The "Truth" Filters are useless against Printed QR Codes. This post provides the reasons and a simple how to guide.

Easily allow your doctor, your child's teacher, your employees, local representatives, friends, family and strangers to view information threads currently filtered by government and private entities.

QR Codes can now be read by most phones and they direct the phone to online content.

Three Simple Steps:

Step 1) Locate the Information on the WEB that you wish to share
An Example might be a Substack Channel:

Step 2) Copy the URL and paste it into a free online QR Code Generator
Here is a good (and free)QR Code Generator:

Step 3) Use your QR code and print it out or have it printed out.

Examples of QR Codes in Action:
One-page flyers or business cards can be handed out at events or , where allowed, left in public spaces where they're likely to be noticed.

T-Shirts and bumper stickers transform everyday items into mobile billboards for your message.

Larger formats like A-frames and billboards can capture the attention of passersby in high-traffic areas.

For more targeted approaches, consider placing QR codes in newspaper ads, newsletters, or within industry magazines where your audience might already be engaged.

You can also send these QR codes via emails for people to print and display at their workplaces, enhancing visibility among colleagues.

On a personal level, small notes or cards with QR codes can be handed directly to professionals like doctors, lawyers, police officers, local politicians, or shop owners, providing them with direct access to your information.

This method not only makes sharing information more accessible but also ensures that your content reaches people who might not find it through traditional online searches, offering a tangible way to spread your message.

Background Discussion (in the Video)

The primary way people access information on the internet today is through search engines, news feeds, social media platforms, video hosting sites, and a significant amount of commercials and clickbait that appear in emails, social media messages, and browser windows.
However, searching for information is often restricted by the search engines themselves, whose algorithms and codes of conduct are influenced by the government and private entities that provide the greatest revenue. Content that governments, major corporations, and global elites prefer to suppress can still be posted online, but the likelihood of it reaching a wider audience is limited by the search filters that control visibility.

An existing, unfiltered, and simple path for people outside an existing audience to access this content is through the use of printed QR codes, which act as a bridge between the real world and the digital one.

While many people are wary of QR codes due to their association with data collection and the enforcement of digital IDs during the strict lockdowns, they ironically hold the key to accessing important information that can help keep people more informed and free.

QR codes are crucial for bypassing the "truth filters" on mainstream platforms, allowing information to reach those who might otherwise be kept in the dark by the content restrictions imposed by powerful entities.

In the video a QR code is created to point the user to the search results of a Video Platform called Rumble.

Videos from the Rumble platform are heavily "filtered" or restricted by most social media platforms and search engines due to influences from government and powerful corporate entities.

In the Video the aim was to help Oncologists to be aware of the avalanche of video presentations emerging that link mRNA Genetic vaccines to Turbo Cancers; especially if the Oncologist is not routinely asking about vaccination status as part of their understanding for the cancers presented to them.

First there is a visit to the Rumble website :

Then the search phrase “Turbo Cancer” is entered
From the filters on the right - the results are ordered by “views” = Most Popular

Then in the address bar the resultant URL was copied
In this case :

This URL was pasted into the free website :

If you scan the above QR code with a phone it will give you the option to go to the information which will take you to a list of videos on the Rumble Platform based on the search phrase Turbo Cancer and sorted by Views.

A shout out to Professor Ian Brighthope

This simple instructional video was prepared for and in dedication to Professor Ian Bright-hope.
May Professor Ian Bright-hope's humanity and expertise in integrative healthcare, for the individual, be heard by an ever increasing audience along with the voices of the organizations that seek and work with his guidance.

If you want to download and share the video to this post on your own platform use this link:

You can share/SMS this Post with this link:


A link via Twitter (X):

Disclaimer: All content is presented for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Under no circumstances should it be mistaken for professional advice, nor is it at all intended to be taken as such. The contents simply reflect current newsworthy items on Covid that are freely available. It is subject to error and change without notice. The presence of a link to a website does not indicate approval or endorsement of that web site or any services, products, or opinions that may be offered by them.

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Although the information contained is derived from sources which are believed to be reliable, they cannot be guaranteed.

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