🌽sider, China Virus 2.0 is a respiratory virus. We know that the Co Vi D jabs reduced immune systems immunity to respiratory infections. The spike protein FauXi bioweapons act like asbestos and graphene oxide to attack lungs. And the majority of masks from China have graphene oxide. GooberNator Gruesome gave China $1 Billion for masks never delivered. China just cut communications cables to Taiwan. 🧐

And now WildFire COPD, like post 9-11 in Manhattan.

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Just woke up here in Japan, intending on starting a rather short but rare (for me) post regarding the LA fires, inspired by podcasters "Brush Junke" ... when I came across this. Will have to make a cup of coffee and give it a good read. Excellent prompting and use of 4.o. Will add something in my own post referring to this.

Cheers and looking forward to the read.

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There is a natural ChatGPT "narrative" that conforms with most legacy media information.

Answers tend to waffle and slip in narrative. Still some baseline information is sometimes embedded in the answers that may resemble truth.

I think there is a sinister agenda to prevent people owning land and their houses.

There are those that they have succeeded in driving out of the market through massive government spending , the printing of money and therefore the cost of assets skyrocketing to be impossible to break into owning the assets. Then there is a belt of home owners they can eliminate by imposing unaffordable "climate" related regulations and requirements and then there are others where they are lining up to take their assets through Managed Retreat; A particularly insidious mechanism where governments are empowered to declare a zone one subject to catastrophic events.

Once declared this kind of zone; a insurance may become almost impossible, ,the market value can drop to pennies in the dollar and at this pennies in the dollar the managed retreat legislation allows the forcible purchase of the asset from the owner at "fair market value". California happens to be considering manager retreat and asking chat GPT again

Yes, California does have the powers of eminent domain and can, under certain circumstances, enforce forced sales of private property. However, these powers are limited and come with specific legal requirements, including the need for public purpose and compensation at fair market value. Here's an overview of both powers:

1. Eminent Domain in California

Eminent domain is the power of the government to take private property for public use, provided that the property owner is compensated at fair market value. This power is granted by both the U.S. Constitution (5th Amendment) and the California Constitution (Article 1, Section 19).

Conditions for Eminent Domain in California:

Public Use Requirement: The property must be taken for a legitimate public use, such as building infrastructure (e.g., highways, schools, parks), addressing environmental risks, or for public safety. For example, if a flood-prone area poses a risk to public health and safety, the government may have grounds for using eminent domain to acquire property to prevent harm.

Fair Market Value: The government must offer the property owner fair compensation for the property being taken, which is typically based on its market value. In California, the government is required to offer property owners a fair and reasonable amount, and they must receive compensation if the property is taken.

Due Process: The property owner must be given an opportunity to contest the taking in court, and the government must follow legal procedures for eminent domain actions.

Eminent domain is typically used for infrastructure projects like road construction, urban redevelopment, or utility projects. However, in rare cases, it could be used for managed retreat if the area in question is deemed so hazardous (such as a coastal area threatened by sea-level rise or wildfire risks) that it serves the public interest to acquire the property to protect residents.

Note the inclusion of "Wild Fires"

If California gets away with blaming these fires on the CO2 Hoax of Climate Change it has found the perfect scapegoat for the policies it has enacted that contributed to these wild fires and created a path to wrestling properties out of the hands of land owners for pennies in the dollar - see: https://thenobodywhoknowseverybody.substack.com/p/managed-retreat-and-the-perfect-storm

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Just wanted to let you know that I read this again.

Such a well thought-out, spot-on comment!

Much thanks again.

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Much thanks for the thoughtful and detailed analysis. Will be forwarding a link to this to Tracy and Shane of Brush Junkie.

Without knowing the specifics as well as you, this matches what I understand of the gentrification of Hawaii by "Public-Private-Partnerships" ... a euphemism for "crony-capitalism" and/or "Fascist".

Yet more support for your (our) reasoning ... https://ita.lacity.gov/smartla2028

My only hedge with "a sinister agenda to prevent people owning land and their houses" would be to replace "people" with "the middle class".

Although it is true that the largest owner of land in Hawaii is the corrupt corporate-state of Hawaii, the likes of Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, etc. are part of that blob, and are helping themselves to the great taking.

Thanks again for connecting among the most important dots.

Cheers from Japan Inc. — just as corrupt, but sneakier about it.

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