World Economic Forum and the Trusted News Initiative PLUS the World Health Organization
Reading this and following through the links can help put into context the Web of Elites and how they have controlled what you hear see and do; a huge warning about the World Health Organization
World Economic Forum (WEF) Warning
In a March 2023 interview with Professor Ian Brighthope in Australia, Dr Robert Malone’s parting statement was “good luck down under with the Government that is quickly being consumed by the World Economic Forum”
Some links that speak to this WEF Australian infiltration include:
An Agenda to confine communities and their daily movements
Victoria Australia already planning a confined community
Former (Liberal Party) Treasurer of Australia (1996–2007)
Peter Howard Costello
Proof: 1998 WEF: Global Leaders of Tomorrow
Current (Australian “Greens”) Senator
Sarah Coral Hanson-Young
Proof: 2016 WEF: Young Global Leaders
Former (Australian Democrats) Senator
Aden Ridgeway
Proof: 2000 WEF: Global Leaders of Tomorrow
Former (Australian Democrats) Senator
Natasha Stott Despoja
Proof: 2001 WEF: Global Leaders of Tomorrow
Former (Liberal Party) Minister for Health and Aged Care
Greg Hunt
Proof: 2003 WEF: Global Leaders of Tomorrow
Current (Australian Labor Party) Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security
Clare O'Neil
Proof: 2019 WEF: Young Global Leaders
And we all know Government is influenced and often “encouraged” or “advised” by the big business end of town as to what policies and laws should govern Australians.
Commonwealth Bank of Australia - Read their “Whitepaper”
Proof: Partner Listing
Ernst & Young -See Open Letter by Former EY
Westfarmers - See their Chairman, Michael Chaney, push the One Voice Referendum
Proof: Partner Listing
Do you support the WEF by shopping at Bunnings, Officeworks, Kmart, Target or Priceline ?
Ing Group (Banking)
Proof: Partner Listing
Note Maria Zee had her accounts closed by this bank
I wonder if all her listeners can expect the same thing : See Story Link
Hope Maria Zeee is not insured by:
Allianz (Insurance)
Proof: Partner Listing
They openly joined the “Trusted News Initiative”
The Chair of the ABC is Ita Buttrose working on the side to promote Pfizer
Further “suggestion”:
The Managing Director is David Anderson
David’s linked in profile reveals he considers Ex NZ Prime Minister ,Jecinda Adern , a proud graduate of the WEF Young Global Leaders program as his “Top Voices” interest
And then lets look at what went into the Arm and then throughout the bodies of most Australians :
Proof: Partner Listing
Proof: Partner Listing
Proof: Partner Listing
Elsewhere : Johnson & Johnson
Proof: Partner Listing
See if you are helping or dealing with a WEF Partner:
Know that the WEF is influencing everything you do and it is watchin you exampe
Proof1: Partner Listing
Proof2: Talking down to the masses “Next enforcement”
The “Trusted” News Initiative
And if you are not sure just how “influential” the WEF is and if you are not sure if the pharmaceutical companies and the WEF are “influencing/controlling” what you are “allowed” to see then here it is “The Trusted News Initiative”:
“The Trusted News Initiative is a partnership, founded by the BBC, that includes organisations from around the globe including; AP, AFP, BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Financial Times, Information Futures Lab, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, The Nation Media Group, Meta, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post, Kompas – Indonesia, Dawn – Pakistan, Indian Express, NDTV – India, ABC – Australia, SBS – Australia, NHK – Japan.
What we do; Fast alert against the most harmful disinformation”
Looking into the THE BBC who founded the “Trusted” News Initiative:
Tim Davie CBE, Director-General
17th Director-General of the BBC

Tim Davie is proudly listed among the People pages of the World Economic Forum
Let’s Look Up Thomson Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Here is the “President and Chief Executive Officer of Thomson Reuters”

How odd ? …the “President and Chief Executive Officer of Thomson Reuters” is ALSO Pfizer Board Member : James C. Smith :Proof: Pfizers' Link
Most “Fact Checker” Website people have “Trusted” are affiliated with or take their information from Thomson Reuters See:
According to the duplicitous James C. Smith LinkedIn profile, while serving on the boards of Pfizer and Thomson Reuters Foundation, he also sits on the board of the WEF’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative, and is a member of the WEF’s International Business Council.
Here is a book on AMAZON published by Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake that was very critical of the Pfizer led :LNPSmRNAGI “Vaccine” bulldozer roll-out and ,yes, WEF Partner; AMAZON wants to keep it from the public:
Here is a complete expose on the New York Times caught out by the FBI records
The New York Times changed the results of elections using fictitious anonymous FBI informants; they lied to their audience.
And if the above information does not paint a broad enough picture about the general “influence” on nearly everything you get to read and hear on “regular” media outlets or through your WEF partner Google or YouTube searches; have a look at what is about to take place (May 2023) by the WEF aligned World Health Organization.
The World Health Organization (WHO) are attempting to pass binding conditions that will let them have medical and information control over any one in the world regardless of the elected government in their residing WHO signatory country.
You can read more by following this link or clicking the picture below
The above compilation of information is only of consequence if it is not only preaching to the converted…..
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Thank you for your work. There is a great deal to unpack but it help to have some background. I pity those who have no idea.
Blessings from Sydney.
Excellent post, thank-you!
I learned about Bunnings, I should've realised.