
Heads Emerging From The Sand with 99 Million Reasons

A study of 99 Million Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients and a MOUNTAIN or "Rare" adverse events increasing mRNA recipient chances of getting rare diseases and disorders by hundreds of percentage points.

A note on the intro to the video:
There was a long planned and commercial campaign for a Government messaging and Media blitz to usher in the mRNA vaccines without question and to insure any questions or concerns were vilified by the public.
It is very difficult to come to terms with being misled so completely…
The video intro identifies the most common repeated messages used to have the Public vehemently defend and adopt the mRNA “vaccines”.

Here’s the study of 99 Million Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients:

Covid 19 Vaccines And Adverse Events Of Special Interest
3.58MB ∙ PDF file

Over 90% of the Doses were mRNA “Vaccines”

Note the Study was limited to 42 Days; whereas the mRNA Spike Protein is not limited to this period and many people get multiple and staged doses.

Are we looking at wayward, impure and contaminated Genetic instructions entering into almost every cell type of the body; injection after injection ?

To understand the numerous, complex, and varied potential cell malfunctions caused by Lipid Nano Particles with uncontrolled body-wide biodistribution—carrying synthetic mRNA instructions to produce the toxic COVID-19 spike protein—consider the following discussion with ChatGPT:

The Uncontrolled Bio Distribution is real; reported by Pfizer for the “Regulatory” Authorities to “consider”. This was revealed only through Freedom Of Information Requests and it was kept from both the public and even the experts developing and pioneering the mRNA Platform.

Should the mRNA products with uncontrolled Bio-Distribution and Wayward (impure and contaminated) Genetic Instructions be added to the Class 1 Carcinogen list ?

It has been discovered that the mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines also contain cancer causing DNA Fragments at up to over 145 times the regulatory limits meant for a targeted (not Body Wide) mRNA Genetic Therapy.

STONE SUMMIT - In Memory of Dr Jackie Stone - One of Health’s Angels
"The Stone Summit" took place on 14th October 2024. It was named after Dr. Jackie Stone, a brave doctor who suffered persecution for upholding her ethical principles. She was relentlessly and cruelly persecuted by the authorities and unjustly stripped of her medical license. This battle took a terrible toll on her and tragically she took her own life earlier this month (October 2024). See: https://tribeqr.com/v/stormsummit

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