
It will take more than going carnivore ; these changes allow the meat to be modified via injections or genetic manipulation of the cows that will not need to be declared, the grass to be modified and even Organic claims to be maintained so far as those organic farmers wont be told of Genetic meddling in the "ingredients" they source.

What there is reason for is to make an effort (for the next generation) to reach as many people as you don't normally reach out to to gather a massive army of the awake.

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Its our time to shine and do our bit for the next Generation ; Shed as much light on it as possible

Thanks for reading it and if you can go the extra mile to share it with say two people you have not shared anything of this nature with yet you'll have added to the figuratively speaking death by a billion cuts these mad scientists and perpetrators of evil deserve.

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China is on the verge of total collapse... and I do mean total.... this is connected to Covid and the Covid shots...

Overcapacity and Price Wars

China’s deflationary spiral now entering a dangerous new stage



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The guiding principle of regulatory regimes for food and drugs has been an abundance of caution. That meant requiring proof of efficacy (as applicable) and, especially, safety. And these principles were applied in responsible jurisdictions irrespective of the cost or inconvenience to manufacturers wishing to introduce new products, in the best interests of public health.

So, the first and perhaps most important question here is why has that changed?

IMHO, the original definition of GMO must prevail and ANYTHING beyond 100% natural foods should undergo a rigorous regulatory inspection and review and an equally rigorous post-approval monitoring process because many possible SAEs might not be immediately obvious. And it must be compulsory for all labelling to make the GMO content of any product EASILY visible such that the principle of "informed consent" can apply. After all, if these things are so safe, what do the manufacturers have to hide?

We are obviously under threat from a number of angles, this being one of them. But another even more potentially concerning area is that of airborne (possibly also self-replicating) "vaccines" which would entirely circumvent the need for approvals, informed consent or mandates should a Government decide (as is their way!) that the release of such "vaccines" was in the general public good? And such products are already well-advanced in research.

Do you believe that "Our Governments wouldn't do that", if so, I have a really nice bridge for sale in Brooklyn.

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All the more reason to go carnivore and by local grass fed beef...

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It is like living realtime in a movie about a dystopian nightmare of a world run by mad 'scientists' working for an elite class whose quest to prove themselves gods ultimately ends in total destruction.

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