If you read the bottom of the post there is a PDF file for download and printing

It has the Charts and a QR code that will take people straight to the post

Similarly on the earlier post those charts can be downloaded

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This hiding of the data reminds me of that bit at the start of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" where the council official tells Arthur Dent that the plans for the demolishion of his house were on display down at the planning office and it was his fault he didn't do anything about it earlier ............ https://youtu.be/X3fuAHLMeHQ?si=1DToaaT1X55tb4sV ........ them pretending they told us fools no-one.

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We are caged in an internet bubble which we can expand by inviting people outside of the bubble to scan there way in:

At the bottom of each post are the charts in a PDF format ; meant for printing out and displaying in public places (With permission)

The graphs also have a QR code pointing back to the SUBSTACKs you have read

You can directly download the Graphs from these two links:




By getting one or two of these charts into a public place who knows how quickly the awareness bubble will grow; with each new member comes pressure on the Globalists

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Thank you for your comments and picking up on the graph label issue on the 3rd Dose Graph.

It has now been corrected

Actually the ONS data provided also provides Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status.

Going with the 80/20 rule due to the amount of time crunching the data; the most important outcome is overall if there are more deaths due to vaccination.

Playing "Pfizers" Advocate - could there be a claim that without a vaccination roll-out the all-cause deaths and Covid-19 deaths would have been much higher in all groups.....

It would be a tall claim to make given the papers showing vaccination did not stop transmission.

Case numbers appeared to have exploded in all regions AFTER vaccine roll-outs

See Graphic at the bottom of: https://thenobodywhoknowseverybody.substack.com/p/john-skerritt-what-a-career

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Thanks - it needs a positive approach for a few decades to turn the ship around

If you download the QR code marked charts in PDF format at the bottom of the post and display them in just two places you can be a little bit more sure

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The Data Avalanche was always coming the game now is how long can it be hidden

Key things to Disseminate on this Post are the Charts

PDF at the bottom of the post with print out file (Charts with QR code to get to the post)

The buried England Data Files - Also in the post

Official Data Links

1.0 Timeline of All Cause Deaths by Vaccination Status of 18+ Age Groups

UK’s Office for National Statistics


Age-standardised mortality rates for deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19), non-COVID-19 deaths and all deaths by vaccination status, broken down by age group.


Excel Files

Deaths occurring between 1 April 2021 and 31 May 2023 edition of this dataset


Deaths occurring between 1 January 2021 and 31 May 2022 edition of this dataset

To Stitch Together Work Sheet "table 2" to cover the entire vaccine Roll Out Period

2.0 Timeline of Covid-19 Vaccination Status by Age Groups

"GOV.UK is the website for the UK government. It’s the best place to find government services and information"

Publishing Data from UK Health Security Agency

Home>Health and social care>Public health>Health protection>Health surveillance and reporting programmes



National flu and COVID-19 surveillance data report: 6 July 2023 (week 27)

It is a data file with extension ODS which can be viewed with various spreadsheet programs including Excel

In a sheet called “Figure_19__COVID_Vac_Uptake” (one of more than 40 sheets)

The entire roll-out of Covid-19 Vaccines by Age Group is the golden piece of the Data puzzle that was "buried in the public domain"

The official reason this sheet was included in this ONS data file is to support figure 19 of the report.

That Figure in the report only shows the Spring 2023 Booster uptake for 70 years and Over and for the Immunocompromised.

One wonders why the UK Health Security Agency put it in the public domain in such a shrouded manner; perhaps as a Legally Prudent way to satisfy a legislated requirement to place the information in the public domain without drawing attention to the data... Or perhaps it was an employee who wanted it to be found that slipped in all this data when a tiny fraction of it would have supported Figure 19

For Transparency and for others to pick up the Batton with more analysis

All ORIGINAL Files were uploaded to the post except the ONS file which was simply saved as an Excel file so Substack could accept the upload

These same files with Data Sorting Columns added to the relevant sheet on each file was also uploaded.

An Excel File taking the sorted Data and Charting it was uploaded to the Substack

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"The Data Avalanche was always coming the game now is how long can it be hidden"

For most people reading this excellent article, it was never very well hidden. From the very first, those who believed the claim that it was proven safe, were already discounting the certain fact that long term effects were unknown. And still, BILLIONS of people lined up to be injected. Keeping that in mind, the answer to "how long can it be hidden" is clear. For objective thinkers, it was NEVER hidden -- but for the willing, unthinking billions, no amount of data will convince them.

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I agree. The data is for court cases , tabling in parliamentary debates and other forums where Data gets a voice. Sadly for the the willing it will become harder and harder for them to ignore the consequences as they or loved ones become the statistics. This IS happening now ; for example people seeing their loved once's becoming ill a lot more often , seeing and experiencing chronic diseases and mood changes. The more this happens and the more people around them say this "Could be" from the vaccine and that it would be irresponsible and disrespectful to those they see suffer to dismiss the Genetic vaccine as a cause the more they will behave as if (if not admit) there is something seriously wrong with Genetic Vaccines.

I believe a key to the gradual awakening is consistent and memorable "messaging".

Some core Messaging

"The vaccine is a Genetic vaccine that has not been tested as a Genetic intervention"

"Globalists are the beneficiaries of monies taken from the people through their governments and they are the ones manifesting and selling both unsolvable problems and the solutions that they sell".

"Globalists organizations need to be resisted and dismantled"

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Thank you! This is exactly what was needed. The everyone 18+ data left open the possibility of skew due to vaccination rate by age and health by age. This now clearly shows the cause and it is really undeniable. Now we need to get this out there.

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We are caged in an internet bubble which we can expand by inviting people outside of the bubble to scan there way in:

At the bottom of each post are the charts in a PDF format ; meant for printing out and displaying in public places (With permission)

The graphs also have a QR code pointing back to the SUBSTACKs you have read

You can directly download the Graphs from these two links:




By getting one or two of these charts into a public place who knows how quickly the awareness bubble will grow; with each new member comes pressure on the Globalists

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Thank you from the bottom of my (unvaccinated) heart. If people read this and still don't get it, I don't know what will get through to them. This is so crystal clear and monumental.

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I like your positivity that this will crush further mrna development, myself I'm not so sure it will

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17 is greater than 21 so get your jab!

Even using their own data the jabs were one to miss as the all cause mortality was raised in those jabbed.

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Thanks very much for taking the time to dive into the data and share this important information. The only piece in the puzzle now missing is comparison of Covid-19 deaths against vaccination status, but whether we'll ever have reliable data on that is questionable.

I saw one issue with the third graph on 18-39; where should say "Percentage of all-cause deaths 18-39 ..." it says Percentage of 18-39 Population with three ..."; i.e. the heading for the vaccination line is repeated for the deaths line. A minor issue, but still might confuse some people so I thought it was worthwhile to point it out.

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Thanks, this is great. I do think the one page PDF should be run by a few test subjects, and see if they can make sense of the text and graphs, without any explanation.

The PDF only "works" when someone can find it by chance in the train, and immediately understand it.

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the idea here is that somehow evidence is what will bring down the house of cards.

I wish that were true but have seen exactly nothing to validate this idea in over 30 years

as a clinician. I have seen no one shift gears based on evidence, no one.

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Actually Ian, it is much much simpler. Some of us knew over 3 decades ago that Big Pharma had co-opted the Medical profession and established the fraud of vaccines. That without shedding light on the theory of viral caused illness. Some without any education correctly knew it was and is a great fraud. Oddly medical doctors drank this kool aid and asked for refills. Now that the kill shots have been exposed with data, the entire 3rd leg of medicine has an infected spiral fracture. The tripod cannot stand without this third leg. Topple it will.

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Yep, I tend to gree with everybody else, this debunks the potential "unhealthy user bias" idea pretty decisively. Wow. What's left is: how much healthy user bias is there (since that one is an established fact in the research literature) that is actually obscuring the true lethality of the jabs? Not that there would be any way to obscure an effect this gargantuan.

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Question about the 3 graphs (18-39 ACM vs Injections): Why does it not add up to 100%? Same as yesterdays graphs.

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Hi easy answer

Only the 1 dose or more will add up to 100%

Either Unvaccinated or 1,2,3,4 etc Jabbed

For the 2 dose or more we are no longer counting the 1 dose jabs or the 1 dose all cause deaths

So check the 100% Add up theory on the 1 dose chart of this and the related post

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Nonresponders and run-in period failures were excluded from the primary intent-to-treat analysis datasets. Counting over the entire accrual period, for the enriched population, by treatment condition, each individual denominator allows for 2 X 2 X 4 ANOVA over run-in, active treatment, blinded and open-label safety followups.

This way, proportionate totaling will yield 100% for each experimental arm

I hope that this helps.

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Thanks. That helps a lot.

It didn't seem to matter to the results because you could throw all the extra 5% into the unvaxxed and it would still be less than half of their percentage of the population. Just me being curious as always. I think I'm part cat LOL.

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You're very welcome

Adding the extra 5% into the non-vaccinated group would still be less than half of their percentage of the alleged population. But don't forget to include potential zombies and related undeads in the totals for their respective treatment arms.

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