermectin Adverse Events Reports
A direct competitor - Ivermectin : See Pierre Kory in Australia covering the world wide cover-up and demonization of Ivermectin so prominent in your trusted news Initiative Media, Google and You Tube searches and all the other information controlling vaccine stakeholders.
Disclaimer: All content is presented for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Under no circumstances should it be mistaken for professional advice, nor is it at all intended to be taken as such. The contents simply reflect current newsworthy items on Covid that are freely available. It is subject to error and change without notice. The presence of a link to a website does not indicate approval or endorsement of that web site or any services, products, or opinions that may be offered by them.
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Does it get any clearer than those tables?
Well this is troubling. Exact same pattern in QLD and WA.