If you didn’t know, the WHO, WEF, UN, IMF are a cabal headed by Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates . I read a couple of days ago that the USA state of Oklahoma has adopted legislation banning this group and claimed to be the first USA state to do this. A couple of other states replied soon after that they too have banned this disgusting assembly. We can only hope the idea catches on. It seems a bit too complicated for our Australian government.

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In my opinion the WHO is one of a Handful of controlling Globalist Networks that have either been created or been captured to carry out the wicked work that we have seen emerge in such an obvious way since the Covid-19 tool was swung into action.

Those who now carry out the crimes we are seeing by these Globalists need to be pursued ;just as all the fleeing and dispersing Nazis should have been pursued after WW2

The same should apply to those within captured Australian regulatory authorities and their appointed captured "Advisory" boards and panels.

I suggest Australia's TGA and AHPRA are two such regulatory bodies that have acted as if they were captured and that applied "Covid-19" measures that have been disastrous for Australians and the Australian Health System; John Skerritt and Martin Fletcher were the key figures in Australia and are worthy of significant scrutiny and possible prosecution.

The Australian Major Parties are all "captured' by Globalist agendas and a majority of their members are too gutless to admit it and reject the globalism or are on too good of a wicket to want to reject the agendas.

If Australians are to have any influence with their vote, it must be for parties that openly reject globalism and it must be done with a very vigilant eye on the AEC who have shown their colours in selectively going after Non Globalists political parties and doing what they can to reduce their election chances.

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'Stakeholders' such oxymorons!

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I'd like to drive a stake through their hearts, assuming these creatures have hearts, with a cross in my other hand. Plus the vastly overpaid and spineless media who have roared on this war on the people, though perhaps drowning in a sea of slimy merde would suit them better.

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Don't forget the garlic!

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